Violation ID |
Occurred Date |
Violation Type |
(-) Violation Description |
Corrective Action |
Status |
Classification |
Source |
1136051 |
11/04/2024 |
Report was submitted three days past the due date. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1136052 |
11/04/2024 |
This report was submitted 3 days past the due date. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1139561 |
10/02/2024 |
Deficient Reporting |
Attachment E, sections IV.C.1.a, IV.C.2.a, IV.C.3.a, IV.D.1.a, and IV.D.2.a states that results from sediment monitoring, sediment toxicity sampling, benthic community sampling, fish and invertebrate trawls, fish muscle tissue analyses were due no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date of this Order. The expiration date is March 31, 2025. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1132689 |
07/09/2024 |
The report was submitted on July 9, 2024, eight days after the due date of July 1, 2024. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1129990 |
12/23/2023 |
CAT2 |
Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 704 ug/L and reported value was 800 ug/L at EFF-001. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1129989 |
10/02/2023 |
CAT2 |
Aldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.0000581 lb/day and reported value was 0.00016 lb/day at EFF-001. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1129988 |
10/02/2023 |
CAT2 |
Aldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.00194 ug/L and reported value was 0.006 ug/L at EFF-001. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1129987 |
08/10/2023 |
On August 10, 2023, MCB Camp Pendleton had a 22,125 gallon tertiary treated wastewater/RO concentrate discharge associated with the Oceanside Ocean Outfall Pump Station (OOOPS) force main that delivers treated waste from the SRTTP to the City of Oceanside for disposal through the outfall. 12,000 gallons were recovered from a dirt berm and sand bags. Approximately 1,875 gallons percolated into the dirt. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1118690 |
06/19/2023 |
The lab has informed the Base that several SDG's for TSS analysis were affected by low LCS recovery 50% from the batch ran on 6/23/2023. The LCS/LCSD was not within QC limits. One of these samples was our AWT grab sample collected on 6/19/2023. |
No reason for the low LCS recovery was provided and there was not enough remaining sample to rerun the analysis. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1119088 |
03/08/2023 |
pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.0 SU and reported value was 5.5 SU at EFF-002. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1109698 |
09/05/2022 |
The lab failed HT for TSS samples collected on 9/5/2022, 9/12/2022, 9/19/2022 and 9/26/22. The laboratory also analyzed one TSS sample collected on 9/26/22 after the expiration of their ELAP certification. This was due to a lab staffing issue after the laboratory was bought out at the beginning of September 2022. |
The Laboratory immediately began to distribute the incoming samples to different sub labs beginning on 10/06/2022. See corrective action attachment.
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1106079 |
01/14/2021 |
Brine tank spill at Advanced Water Treatment Plant (AWT) at Haybarn Canyon. The estimated spill volume that percolated into the ground is 216,900 gallons. The brine spilled onto the asphalt pavement around the tank and percolated in the surrounding earth. The tank is equipped with an overflow pipe, but was not functioning. The level indicator system appears to have failed as we were not notified of a high level in the tank. The level transducer was inspected and corrosion was found on the connection point to the reservoir. The connection was cleaned, the transducer will be replaced, and signal to the AWT control room will be tested to confirm operation and determine if this was cause for alarm reporting failure. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1080394 |
09/01/2020 |
About two and a half weeks ago, MCBCP noticed the chlorine dosing for the raw groundwater was higher than usual and noticed liquid bubbling up from the asphalt. Subsequently, MCBCP discovered a chlorine leak in the pipeline that delivers chlorine from the AWT at Haybarn Canyon facility to IM Plant 24. Repairs to the pipeline started about two weeks ago. The location of the chlorine pipeline repair is shown in Photo 6 within the yellow caution tape. MCBCP estimated the spill was 25 gallons. MCBCP removed the soil around the area of the spill. While the repairs are taking place, MCBCP is using a different pipeline to deliver chlorine to the IM Plant 24. MCBCP is required to include all spill in the monthly self-monitoring report. |
Violation |
B |
Inspection |
1080395 |
09/01/2020 |
Failure to Notify |
About two and a half weeks ago, MCBCP noticed the chlorine dosing for the raw groundwater was higher than usual and noticed liquid bubbling up from the asphalt. Subsequently, MCBCP discovered a chlorine leak in the pipeline that delivers chlorine from the AWT at Haybarn Canyon facility to IM Plant 24. Repairs to the pipeline started about two weeks ago. The location of the chlorine pipeline repair is shown in Photo 6 within the yellow caution tape. MCBCP estimated the spill was 25 gallons. MCBCP removed the soil around the area of the spill. While the repairs are taking place, MCBCP is using a different pipeline to deliver chlorine to the IM Plant 24. MCBCP is required to include all spill in the monthly self-monitoring report. |
Violation |
B |
Inspection |
1078874 |
06/30/2020 |
One of the five per week grab settleable solids samples were not collected the week of 6/21/20 through 6/27/20.
Five grab settleable solids samples were collected from 6/21/20 through 6/25/20, but the following week, we were informed that there was no effluent flow to the OOOPS on 6/21/20 due to a communication problem, but by then it was too late to be able to collect the permit required 5 settleable solids samples per week.
The lab sample techs will check in every day with the SRTTP operator when they arrive to see if there are any operational issues of concern that might have affected the compliant sampling.
One of the five per week grab pH samples were not collected the week of 6/21/20 through 6/27/20.
Five grab pH samples were collected from 6/21/20 through 6/25/20, but the following week, we were informed that there was no effluent flow to the OOOPS on 6/21/20 due to a communication problem, but by then it was too late to be able to collect the permit required 5 pH samples per week.
The lab sample techs will check in every day with the SRTTP operator when they arrive to see if there are any operational issues of concern that might have affected the compliant sampling. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.