*Some facilities are associated with multiple agencies. When this occurs, two line items may be displayed.
Adoption Date: The date the Board Order was adopted. This is not applicable to enrollees.
Complexity: Value of A, B, or C. The value of A is the highest and typically indicates multiple discharge points, where C represents discharges with little or no treatment.
Design Flow: Though typically the flow at capacity, it may be the permitted flow.
Effective Date: The date the regulatory measure type became effective. This is used as a date of enrollment for facilities regulated by general orders.
Expiration/Review Date: This is the date that a permit is set to expire or the date when the facility and its WDR needs to be assessed to ensure the WDR implements State laws, regulations, updated Water Quality Control Planes, and conditions at the site.
Facility Name: The place named in the order/Notice of Applicability, associated with the discharge
Facility Type: The type of facility being regulated (i.e., wastewater treatment plant, food processor, etc.)
Major: EPA designates certain facilities as major depending on their industrial category or by the amount of flow, generally flow greater than 1 MDG or a discharge that poses a substantial threat to water quality.
Minor: EPA designates certain facilities as minor that have smaller flows and are considered lower threat.
NPDES No: Federal Identification Number that stays with the discharge when a permit is revised.
Order No: Number assigned to the Board adopted order. This changes when a permit/WDR is revised.
Program: The Water Boards have divided their workload into regulatory programs that are distinguishable by attributes of the discharge.
Regulatory Measure Type: The type of order the facility is regulated by. It may be an NPDES Permit, Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR), an enrollee under a general order, a certification, etc.
SIC/NAICS: These are federal codes (SIC is historic) that are used to classify facilities.
Status: This is the status of the regulatory measure the facility is regulated under. It may be Active, Historical, or Terminated (storm water).
Termination Date: The date that coverage under a regulatory measure was terminated. Typically, this means either the discharge ceased or the facility is operating under another type.
TTWQ - Threat to Water Quality: Value of 1, 2, or 3. The value of 1 is the the highest and the value 3 indicates low threat.
WDID: This is the waste discharge identification number that the Water Boards' assign to each discharge.
The current report was generated with data as of: 10/10/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.