Violation ID |
Occurred Date |
Violation Type |
(-) Violation Description |
Corrective Action |
Status |
Classification |
Source |
1124949 |
04/14/2023 |
The City¿s San Luis Obispo Creek at Marsh Street Bridge Project involved debris and sediment removal, diversion dam installation, tree trimming and removal, and placement of two sections of rock slope protection. The Notice of Intent submitted by the City on April 13, 2023, addressing this project provides no project description or other information regarding the scope of the project. An April 20, 2023 memo from Rincon Consultants only describes this project as involving tree and sediment removal, with no discussion of diversion dam installation or rock slope protection installation. In addition, Water Quality Certification No. 34021WQ14 for the Mid-Higuera Bypass Project (which partially overlaps the location of this project) does not authorize the diversion dam installation or placement of rock slope protection in San Luis Obispo Creek. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1124950 |
04/13/2023 |
This Prefumo Creek from Los Osos Valley Road Project involved debris, vegetation, and sediment removal; channel re-alignment of a portion of Prefumo Creek; and installation of a flood bench. The Notice of Intent submitted by the City on April 13, 2023, only provided very general information addressing sediment and vegetation removal, without discussing channel re-alignment. At the May 10, 2023 site visit to coordinate emergency project coverage with the City, Central Coast Water Board staff recommended the City to coordinate with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and determine the scope of work to be conducted as 2022-2023 winter storm emergency response and 2023-2024 winter emergency flood prevention. City staff informed the Central Coast Water Board by email on July 16, 2023 that further activities at this location would be ¿completed in future years¿ and resource impacts were still being assessed. A project description for ¿Phase 1,¿ directly downstream of Los Osos Valley Road, was submitted on October 13, 2023. This submittal indicated that additional work was planned for 2024. Central Coast Water Board staff informed the City that any work beyond the ¿Phase 1¿ work described in the October 13, 2023 submittal would require a standard individual Clean Water Act section 401 Water Quality Certification to proceed. In a November 14, 2023 memo, the City vaguely referenced a project it had implemented to alleviate flooding in Prefumo Creek but provided no specific project information at that time. Not until February 7, 2024, did the City provide the Central Coast Water Board with a description of channel re-alignment and flood bench construction, which exceeded the ¿Phase 1¿ work. The February 7, 2024 email indicated most of the project was performed in November 2023. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 2
Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.
Violation Types |
UAUTHDISC = Unauthorized Discharge