ࡱ> ` w bjbj B`  ,F,F,F8dFLF sHhG(GGGGaaarrrrrrr$Hthvr wi*\awiwir GGrlllwi G lGrlwirll[nh  ,nG\G +f,F;j$nso r0snw_kw nw na6cl~eDfaaarrl|aaaswiwiwiwi (d (  OFFICE NO: 8 INSPECTOR: NNA PCA SYSTEM TASK NO.: 126  8 360111001 Redlands, City of STP WDS No. NAME OF AGENCY OR PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR DISCHARGE TYPE OF FACILITY 98-054 35 Cajon St., Suite 15A Redlands NPDES No. AGENCY STREET ADDRESS AGENCY CITY & ZIP  01 30 07 B1 1950 Nevada St. Redlands  MM DD YY TYPE FACILITY STREET ADDRESS FACILITY CITY & ZIP 01 30 07 Dave Commons (Water Op Mgr.) Glenn Holding Actual Inspection AGENCY CONTACT FACILITY CONTACT Date (MMDDYY)  909-798-7698 Same AGENCY PHONE NO. FACILITY PHONE NO. S Inspection Agency (S=STATE, J=JOINT STATE/USEPA)   N If this inspection is a compliance inspection on an NPDES facility, send a copy of this report to SWRCBs Division of Water Quality, Program Support Unit INSPECTION TYPE (Check One) A1 A type compliance--Comprehensive inspection in which samples are taken. (EPA Type S) B1 X B type compliance--A routine nonsampling inspection. (EPA Type C) 02 Noncompliance follow-up--Inspection made to verify correction of a previously identified violation. 03 Enforcement follow-up--Inspection made to verify that conditions of an enforcement action are being met. 04 Complaint--Inspection made in response to a complaint. 05 Pre-requirement--Inspection made to gather info. relative to preparing, modifying, or rescinding requirements. 06 Miscellaneous--Any inspection type not mentioned above. If this is an EPA inspection not mentioned above please note type. (e.g. biomonitoring, performance audit, diagnostic, etc.)  N Were violations noted during this inspection? (Yes/No/Pending Sample Results)  N Was this a Quality Assurance-Based inspection?  N Were bioassay samples taken? (N=no) If YES then, S= Static or F= Flow through. INSPECTION SUMMARY (REQUIRED) (100-character limit) This facility is in compliance with all permit requirements. INITIALS: NNA SIGNATURE: DATE:  DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT March 14, 2007 For Internal Use: Reviewed by: (1) (2) (3) Regional WDS Coordinator WDS Data Entry Date: -- -- Regional Board File Number:  VIOLATION (IF APPLICABLE) VIOLATION TYPE? (A-G) NA (See Pages IK05.0 and IK05.1 of the Micro Waste Discharger System Users Manual) DATE OF VIOLATION (MMDDYY):  DATE OF VIOLATION DETERMINATION (MMDDYY): DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION (200 Character Limit): EPA SUGGESTED INSPECTION CHECKLIST SatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot EvaluatedNot ApplicablePermitXFlow MeasurementXPretreatmentXOperations and MaintenanceXRecords/ReportsXLaboratoriesXCompliance SchedulesXSludge DisposalXFacility Site ReviewXEffluent/Receiving WatersXSelf-MonitoringX Overall Facility Operation Evaluation  (5=Very Reliable; 3=Satisfactory; 1=Unreliable): 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Report Date:  DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT March 14, 2007 Location & County: Redlands, San Bernardino County Contact(s): Dave Commons (Water Ops Mgr.), Inspection Date: January 30, 2007 Inspected By: Najah N. Amin Site(s): STP Observations and Comments: I met Mr. Dave Commons, the Chief Plant Operator on January 30, 2007, at the facility. He introduced me to Mr. Mark Anderson, Grade V Operator. Mr. Anderson and I toured the plant. The headworks is operating properly and the new pumps (Variable Frequency Drive,VFD) with new motors and bar screeners with inch spaces are working properly. The plant is divided into two trains and the influent during this inspection was 7.95 MGD at 9.45 A.M to the equalization basin. About 3.5 MGD of influent from the equalization basin is pumped to the Zenan plant and 0.75 MGD to the old conventional plant. The old conventional plant produces secondary treated wastewater and the effluent is discharged to the old percolation ponds. The new Zenon plant produces tertiary treated wastewater. The Electrical Power Plant takes 1.75 MGD of tertiary treated wastewater for its cooling tower. The power plants effluent from the cooling tower is discharged to a SARI line. The extra tertiary treated wastewater which is not used by the power plant is combined with secondary treated effluent from the old conventional plant and discharged to the percolation ponds on Alabama street. Trickling filters were abandoned and they are not in use anymore. The new Spencer blowers, new diffusers, and baffles for the noxic and anoxic zones in the aeration basins are working properly. The color of the liquor in the aeration basin is light brown and healthy looking. There is no significant growth in the City of Redlands, therefore inflow to the plant is very manageable. Sludge is dried by a small centrifuge unit. Sludge achieves 35% solids, at a rate of 50 gallons a minute, heated with co-gen heat. The City still has 12 onsite drying beds, and 24 offsite beds on the bluff for back up. Dewatered sludge is hauled to One Stop Landscaping in Redlands. The City utilizes methane gas generated from the anaerobic digesters and the local landfill gas to generate 915 to 925 kilowatts of electricity at the co-gen plant. During this inspection, digesters 1 & 2 were of line and only digester # 3 was in process. Only # 1 of aeration basins is in process for conventional plant. Aeration basins 2 & 3 are off and are on a stand by. 4, 5, and 6 are designated for Zenan plant. Final effluent to the ponds was 0.73 MGD, pH was 7.13, and the turbidity was 0.70 NTU. The plant is operating properly and the house keeping was adequate. Review of the monitoring reports and this inspection indicate that, this facility is in compliance with its discharge requirements and no violations noted at this time.   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