Violation ID |
Occurred Date |
Violation Type |
(-) Violation Description |
Corrective Action |
Status |
Classification |
Source |
1139670 |
12/27/2024 |
December 2024 sampling event and analytical monitoring for SRTTP-OOOPS monthly ammonia and conductivity was missed. |
A thorough investigation of root cause of missed sampling event and analytical monitoring will be conducted by contractor (APTIM) to address the issue and take measures to prevent oversight. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1138317 |
11/30/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Flow Monthly Average limit is 3.6 MGD and reported value is 3.7 MGD at EFF-001.
The contractor operator will be implementing SCADA changes to include automatic notification of encroaching on compliance values and improved process controls. Analysis of effluent data is being performed. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1138325 |
11/06/2024 |
Total Coliform 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 2.2 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 8.7 MPN/100 mL. |
ALS will investigate and improve their notification system and ways to avoid this from happening in the future.
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1139671 |
11/05/2024 |
Surface Water |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 540 MPN/100 mL at A4. |
Will continue to monitor |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1136051 |
11/04/2024 |
Report was submitted three days past the due date. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1136052 |
11/04/2024 |
This report was submitted 3 days past the due date. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1136641 |
10/31/2024 |
Flow Monthly Average limit is 3.6 MGD and reported value was 3.8 MGD at EFF-001. |
The reported average monthly flow rate is 3.8 mgd, exceeding the effluent limitation of 3.6 mgd. A technical meeting was held with RWQCB staff on September 9, 2024 about the plan to return flows from Lemon Grove basins as quickly as possible where the Board advised us to pump the basins dry as quickly as possible. Increased flow to the plant, including treating and disposing the returned flow from Lemon Grove basin to prevent further unauthorized discharged attributed to the effluent exceedance. The contractor operator will implementing SCADA changes to include automatic notification of encroaching on compliance values and improved process controls. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1136642 |
10/30/2024 |
Order Conditions |
The SRTTP recycled water pump station #1 discharge pipeline had a 17,982 gallon spill that began on 10/30/2024, 1330 hours and ended the same day at 1530 hours. The spill occurred due to a break/failure at a 16 inch HDPE recycled water pipe elbow fitting. The break was isolated between an upstream check valve and a downstream recycled pipeline isolation valve. Staff performing an inspection in the area discovered the spill when liquid was bubbling out of the ground. The liquid ponded and percolated into the ground in the Ysidora Flats Area of the Base. |
The failed portion of the pipeline will be repaired prior to returning to service. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1139561 |
10/02/2024 |
Deficient Reporting |
Attachment E, sections IV.C.1.a, IV.C.2.a, IV.C.3.a, IV.D.1.a, and IV.D.2.a states that results from sediment monitoring, sediment toxicity sampling, benthic community sampling, fish and invertebrate trawls, fish muscle tissue analyses were due no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date of this Order. The expiration date is March 31, 2025. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1135211 |
09/30/2024 |
Flow Monthly Average limit is 3.6 MGD and reported value was 3.7 MGD at EFF-001. |
SCADA mods will be made to include automatic notifications when compliance values are being encroached. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1135377 |
09/12/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Violation of Order section III.A. "The discharge of waste from the SRTTP not treated by a secondary treatment process and/or not in compliance with the effluent limitations specified in section IV.A of this Order, and/or to a location other than Discharge Point No. 001, unless specifically regulated by this Order or separate WDRs, is prohibited." The discharge of treated wastewater containing PFAS through the reclaimed water system pursuant to WDRs R9-2018-0023 violated section II. Discharge Prohibitions section A. Discharge of waste, other than incidental runoff, to lands which have not been specifically described in this Order or in the ROWD, and for which valid waste discharge requirements are not in force are prohibited. |
Discharger pumped out the Lemon Grove Retention Ponds and repairs being made to the liners. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1132935 |
08/26/2024 |
No analytical data available for daily total coliform bacteria sample collected due to missed 8-hour holding time. The third party lab courier did not pick up the daily samples dated 8/26/2024 due to miscommunication between the courier company and EMAX lab. Aptim was not notified until it was too late. |
