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The site visit was conducted on July 11th from approximately 9:30 to noon and included a walk from the main gate along the access road through the west end of Pond S, and up the ridge between Ponds S and T, as well as a walk to observe the ephemeral drainage in the valley bottom of Pond T. Representatives from the USACE (Pete Straub) and USFWS (Vincent Griego) were also invited to the visit but were not able to attend. Attachment A consists of an informational packet sent out in advance of the visit. Attachment B consists of handouts distributed during the visit. Following is a summary of discussion items during the visit. Project Overview Joe Green-Heffern described the project and project purpose. The purpose of the project is to provide additional reclaimed water storage to meet current and future needs for the Town of Windsor. ERSP project components include: Two pond sites (Ponds S and T), one or both of which would be used to meet the Town of Windsors (Town) storage goal of 125 to 375 million gallons (MG) Storage would be provided by constructing earthen dam embankments across small drainage valleys. The storage pond(s) would be filled and drained by connecting to existing reclaimed water pipeline that traverses the southern edge of the 168-acre parcel The pond(s) would be lined and fenced. Ponds S and T were evaluated and included in the Town of Windsors (Town) Water Reclamation Master Plan, adopted in 2001 and related EIR, which was certified later that same year. Ponds S and T were evaluated at a project level in the EIR. Beginning in December 2006, additional studies were undertaken to update and augment existing data, including geotechnical, land surveys, aerial photograph, and tree inventory, as well as additional environmental surveys (described below). Current data is being evaluated to provide a recommendation to the Town for location and size of pond or ponds proposed for construction that can be carried forward into preliminary design and CEQA review. Dave Richardson provided information about the Towns reclaimed water program, including: Ponds S and T were two of 26 pond locations evaluated in the EIR; the ERSP site was selected as the preferred alternative. The Town needs additional storage in order to maintain its existing recycled water program. The ERSP would be used to balance seasonal irrigation needs with limitations on seasonal discharges to Mark West Creek. The ESRP will NOT require a change to existing permitted creek discharge amounts. While other projects are being pursued (i.e., Shone Farm storage pond of approximately 40 MG), the ERSP is a critical part of the Towns recycled water program due to ERSPs larger storage capacity. Ongoing Environmental Studies Deborah Waller described current environmental studies: Tree Inventory: A tree inventory was conducted on a portion of the parcel (from the north ridge of Pond T to the south Ridge of Pond S). Approximately 5000 trees were inventoried. Wetland Delineation: Approximately 3000 linear feet of ephemeral drainages were delineated, approximately 2000 feet within Pond T and 1000 feet in Pond S. Approximately acre of seasonal wetlands and seeps were delineated in Pond S. Rare Plant Survey: Rare plant surveys conducted in March, May and July this year. No state or federally listed species were observed. One CNPS List 4 (Watch List) species was found, Lobbs aquatic buttercup (Ranunculus lobbii). Wildlife Reconnaissance Survey: Wildlife reconnaissance surveys conducted this past spring indicate no state or federally listed species (including California tiger salamander or California red-legged frog) are expected to occur onsite. There is a northern spotted owl occurrence documented in the project vicinity, but no suitable breeding habitat is expected to occur on-site. Two special-status raptors species were observed including white