ࡱ> sury dbjbj Oj{{t """""6668nL6Ann///AAAAAAA$hCF)AQ"6W*/66)A"" zA:::6""A:6A::g<h< 8<@A0A<G!9G <G"</ 1v:_3,4f///)A)A9///A6666G///////// : OFFICE NO: 8 INSPECTOR: NNA PCA SYSTEM TASK NO.: 126  8 360111001 Redlands, City of STP WDS No. NAME OF AGENCY OR PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR DISCHARGE TYPE OF FACILITY 98-054 35 Cajon St., Suite 15A Redlands NPDES No. AGENCY STREET ADDRESS AGENCY CITY & ZIP  09 20 12 B1 1950 Nevada St. Redlands  MM DD YY TYPE FACILITY STREET ADDRESS FACILITY CITY & ZIP 09 20 12 Joe Sepulveda, Chief Plant Operator Chris Diggs Actual Inspection AGENCY CONTACT FACILITY CONTACT Date (MMDDYY)  909-798-7506 Same AGENCY PHONE NO. FACILITY PHONE NO. S Inspection Agency (S=STATE, J=JOINT STATE/USEPA)   N If this inspection is a compliance inspection on an NPDES facility, send a copy of this report to SWRCBs Division of Water Quality, Program Support Unit INSPECTION TYPE (Check One) A1 A type compliance--Comprehensive inspection in which samples are taken. (EPA Type S) B1 X B type compliance--A routine nonsampling inspection. (EPA Type C) 02 Noncompliance follow-up--Inspection made to verify correction of a previously identified violation. 03 Enforcement follow-up--Inspection made to verify that conditions of an enforcement action are being met. 04 Complaint--Inspection made in response to a complaint. 05 Pre-requirement--Inspection made to gather info. relative to preparing, modifying, or rescinding requirements. 06 Miscellaneous--Any inspection type not mentioned above. If this is an EPA inspection not mentioned above please note type. (e.g. biomonitoring, performance audit, diagnostic, etc.)  N Were violations noted during this inspection? (Yes/No/Pending Sample Results)  N Was this a Quality Assurance-Based inspection?  N Were bioassay samples taken? (N=no) If YES then, S= Static or F= Flow through. INSPECTION SUMMARY (REQUIRED) (100-character limit) The City of Redlands is in compliance with its discharge requirments. INITIALS: NNA SIGNATURE: DATE: November 8, 2012 For Internal Use: Reviewed by: (1) (2) (3) Regional WDS Coordinator CIWQS ID: 10484310  VIOLATION (IF APPLICABLE) VIOLATION TYPE? (A-G) NA (See Pages IK05.0 and IK05.1 of the Micro Waste Discharger System Users Manual) DATE OF VIOLATION (MMDDYY):  DATE OF VIOLATION DETERMINATION (MMDDYY): DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION (200 Character Limit): EPA SUGGESTED INSPECTION CHECKLIST SatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot EvaluatedNot ApplicablePermitXFlow MeasurementXPretreatmentXOperations and MaintenanceXRecords/ReportsXLaboratoriesXCompliance SchedulesXSludge DisposalXFacility Site ReviewXEffluent/Receiving WatersXSelf-MonitoringX Overall Facility Operation Evaluation  (5=Very Reliable; 3=Satisfactory; 1=Unreliable): 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Report Date: November 8, 2012 Location & County: Redlands, San Bernardino County Contact(s): Joe Sepulveda, Chief Plant Operator Inspection Date: September 20, 2012 Inspected By: Najah N. Amin, WRCE Site(s): City of Redlands, STP Observations and Comments: I met Mr. Joe Sepulveda, Chief Plant Operator on September 20, 2012, at the Redlands Wastewater Treatment Plant for inspection. The inspection of the City of Redlands Wastewater Treatment Plant was performed to verify and confirm that the city is in compliance with its waste discharge requirements of Order No. 98-54. Mr. Sepulveda and I toured the plant to observe the unit operations and the processes. The headworks was operating properly and there were no mechanical or electrical problems noted except for strong odors and poor housekeeping. The mechanical bar screens were removing rags and other materials from the influent flow and dumping them into a bin without drying or compacting; that also contributes to the foul odor. The grit was being removed by a mechanical screw and dumped into the same bin. When the bin is full, the content is moved to the sludge drying bed to dry and then hauled to the landfill. During this inspection, the influent flow was 6.40 MGD, pH was 7.02 s.u, and E.C was 1145 s. The automatic influent sampler was working adequately and it was storing a 24-hour composite sample at a temperature of approx. 