ࡱ> ` g%bjbj Bp  l/l/l/8/T/ aH00000LLLuawawawawawawa$>chea TGLTTa 00 aMYMYMYT 80< l0uaMYTuaMYMY\$  ,m]00 Ь0Ml/U=])^La0aU]fVBf0m]f m]LNlMYP$&QLLLaaWNLLLaTTTT $l/ l/  OFFICE NO: 8 INSPECTOR: NNA PCA SYSTEM TASK NO.: 102  8 362375001 Colton- San Bernardino RTT & WRA Colton- San Berdo-RIX WDS No. NAME OF AGENCY OR PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR DISCHARGE NAME OF FACILITY R8-2005-052 300 N D Street 1990 W. Agua Mansa Rd. WDR Ord No. AGENCY STREET ADDRESS FACILITY STREET  08 27 07 A1 San Bernardino, CA 92418-0001 Colton, CA 92324  MM DD YY TYPE AGENCY STREET ADDRESS FACILITY CITY & STATE 08 27 07 Valerie K. Housel, Compliance Coordinator Same Actual Inspection AGENCY CONTACT FACILITY CONTACT Date (YYDDMM)  (909)384-5117 (909) 739-6225 AGENCY PHONE NO. FACILITY PHONE NO. S Inspection Agency (S=STATE, J=JOINT STATE/USEPA)   N If this inspection is a compliance inspection on an NPDES facility, send a copy of this report to SWRCBs Division of Water Quality, Program Support Unit INSPECTION TYPE (Check One) A1 X A type compliance--Comprehensive inspection in which samples are taken. (EPA Type S) B1 B type compliance--A routine nonsampling inspection. (EPA Type C) 02 Noncompliance follow-up--Inspection made to verify correction of a previously identified violation. 03 Enforcement follow-up--Inspection made to verify that conditions of an enforcement action are being met. 04 Complaint--Inspection made in response to a complaint. 05 Pre-requirement--Inspection made to gather info. relative to preparing, modifying, or rescinding requirements. 06 Miscellaneous--Any inspection type not mentioned above. If this is an EPA inspection not mentioned above please note type. (e.g. biomonitoring, performance audit, diagnostic, etc.)  N Were violations noted during this inspection? (Yes/No/Pending Sample Results)  N Was this a Quality Assurance-Based inspection?  N Were bioassay samples taken? (N=no) If YES then, S= Static or F= Flow through. INSPECTION SUMMARY (REQUIRED) (100-character limit) This facility has occasional coliform violations. INITIALS: NNA SIGNATURE: DATE: September 24, 2007 For Internal Use: Reviewed by: (1) (2) (3) Regional WDS Coordinator WDS Data Entry Date: -- -- Regional Board File Number:  VIOLATION (IF APPLICABLE) VIOLATION TYPE? (A-G) (See Pages IK05.0 and IK05.1 of the Micro Waste Discharger System Users Manual) DATE OF VIOLATION (YYMMDD): NA  DATE OF VIOLATION DETERMINATION (YYMMDD): DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION (200 Character Limit): EMWD is in violation of Order #98-67 for exceeding pH limits at both ends of the acceptable range. EPA SUGGESTED INSPECTION CHECKLIST SatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot EvaluatedPermitXFlow MeasurementXPretreatmentXOperations and MaintenanceXRecords/ReportsXLaboratoriesXCompliance SchedulesXSludge DisposalXFacility Site ReviewXEffluent/Receiving WatersXSelf-MonitoringX Overall Facility Operation Evaluation  (5=Very Reliable; 3=Satisfactory; 1=Unrelaiable): 3 HISTORICAL INFORMATION: MOST RECENT: Order No.Adopted DateTypeDateInspection TypeViolationsViolation TypeDate01-4510/19/90NPDES10/25/06A1YColiform, 7-day median- WeeklyR8-2005-05207/25/05NPDES08/27/07A1N ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS, ITEMS FOR FOLLOWUP ON FUTURE INSPECTIONS, NOTES, ETC. (On following pages, if necessary) SEE ATTACHED INSPECTION NOTES. Flow chart of the facility as follow: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Report Date: September 24, 2007 Location & County: 300 N. D Street, San Bernardino, CA 92418-0001 Contact(s): Valerie K. Housel, Compliance Coordinator Inspection Date: August 20, 2007 Inspected By: Najah N. Amin Site(s): RIX Facility, 1990 N. Agua Mansa Rd., Colton, CA 92324 Observations and Comments: Compliance inspection was conducted at this facility on August 20, 2007 to verify the discharge requirements. There have not been any significant changes in the unit operations in this facility. This facility treats 30-35 MGD of secondary treated wastewaters received from San Bernardino Wastewater Reclamation Plant and Colton Water Reclamation Facility. These treatment facilities treat domestic, commercial and industrial wastewaters from areas serviced by each city. The RIX facility is designed as a 40 MGD regional tertiary treatment plant. The RIX treatment plant includes infiltration of secondary-treated wastewaters into a series of ponds under conditions of wet and dry cycles, a series of extraction pumps installed around ponds to extract groundwater and to assure the capture of infiltrated wastewater. This extracted wastewater goes through an ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection process prior to discharge to the Santa Ana River, Reach 4. During this inspection the influent from both Colton and San Bernardino cities was approximately 41.4 MGD, influent pH was 6.80, conductivity was 872 (s/cm, and turbidity (pre-UV system) was 0.19 NTU. The effluent flow was 38.6 MGD, pH was 6.96, CE was 832 (s/cm, and the discharge turbidity (post-UV) was 0.13 NTU. Approximately 7.2 MGD of secondary effluent is being diverted and treated through the Dynasand filters. Due to poor Dynasand operations, this facility has occasional violations of coliform (7-day median). The rotation of the percolation ponds is ongoing. RIX facility is constantly ripping (scraping) the bases of the ponds in order to wash the sand and separate the growth of the microorganisms from the sand. The cleaned sand is dried and added to the base of the pond. This process enables the percolation ponds to regain their efficiency and to achieve the normal percolation rate. Review of the last few monthly reports indicates that the RIX facility is still having occasional coliform violations. I recommend continuing routine inspections and follow-up on their efforts to solve the disinfection violations. An Aqua Cloth Media Filtration unit has been purchased and will be installed at the site. This unit will receive 7 MGD and the unit consists of 12 vertically-oriented cloth disks inside a tank or basin. Wastewater enters the tank, completely submerging the cloth media. By gravity, liquid passes through the cloth media and solids accumulate on the outer side of the cloth media creating a layer of solid cake. The filtered liquid enters the internal portion of the disk where it is directed to final discharge through the center shaft for disinfection. Grab samples of the effluent were collected and sent to the laboratory. The results of the laboratory analysis are attached to this inspection report. RIX facility is in compliance with most of discharge requirements of Order No. R8-2006-0052 except for some excedances of the 7-day median (weekly) coliform limits.   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