tailed kite and sharp-shinned hawk, although no stick nests were observed during the reconnaissance survey. Woodrat nests were observed during the reconnaissance survey and focused surveys will need to be conducted to identify all nests. Fisheries: The drainages on-site do not provide suitable habitat for fisheries. Mitigation There was a discussion of mitigation alternatives for oak woodlands, drainages and wetlands. Deborah indicated it appeared that there were sufficient oak woodlands outside of the Pond T and S areas to allow for preservation of oak woodlands on site. Stephen Bargsten said the RWQCB would be looking for in-kind mitigation and that mitigation for drainages should not include seasonal wetland mitigation banks. Bill Cox stated that there should be consideration of the type of drainage impacted (i.e., that the drainages on the ERSP site might provide a habitat value of 0.5 while Mark West Creek could potentially be a 8 or 9 on a scale of 1-10). Bill suggested that the town look for a mitigation/restoration project on a creek with high habitat value (i.e., for instance a steelhead run). Stephen said that the RWQCB would want to have a project that had improvements to the Basin Plans Beneficial Uses similar to those being impacted. For the ERSP project, Stephan said that Beneficial Uses included water quality and water recharge. There was a consensus among agency representatives that the Town should pursue mitigation projects that would restore/enhance a creek that has high habitat value potential and that also addressed Beneficial Uses such as water recharge and water quality. There was consensus that the mitigation project focus on nearby creeks. Dan indicated that the project did not impact fisheries or fisheries habitat. Dan also stated he had notified his fisheries habitat restoration colleagues at NOAA-NMFS and would work to identify opportunities for the Town to pursue mitigation.     srs/ FILENAME \p \* MERGEFORMAT C:\Documents\DEBORAH\Windsor Ponds\ERSP July 11 2007 Site Meeting_07172007.doc  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 COPYRIGHT  DATE \@ "yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 2007 BY CH2M HILL, Inc. COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL srs/ FILENAME \p \* MERGEFORMAT C:\Documents\DEBORAH\Windsor Ponds\ERSP July 11 2007 Site Meeting_07172007.doc  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1  STYLEREF "Memo Subject" \* MERGEFORMAT Eastside Road Storage Project - July 11, 2007 Site Visit srs/ FILENAME \p \* MERGEFORMAT C:\Documents\DEBORAH\Windsor Ponds\ERSP July 11 2007 Site Meeting_07172007.doc  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 srs/ FILENAME \p \* MERGEFORMAT C:\Documents\DEBORAH\Windsor Ponds\ERSP July 11 2007 Site Meeting_07172007.doc  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 COPYRIGHT  DATE \@ "yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 2007 BY CH2M HILL, Inc. COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL KMWXYs t u | } ~    " $ U V [ x % ' * G o x 㼵حhybhNhNH*hCi&h9h1mHnHuhkmHnHujh\vU h\v5CJhNhhD8 h\vCJh|fh\vCJOJQJh\v5CJOJQJhkjh\vB*Uphh\vB*phh\v5LMXYt u } ~($ I*&#$+DZ/If ^ ^gd|f5kd)$$Ifl44 laf4($ I8&#$+DZ/If "& !N%} ~ rggcYN $Ifgdk (P$If ^gdNL Eƀ&^gdhD8 ^gdhD85kdx$$Ifl4r4 laf4 { r]XXXSXgdCi&gdkHkd,$$Ifl40d 4 laf4 $If (P$IfHkd$$Ifl40d 4 laf4     ! 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DaveG.4,"2   Richardson/RMC=(6.$8'258=W@ 2  ?K2 ? Joe Green2,F$,,5 2  -?%2  Heffern/CH2M HILLCL,,$68@M-WM88 2 ` ?J+2 ? Tim Hamaker/CH2M HILLB8QM.Q.2,$8AL.WL88 2  ?K,2 ? Gary Santolo/CH2M HILLF.$30.6218AM-WM88 2  ?K/2 t? Deborah Waller/CH2M HILLG,32$.6[.,#8AM-WM88 2 t ?J 2 ?  ?K@Book Antiqua- @Book Antiqua- @Book Antiqua- -2 -p Attendees H+68,,' 2 -  ?9.2 pAndrea Gardner/CH2MHILLLH68$,.E.$86,$8@M-VM88 2 4  ?912 -< Mark Milan/Data InstinctsrW.$3W-58G..6'5)' 2 - ?9@Book Antiqua- @Book Antiqua- @"Arial Narrow-2 Y KFROM:A"'+. 