EMAX discontinued their third-party courier service and is now using their own in-house courier to eliminate any possible miscommunications to ensure daily sample pick-ups are scheduled and completed. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1132934 |
08/20/2024 |
Order Conditions |
A 248,692 gallons recycled water overflow event discharge to land was reported due to a line break on the main located in range 401. The overflow event was reported to have begun on 8/20/2024 at 0800 and ended on 8/22/2024 at 1400. Contractor operator suspected a leak when low pressure was observed in the pipeline. Recycled water percolated into the ground around the leak area. |
The pipeline was drained and repairs made by replacing a failed coupling. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1132689 |
07/09/2024 |
The report was submitted on July 9, 2024, eight days after the due date of July 1, 2024. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1135210 |
05/19/2024 |
Order Conditions |
Unauthorized discharged to land Lemon Grove basin 1 liner. The estimated total volume discharged to land beneath the basin is 3.59 million gallons of a combination of treated wastewater, untreated wastewater, and stormwater between the periods of 5/19/2024 and 10/2/2024. |
An assessment of the basin 1 liner system was performed by a contractor to inspect for leaks using airlance testing between 10/16/2024 and 10/22/2024. Lemon Grove basin 1 will remain offline until repairs can be made to the liner. When the basin is returned to service, liquid will be returned as soon as possible to the plant for treatment. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1129291 |
05/05/2024 |
Unauthorized discharge of a combination of treated wastewater, untreated wastewater, and stormwater to the Pacific Ocean through the Oceanside Ocean Outfall Pump Station in the amount of 2.536 Mgal between 5/5/2024 and 5/13/2024. |
Pumping stopped and liquid level drawn down to below discharge level. Future project programmed to reline basin. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1128195 |
04/22/2024 |
On 4/22/24, a failure in the Lemon Grove (LG) basin 2 liner was reported at the Southern Regional Tertiary Treatment Plant (SRTTP) due to tears found during an inspection. On 4/23/24, Camp Pendleton and contractor staff began lowering the liquid level in basin 2 by returning flow to SRTTP then transfer liquid from LG 2 to LG basin 1 in order to expedite the process to stop the spill. The spill was stopped on 1 May 2024 when the liquid level in the basin was below the visible tears and depth changes stabilized.
A spill of 25.5 million gallons from the SRTTP Lemon Grove Basin 2 occurred during the period 21 November 2023 to 1 May 2024. The start of subject spill is based on a peak LG basin 2 water surface elevation occurring on 21 November 2023. The termination of the spill is based on the stabilized, uniform basin 2 surface elevation that occurred on 1 May 2024, and its surface elevation being below any known liner tears. All basin 2 inflows ceased between 1 November 2023 and 9 May 2024. The spill is based on the difference in volumes of liquid in basin 2 on 21 November 2023 and 1 May 2024, accounting for rainfall and evaporation rates during this period, and the volume treated or relocated to basin 1. Temporary repairs will be made to the tears in the liner by patching the failed areas. Camp Pendleton is working with our service contractor to identify, schedule, and award the liner repairs. Camp Pendleton is also developing a project for full replacement of the liner system with a planned award in FY25.
Replacement of both Lemon Grove Pond liners, |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1130315 |
04/06/2024 |
CAT2 |
Aldrin 30-Day Average limit is .0026 ug/L and reported value was .0098 ug/L at EFF-001. |
Placed on accelerated monthly sampling and analysis until four consecutive analyses reported under effluent limit. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1130312 |
04/06/2024 |
CAT2 |
Aldrin 30-Day Average limit is 0.0000581 lb/day and reported value was 0.00023 lb/day at EFF-001. |
Placed on accelerated monthly sampling and analysis until four consecutive analyses reported under effluent limit. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1125228 |
02/29/2024 |
CAT1 |
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported value was 36.2 mg/L. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1125225 |
02/19/2024 |
Greater than 10% of samples collected for enterococci exceeded the STV. Greater than 10% of samples collected for enterococci exceeded the STV. The six-week rolling geometric mean exceeded 30 CFU per 100 mL for station S-3 sampled on 02/19/24. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1125222 |
02/17/2024 |
One of the five required weekly BOD samples was not collected the week of 2/11-17/2024. From 2/12/2024 through 2/14/2024, the influent autosampler was not receiving a flow rate signal. The analog to digital signal converter was replaced and the signal to the autosampler was restored. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1125223 |
02/17/2024 |
One of the five required weekly TSS samples was not collected the week of 2/11-17/2024.
