ࡱ> ,.+3 bjbjCC ""!!l     k 66666666  $! A 66666 66% 666 6 v   6* Ӥ $^  ; 0k , "  California Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast Region Interoffice Communication DATE: October 4, 2005 TO: John Short SUBJECT: Inspection of City of Cloverdale Wastewater Treatment Facility On August 25, 2005, I inspected the subject facility accompanied by the Citys lead operator, Jay Robinson, and the assistant operator, Donny Sibert. City of Cloverdale, Superintendent of Public Works, Robert Crabb, met with me at the beginning of the inspection to answer questions regarding facility history and current and future upgrades. During the meeting time, we discussed issues related to the Citys permit revision, including the following: Citys efforts to reduce inflow and infiltration (I/I) into the facility. The City has videoed the collection system in the oldest (northern) part of the City and has a phased plan for addressing I/I. The City has replaced the sewer main along Cloverdale Blvd. Forty manholes have been sealed and the City has near-future plans to replace the sewer pipe in the area of Orange Drive and Second Streets. Percolation ponds and ground water study to determine facilitys impact on groundwater and pollutant connectivity to the Russian River. The City currently monitors groundwater for coliform and nitrate. I discussed the fact that the revised permit will contain a requirement to determine if there is pollutant connectivity to the Russian River. The City is aware that if connectivity is determined, that an AWT upgrade and alternative means for summertime disposal will be required. The City has already installed recycled water lines along Cloverdale Blvd. in anticipation of delivering recycled water to a future golf course to be constructed south of the City. California Toxics Rule compliance. I discussed the fact that the Citys CTR data showed reasonable potential for cyanide, carbon tetrachloride, dichlorobromomethane, chlorodibromomethane and that the revised permit will include effluent limitations for these constituents. I need to send a letter to the City so that they can evaluate the feasibility of meeting final effluent limitations and the need for a time schedule in the permit. Industrial Stormwater. The parking lot area and lab roof drain to a storm drain ditch along the north side of the facility. This ditch connects with another ditch that discharges to the Russian River. I discussed the need for the City to apply for an industrial stormwater permit. Inspection Laboratory. Settleable solids, pH, chlorine residual, temperature and dissolved oxygen are measured in the on-site laboratory for reporting on the self-monitoring report. The operators also run suspended solids tests that they use as a check on their contract laboratory. The lab is extremely clean. Lab records show that instruments are calibrated daily. All chemicals used for calibration are current (not expired). Headworks. Most influent arrives at the headworks by gravity flow. The City has one lift station at the northern part of town (Cloverdale Blvd. at Shanan Drive). Influent flow is measured in a Parshall Flume with an ultrasonic flow meter. The ultrasonic flow meter is connected to a computer in the facility office for continuous recording of inflows. The plant has a bar screen on one influent channel and is adding a second bar screen to replace an old barminutor. A unit called a Spiral Kleen units has been added to the existing bar screen and will be included with the new bar screen. This unit keeps fecal matter in suspension so that it does not get deposited into the screenings dumpster. Treatment. The facility is designed to treat an ADWF of 1.0 mgd in a series of ponds. Treatment consists of a primary aeration using a Parkson Biolac extended aeration system, a secondary aeration pond equipped with six aerators, and a settling/polishing pond. The aerators work on timers. Each pond contains baffles to improve flow and minimize the potential for short-circuiting. Jay reported to me that this system results in no sludge buildup (no sludge to remove from the ponds). The ponds had a lot of algae buildup and I am aware that the facility has coliform violations in the summer due to the algae. This is the main issue I found that the operators need to address. Chlorination. The treated wastewater is chlorinated prior to disposal. Gaseous chlorine is used. Chlorine contact occurs in a 1200 foot long, 36-inch diameter underground pipeline. Disposal. The facility discharges year-round to seven evaporation/percolation ponds, located adjacent to the Russian River. Six of the seven ponds are maintained to maximize percolation by ripping the pond bottoms each summer to increase the pond permeability. Pond 7 is never ripped because it is maintained for use as an equalization pond during high winter flows. The facility has a pipe for discharging to the Russian River but has not needed to use it for close to 20 years due to the ability of the percolation ponds to handle disposal of the effluent. During my inspection, the treated, disinfected effluent was being discharged into pond 4. The pond has approximately one-half inch of water over the north east corner of the pond! These ponds really do perc. All other ponds were dry and had been ripped in preparation for needing them in the winter time. ^ Q[y>*5 0CD^_uv'(+,  P & F ^`$a$PQxy 1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH 2@2 Heading 1$@&5\<A@< Default Paragraph Font" 0CD^_uv'(+, P Q xy000000000000000 00 00 00 000000000000000 P]cYmo Q Z z    ' A F ORGOy}% 4 8 L AJCM3333333STCathleen GoodwinCathleen Goodwin Cathy GoodwinCathleen GoodwinQD:\My Documents\goodc\WINWORD\DOCUMENT\Dischargers\Cloverdale Inspection Memo.docCathleen GoodwinsC:\Documents and Settings\staff\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Cloverdale Inspection Memo.asdCathleen GoodwinQD:\My Documents\goodc\WINWORD\DOCUMENT\Dischargers\Cloverdale Inspection Memo.docCathleen GoodwinsC:\Documents and Settings\staff\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Cloverdale Inspection Memo.asdCathleen GoodwinQD:\My Documents\goodc\WINWORD\DOCUMENT\Dischargers\Cloverdale Inspection Memo.docz~`woh^`.h^`.hpLp^p`L.h@ @ ^@ `.h^`.hL^`L.h^`.h^`.hPLP^P`L.z~`w         @* )p@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"qh*f)CFV*fJ7$ %!20$3QH/California Regional Water Quality Control BoardCathleen GoodwinCathleen GoodwinOh+'0 , HT p |  0California Regional Water Quality Control BoardaliCathleen Goodwinal athath Normal.dotoCathleen Goodwinal 3thMicrosoft Word 9.0 @