4 C. The newly-lined southern and northern equalization basins were receiving the influent flow and the free boards on both of them were adequate. The primary units were working adequately, but there were some floating materials on the surface of the basins and there was some crusted sludge accumulated in the corners of the primary basins which contributes to the odor generation but has no effect on the overall operations. I requested that they have better control of the odor in the area. The plant is divided into two trains, the influent of 6.40 MGD splits between the old conventional secondary treatment plant and the new Xenon tertiary treatment plant. The pH reading of the effluent to the ponds was 6.78 and E.C was 786 s. The secondary unit processes are old aeration basins which were converted to oxic and anoxic zones for nitrification and de-nitrification. Aeration basins1-3 are providing approximately 5 MGD flow to the Xenon units. The rest of the flow is diverted to conventional aeration basins to produce secondary treated wastewater. The secondary treated wastewater from the conventional aeration units is pumped to the secondary clarifiers and then is pumped to percolation ponds on Alabama Street for percolation and evaporation. The color of the liquor in the aeration basins is dark brown with musky odors, an indication of sufficient removal of BOD and nitrogen. All these units were working properly and there were no violations detected at this time. The effluent from the Xenon units is diverted to the enclosed chlorination basin where the wastewater is disinfected with sodium hypo-chloride and then the tertiary wastewater is pumped to Mountainview Power Plant. The electrical power plant uses most of the tertiary treated wastewater for its cooling tower. The power plants effluent from the cooling tower is discharged to a SARI line. The extra tertiary treated wastewater which is not used by the power plant is combined with secondary treated effluent from the old conventional plant and discharged to the percolation ponds on Alabama Street. Sludge is dried by a small centrifuge unit with a capacity of 50gpm. Recently they installed a newer centrifuge dryer with a bigger capacity (250 gpm). The dewatered sludge is dropped in a trailer bin and then is hauled to One Stop Landscaping in Redlands. The city also has 12 onsite drying beds and 24 offsite beds on the bluff for back up. Generated methane gas from the anaerobic digesters is flared. The city got rid of their Cojan power plant unit and the entire plant is now powered by Edison. Digester # 3 is operating and the other two digesters are on standby. The plant is operating properly and the housekeeping was adequate except for headworks. Review of the monitoring reports and this inspection indicate that this facility is in   "%-?CFIJKLMx{1 2 3 6 ; < ŻݑyoddYKh4^hMi'5CJOJQJh.-5CJOJQJhMi'6CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJ]hMi'6>*CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJ hMi'5CJOJQJmHnHuhMi'CJOJQJmHnHuhMi'CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJhMi'5>*CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJjhMi'UmHnHuKMx1 3 c  < K q v w $a$ 0^`0 p@  p@ ^`<< > ? @ A B Q X ` c f i k m n p q u    < I K M q s 祛{{{qqqhMi'CJOJQJhL5CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJhMi'CJ OJQJjhMi'UmHnHuh" hMi'5CJOJQJhlhMi'5CJOJQJh4^hMi'5CJOJQJh$CJOJQJhMhMi'CJOJQJh.-5CJOJQJ) v w @ A   $ [ \ ` a ҽज़ҽyyhMi'>*CJOJQJhMi'5>*CJOJQJh$CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJhMi'56CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJjhMi'UmHnHuhMi'CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJ/ ? @   Z [  XY/gdgC$a$gdg 0^`0  0^`0 h !(YZa./014BEPx~}r}b}h.6h.65CJOJQJaJhMi'>*CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJhMi'CJ OJQJh1zl5CJOJQJh" hMi'5CJOJQJhMi'CJ OJQJh|CJOJQJhYuCJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJjhMi'UmHnHuhMi'>*CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJ$/01%*DE >?bcdqz $$Ifa$$If$a$x  0^`0#$%(*DEF\c ?abc'-.CIJZ`ڳڝ| hMi'5hMi'hMi'56>*CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJjhMi'UmHnHuhMi'56>*CJOJQJhMi'>*CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJh.6hMi'CJOJQJh.6h.65CJOJQJ060$Ifkd$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP $$Ifa$60$Ifkd$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP $$Ifa$6kdb$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$$If?9000 $$Ifa$$Ifkd$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP60$Ifkd$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP $$Ifa$6kdu$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP $$Ifa$')*+,- $$Ifa$$If-.CDFG?9000 $$Ifa$$Ifkd&$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laPGHIJZ\60$Ifkd$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP $$Ifa$\]^_`a6kd$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP $$Ifa$`av|})2HIbchi=>B]^hu­˜˜ŽŽŽŽŽƒzqhX$5CJaJhMi'5CJaJhMi'5CJOJQJh .CJOJQJh&D0CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJ) *hMi'5CJOJQJehrhMi'CJOJQJhMi'5CJOJQJ\jhMi'UmHnHuhMi'5CJOJQJhMi'CJOJQJhMi')avxyz{| $$Ifa$$If|}?9000 $$Ifa$$Ifkd9$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP60$Ifkd$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP $$Ifa$6kd$$Iflֈ~ rzt"* 044 laP $$Ifa$ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0112IJjk>?@AB]^TV:;gd[l$a$uw  _~9>NP34AEW[HP hjvxdeUch25CJaJh55CJaJhMi'5CJ^JaJh*5CJaJhd@dAdCdDdEdFddgdNgdIYgda]@gd[l2 5 !#!##*%+%,%.%D%b%c%g%~%%%%%%%%%%&&&&''*'k'''''d+d-d.d/d>d품hMi'CJOJQJhNhMi'5CJaJhE5CJaJhIOQ5CJaJUh]GhMi'5CJaJh=5CJaJh7^5CJaJh55CJaJhMi'5CJ^JaJhw5CJaJhMi'5CJaJh0[55CJaJ3compliance with its discharge requirements.   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