From 2/12/2024 through 2/14/2024, the influent autosampler was not receiving a flow rate signal. The analog to digital signal converter was replaced and the signal to the autosampler was restored. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1125224 |
02/07/2024 |
Surface Water |
The sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-3, S-4 and S-5 sampled on 02/07/24. Single sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-3, S-4 and S-5 sampled on 02/07/24. The exceedances from 02/07/24 were due to the samples being taken within 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1125226 |
02/06/2024 |
CAT1 |
Settleable Solids Instantaneous Maximum limit is 3.0 ml/L and reported value was 6.0 ml/L at EFF-002. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1125227 |
02/01/2024 |
The SRTTP-Reclaimed coliform sample collected on 2/1/2024 missed getting picked up by the courier due to heavy rain that day. Since the hold time was going to be missed the sample was not turned to the lab for analysis and was discarded. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1124366 |
01/27/2024 |
Due to low reclaim flows during the week of 1/21/2024 through 1/27/2024, a weekly composite BOD and TSS was not collected by the autosampler until Friday 1/26/2024. The weekend sample tech was not aware the weekly BOD and TSS sample had not been collected so he failed to collect and send the weekly BOD and TSS sample to the lab on Saturday 1/27/2024 when he visited the reclaim site location. |
A sign has since been placed inside the autosampler to indication if the weekly sample has been collected, the SOP for the reclaim site has been updated and the sample techs have been told of the change in the SOP to prevent missing a weekly sample. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1124362 |
01/23/2024 |
Surface Water |
Greater than 10% of samples collected for enterococci exceeded the STV. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1124361 |
01/23/2024 |
Surface Water |
Single sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-1 (540 MPN/100 ml) sampled on 01/23/24. The single sample maximum is not to exceed 400 CFU per 100 ml. The exceedances from 1/23/2024 was due to the samples being taken within 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1124363 |
01/23/2024 |
Surface Water |
Single sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-2 (540 MPN/100 ml) sampled on 01/23/24. The single sample maximum is not to exceed 400 CFU per 100 ml. The exceedances from 1/23/2024 was due to the samples being taken within 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1124364 |
01/23/2024 |
Surface Water |
Single sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-3 (725 MPN/100 ml) sampled on 01/23/24. The single sample maximum is not to exceed 400 CFU per 100 ml. The exceedances from 1/23/2024 was due to the samples being taken within 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1124365 |
01/23/2024 |
Surface Water |
Single sample maximum for fecal coliform was in exceedance for stations S-5 (1,100 MPN/100 ml) sampled on 01/23/24. The single sample maximum is not to exceed 400 CFU per 100 ml. The exceedances from 1/23/2024 was due to the samples being taken within 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1123525 |
12/24/2023 |
Due to plant maintenance from 12/28/2023 through 12/30/2023, the Base was not able to collect five weekly BOD and TSS samples the week of 12/24/2023 through 12/30/2023 as there was no flow on these days. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1129990 |
12/23/2023 |
CAT2 |
Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 704 ug/L and reported value was 800 ug/L at EFF-001. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1122913 |
11/20/2023 |
Laboratory or procedural error occurred on 11/20/2023. Incubator temperatures were not taken 4 hours apart for S-1 through S-5 as required. |
Continue monitoring |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1122087 |
10/09/2023 |
The lab failed to analyze the TSS on 10/9/2023. While running the TSS analysis, the analyst made an error that resulted in running out of sample volume. |
Lab was instructed to be more careful when performing analysis. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1129989 |
10/02/2023 |
CAT2 |
Aldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.0000581 lb/day and reported value was 0.00016 lb/day at EFF-001. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1129988 |
10/02/2023 |
CAT2 |
Aldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.00194 ug/L and reported value was 0.006 ug/L at EFF-001. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1123526 |
09/11/2023 |
Surface Water |
On 9/11/23 the A-2 mid depth sample (1600 MPN/100 ml), exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 MPN/100 ml). |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1121343 |
09/11/2023 |
Surface Water |
The A-2 mid depth sample taken on 09/11/23 (1600 MPN/100 ml) exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 MPN/100 ml). |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1120186 |
08/22/2023 |
Surface Water |
The S-4 location sampled on 08/22/23 exceeded the
30-day geometric mean for fecal coliforms. |
None. Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1129987 |
08/10/2023 |
On August 10, 2023, MCB Camp Pendleton had a 22,125 gallon tertiary treated wastewater/RO concentrate discharge associated with the Oceanside Ocean Outfall Pump Station (OOOPS) force main that delivers treated waste from the SRTTP to the City of Oceanside for disposal through the outfall. 12,000 gallons were recovered from a dirt berm and sand bags. Approximately 1,875 gallons percolated into the dirt. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1120185 |
08/07/2023 |
Surface Water |
The S-4 samples taken on 08/07/23 at 0838 and 0853, and S-1, S-2, S-3,
S-4, and S-5 samples taken on 08/22/23 exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms. |
None. The exceedances from 08/07/23 at the S-4 location were most likely due to the high tide surf mixing with riprap rocks used for erosion protection.