2 Y K ?- 2 b xEmDeborah WallerG,32$.6[.,#2 b Em/CH2MA8AM-W 2 b G Em ?2 b ] EmHILLM88 2 b 9 Em ?7-2 KDATE:A('"% 2 K ?-2  xEmJuly A73 2  3Em1?. 2  aEm8?.2  Em, 2007.-.. 2  tEm ?7 2  ?:,2 o These notes summarize 86,',62,''7QQ.$.,2 o a -U2 o 1visit to the Eastside Road Storage Project (ERSP)4'26,8-''8,=2-802$.3,8$2,(8=07 2 o  ?2 o site 7',2 o _ to provide 27$248,&2 regulatory agency $,37.2$3.3,6)3"2 representatives$,7$,&,6.4,'42 O an overview of the projectc-624,$4+M16,7$2+)2 , observe 23',$4,)2 site conditions and ',(26816'-68h2 R >discuss ongoing studies and potential mitigation approaches. 8')7''263162'78,'.6872+6.Q2.16.77$2.)6,'2 R Th7642 R = e site visit was conducted c,',4&M.')1687),8@Book Antiqua---2  on July 112673-.-2 th"-2  fr$72 om approximately 9:30 to noon 2Q.77$2/Q.,3...26216G2  ( and included a walk from the main gate -686)78,8.M.2$2Q6,Q.63-,2 along .1632 6 the6,2 6 n  access road.(),''$2.82 6 Q through6$2736 2 6  ?#2 6 the west end of 6,M+'+6822 6 I Pond82682 6 !  S, and up d0-6877&2 6 the ridge between 6,$82,3,M,,52 6 Pondsu8268'2 6   S and T, as o0.688-'2 well ashM,.'2  a.F2 M' walk to observe the ephemeral drainageM.3222',$4+6,,66,Q,$.8$.6.3,+2  in the valley bottom 66,4-,3322Q 2  ?2 of 22 Pond72682 W T. 8 2  ?:2 Representatives from the USACE =,7$,',6.4+'$2Q6+H0HA82 J(Petea8,,2   Straub) 0$.732 l and USFWS .58H03\0%2 l (Vincent Griego) tA5),6F#,222 & were also M,$,-'22 invited 64,8G2 &(to the visit but were not able to attend26,4&37L,$,62.2,2.+68 2 * .? 2 A  ?92 ATAttachment A consists of an informational packet sent out in advance of the visit. H.(6Q+6H)16'''2.662$Q.25.7.)3+',6276.84-6(,25,4'2 AttachH.(6a2 9ment B consists of handouts distributed during the visit.Q+68)16'''26-6827'8'$37,886$636,4&52   Following is a summary of 322L63'.'7QQ.$32>2 $"discussion items during the visit.8')7''16,P'87$636,4&2 $+  2 $p ?9@"Arial Narrow-#2 Project Overview7 2..?....@ 2  ?-'-2 LJoe Gre 2,F$,2 Len,5 2 Ly-?72 LHeffern described the projectL,,$68,&)$3,86,7$1,)[2 L5 5 and project purpose. The purpose of the project is -687$2+)77$72',86,77$72',26+7$2,)'/2 to provide additional re27$248,.8816.$,j2 ?claimed water storage to meet current and future needs for the (.Q,8M.,$'2$.3,2Q,,)7$$,6-6877$,6,,8'2$6,"2 0Town of Windsor82M62\68'2$2 0. 2 0ERSP8=0742 0 project components include7$2,))2Q716,5'6)78, 2 0T :? 2 0k  ?:@Symbol-@"Arial-- 2 ?*- 2  ?l-2 Two8M22 ;  pond sites7268','#2  (Ponds S and T)8168'0.688 2 ,? 2  ?"2 one or both of 16,2$3262(2  which would be usedaL6(6M2783,7',82 p  to meet t2P,,2  the Town t6,81M6')2 Zof Windsors (Town) 2\68'2$'82L6D2 Z&storage goal of 125 to 375 million gal'2$.3,32.2...2.-.Q262.2 Z lons16'2 ZV  (MG)rWF 2 ZG ?9'- 2 ?*- 2  ?l-2 OStorage would be provided by constructing earthen dam embankments across small 02$.3,M2783,7$247,833)25'$7)63,.$5,68.Q,P3.63P,6&.($2'''Q.'%2 Bdrainage valleys.n8$.6.3,3.,2' 2 B6 ?9'- 2 ?*- 2  ?l-2 TThe storage pond(s) would be filled and drained by connecting to existing reclaimed 86,'2$.3,7267&M2683,,8.688$-6,833)256,)632,/'62$,).Q,8'b2 *:water pipeline that traverses the southern edge of the 168M.,$77,6,6.$.4+$','6,'276,$6,82,26,..- 2 * -?2 * acre p.)$,72 * arcelp.#), 2 *l ?9'- 2 ?*- 2  ?l-D2 &The pond(s) would be lined and fenced.86,7267'M2783,6,8-68+6),8 2   ?9'- 2 ?*- 2  ?l-72 Ponds S and T were evaluated 8268'0.688M,$,,4-7.,8#2 fand included in .686(78,852  the Town of 5,82M612  Windsorso\68'2$' 2  (Town) Water 81M5\.,$'.2 Reclamation Master Plane=,).Q.16W-',$7.5n2 zB, adopted in 2001 and related EIR, which was certified later that .827,86....-68$,.,88=L6(6M.'),$,8.,$6.'2  same year. e'.Q,3,.$ 2 L ?82 cPonds S and T were evaluated a8168'0-688M,$,,4.7.,8. 2 s t a project le.7#2,),#2 _ vel in the EIR. 4,66,8= 2  ?9' s@"Arial Narrow--2  ATTENDEES:(!"$('%$%- 2 L ?'- 2 CCOPIES: (*%%%- 2 C ?'"Systemm| $ق9-                    ՜.+,0 px  .  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