The exceedances from 08/22/23 were due to the samples being taken with in 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1120187 |
08/01/2023 |
Surface Water |
Greater than 10% of samples collected for Enterococci exceeded the STV. |
None. Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1117386 |
04/03/2023 |
On 4/3/2023, the lab forgot to schedule a courier pickup for the reclaim grab Coliform sample. Additionally, there was no local lab available to bring the reclaim grab Coliform sample and get it analyzed within HT.
On 4/23/2023 the reclaim Coliform sample was analyzed using the wrong method. The Analyst was not aware that SM9221 B/C refers to the multiple-tube test due to lack of training. |
A corrective action was submitted to the Labatory, and the staff received additional training. Also working with new labs to coordinate delivery schedules. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1116099 |
03/19/2023 |
A weekly pH sample was not collecd for the week of 3/19/2023 through 3/25/2023.
A weekly compliant BOD and TSS sample was not collected the week of 3/19/2023 through 3/25/2023. The lab attempted to collect a BOD and TSS sample on 3/21/2023, a day when there was no reclaim flow. The SRTTP recorded enough flow on 3/19/2023, 3/24/2023 and 3/25/2023 to collect a compliant BOD and TSS composite sample (the reclaim composite autosampler only receives a digital signal every 1,000 gallons, so a minimum flow of 8,000 gallons is required to collect a compliant sample of at least 8 aliquots). The SRTTP reclaim produced in excess of 8,000 gallons on 3/19/2023 - 20,000 gallons, 3/24/2023 - 28,000 gallons and on 3/25/2023 -12,000 gallons.
The lab has been directed to collect a grab pH sample weekly if the SRTTP is producing any reclaim water, even if a compliant BOD and TSS sample with at least 8 aliquots could not be collected weekly.
The lab has also been directed to record the reclaim autosampler data in a field sheet on the daily Coliform COC. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1116096 |
03/19/2023 |
Surface Water |
The S-2 on 03/19/23, 03/20/23, 03/27/23 and S-3 on 03/17/23, 03/18/23, 03/19/23, 03/20/23, and 03/27/23 locations exceeded the 6-week geometric mean for Enterococci. All exceedances were due to the sample being taken with in 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch and/or the wastewater spill that discharged into the Loma Alta Creek on 03/15/23. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1116098 |
03/18/2023 |
Surface Water |
The S-3 location on 03/18/23 and 03/19/23 exceeded the 30-day geometric mean for fecal coliforms. All exceedances were due to the sample being taken with in 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch and/or the wastewater spill that discharged into the Loma Alta Creek on 03/15/23. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1116097 |
03/15/2023 |
Surface Water |
The S-2 on 03/15/23 and 03/16/23, S-3 on 03/15/23, and S-4 on 03/20/23 locations exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms. All exceedances were due to the sample being taken with in 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch and/or the wastewater spill that discharged into the Loma Alta Creek on 03/15/23. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1119657 |
03/08/2023 |
A Settleable Solids sample collected on 3/8/2023 at 9:00 AM was rejected as a compliant sample. The sample result was reported as 300 ml/L. After discussion with the operator, it was determined that the Equalization Basin was being cleaned and the Off-Spec water was being delivered to the Lemon Grove Ponds. The OOOPS flow records shows that there was no flow out the OOOPS between 8:46 AM to 10:58 AM on 3/8/2023. |
Sample tech will check in with operational staff to determine if the plant is running in normal operation conditions for sampling at all sample points. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1119088 |
03/08/2023 |
pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.0 SU and reported value was 5.5 SU at EFF-002. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1115012 |
02/04/2023 |
A weekly compliant pH sample was not collected in February during the week of 2/1/2023 through 2/4/2023, 2/5/2023 through 2/11/2023, 2/12/2023 through 2/18/2023, and 2/19/2023 through 2/25/2023.
One weekly compliant BOD sample was not collected in February on 2/22/2023. The reclaim composite autosampler only receives a digital signal every 1,000 gallons, so a minimum flow of 8,000 gallons are required to collect at least 8 aliquots. On 2/22/2023 (17,000 gallons) was produced, but there was a plant power failure that stopped the reclaim autosampler from collecting a compliant sample.
One weekly compliant TSS sample was not collected in February on 2/22/2023. The reclaim composite autosampler only receives a digital signal every 1,000 gallons, so a minimum flow of 8,000 gallons are required to collect at least 8 aliquots. On 2/22/2023 (17,000 gallons) was produced, but there was a plant power failure that stopped the reclaim autosampler from collecting a compliant sample.
Continue monitoring. The lab has now been directed to collect a grab pH sample once a week if the SRTTP is producing reclaim water, even if a compliant BOD and TSS sample with at least 8 aliquots cannot be collected that week. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1115011 |
02/02/2023 |
Discharge of approximately three (3) million gallons of treated/untreated waste mixture of treated non-disinfected wastewater, untreated wastewater, and stormwater. |
Removed remaining liquid and isolated basin until repairs can be made. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1114013 |
01/17/2023 |
Surface Water |
Exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 CFU/100 ml) due to the sample being taken within 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. Result at S2 was 700 MPN/100ml on 1/17/2023. |
Continue Monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1114014 |
01/17/2023 |
Surface Water |
Exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 CFU/100 ml) due to the sample being taken within 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. Result at S3 was 810 MPN/100ml on 1/17/2023. |
Continue Monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1114015 |
01/17/2023 |
Surface Water |
Exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 CFU/100 ml) due to the sample being taken within 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. Result at S4 was 540 MPN/100ml on 1/17/2023. |
Continue Monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1114016 |
01/17/2023 |
Surface Water |
Exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 CFU/100 ml) due to the sample being taken within 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. Result at S5 was 520 MPN/100ml on 1/17/2023. |
Continue Monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1118691 |
01/10/2023 |
The 3-species fish toxicity screening was not conducted within the 24-month period (Last conducted 1/10/2021). Beginning in mid-December 2022, the plant began experiencing plant operations issues stemming from heavy rainfall, power outages, and equipment failures. There was no opportunity for the sampling contractor to collect the multiple scheduled 3-species sensitivity screenings in January, February or March 2023. It was not until the week of April 24th that the 1st round of 3-species sensitivity screening could successfully be collected and analyzed. Rounds 2 and 3 of the sensitivity screening were then collected the weeks of 5/22/2023 and 6/19/2023, respectively. |
The next round of sensitivity screening samples has been scheduled to be initiated prior to 6/18/2025. This collection period should avoid any problems with weather issues. Plant operations issues should all be resolved by 2025. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1114018 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Enterococci: Greater than 10% of samples exceeded the STV (110 CFU/100 ml) due to the sample being taken within 72 hours after precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch |
Continue Monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1114019 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Enterococci: Greater than 10% of samples exceeded the STV (110 CFU/100 ml) due to the sample being taken within 72 hours after precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch |
Continue Monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1114022 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Enterococci: Greater than 10% of samples exceeded the STV (110 CFU/100 ml) due to the sample being taken within 72 hours after precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch |
Continue Monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1114017 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Enterococci: Greater than 10% of samples exceeded the STV (110 CFU/100 ml) due to the sample being taken within 72 hours after precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. |
Continue Monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1114021 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Enterococci: Greater than 10% of samples exceeded the STV (110 CFU/100 ml) due to the sample being taken within 72 hours after precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. |
Continue Monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1114020 |
01/03/2023 |
Surface Water |
Exceeded the single sample maximum limitation for fecal coliforms (400 CFU/100 ml) due to the sample being taken within 72 hours after the precipitation was greater than 0.10 inch. Result at S3 was 2600 MPN/100ml on 1/3/2023. |
Continue Monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1112743 |
12/22/2022 |
The laboratory missed the Hold Time (HT) for the BOD sample collected on 12/22/22. This was caused by the lab analysis who did not start the analysis until 12/27/2022. |
Lab was reminded to analyze the samples on time or quickly notify the contract laboratory so another sample can be collected.  |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1112747 |
12/12/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 540 MPN/100 mL at S1. |
Continue monitoring. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1112748 |
12/11/2022 |
On 12/11/2022, a power pole was knocked down and the resulting power outage prevented collection of one of the permit required five/week BOD and TSS samples. Autosamplers were set to collect BOD and TSS every day at EFF-002, but the power outage only allowed four compliant samples this week. |
The power pole was repaired, and power was restored in a few days. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1112746 |
11/14/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1100 MPN/100 mL at A2. |
Continue to monitor. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1112744 |
11/14/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1100 MPN/100 mL at A3. |
Continue to monitor. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1112745 |
11/14/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 490 MPN/100 mL at A5. |
Continue to monitor. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1110624 |
10/03/2022 |
The lab failed HT for TSS sample collected on 10/3/2022. The laboratory also analyzed this TSS sample after the expiration of their ELAP certification. This was due to a lab staffing issue after the laboratory was bought out at the beginning of September 2022. |
The Laboratory immediately began to distribute the incoming samples to different sub labs beginning on 10/06/2022. See corrective action attachment. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1110622 |
10/01/2022 |
The lab failed HT for TSS samples collected between 10/1/2022 through 10/4/2022. The laboratory also analyzed these TSS samples after the expiration of their ELAP certification. This was due to a lab staffing issue after the laboratory was bought out at the beginning of September 2022. |
The Laboratory immediately began to distribute the incoming samples to different sub labs beginning on 10/06/2022. See corrective action attachment. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1110623 |
10/01/2022 |
The lab failed HT for TSS samples collected between 10/1/2022 through 10/4/2022. The laboratory also analyzed these TSS samples after the expiration of their ELAP certification. This was due to a lab staffing issue after the laboratory was bought out at the beginning of September 2022. |
The Laboratory immediately began to distribute the incoming samples to different sub labs beginning on 10/06/2022.See corrective action attachment. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1109701 |
09/26/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1600 MPN/100 mL at S4. |
None. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1109695 |
09/05/2022 |
The laboratory missed the Hold Time (HT) for TSS samples collected on 9/5/22, 9/14/22, 9/19/22 and 9/26/22. The laboratory also analyzed TSS samples collected on 9/19/22 and 9/26/22 after the expiration of their ELAP certification. This was due to a lab staffing issue after the laboratory was bought out at the beginning of September 2022. |
The Laboratory immediately began to distribute the incoming samples to different sub labs beginning on 10/06/2022.See corrective action attachment. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1109700 |
09/01/2022 |
The lab failed HT for all TSS samples for the month of September with the exception of 9/6/2022, 9/7/2022 and 9/8/2022. The laboratory also analyzed TSS samples collected from 9/19/22 through 9/30/22 after the expiration of their ELAP certification. This was due to a lab staffing issue after the laboratory was bought out at the beginning of September 2022. |
The Laboratory immediately began to distribute the incoming samples to different sub labs beginning on 10/06/2022.See corrective action attachment. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1109699 |
09/01/2022 |
The lab failed HT for two settleable solids sample on 9/25/2022 and 9/30/2022 and all TSS samples collected for the month of September with the exception of 9/6/2022, 9/7/2022 and 9/8/2022. The laboratory also analyzed TSS samples collected from 9/19/22 through 9/30/22 after the expiration of their ELAP certification. This was due to a lab staffing issue after the laboratory was bought out at the beginning of September 2022. |
The Laboratory immediately began to distribute the incoming samples to different sub labs beginning on 10/06/2022.See corrective action attachment. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1109782 |
08/31/2022 |
The lab failed HT for the influent and effluent TSS samples on 8/31/2022. This was due to a lab staffing issue after the laboratory was bought out at the beginning of September 2022. |
The Laboratory immediately began to distribute the incoming samples to different sub labs beginning on 10/06/2022.See corrective action attachment. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1109783 |
08/31/2022 |
The lab failed HT for the influent and effluent TSS samples on 8/31/2022. This was due to a lab staffing issue after the laboratory was bought out at the beginning of September 2022. |
The Laboratory immediately began to distribute the incoming samples to different sub labs beginning on 10/06/2022.See corrective action attachment. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1107592 |
07/25/2022 |
Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 1100 MPN/100 mL at A2. *** Dismissed:There is currently not enough information to confirm that Oceanside OO was the cause of this violation |
N/A |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1103337 |
01/24/2022 |
CAT2 |
TCDD Equivalents 30-Day Average limit is 0.343 pg/L and reported value was 0.748 pg/L at EFF-001. |
Collected a second TCDD sample this quarter on 3/1/2022 which resulted in a value of ND. Will continue to collect two TCDD samples per quarter until four consecutive samples are below the limit of 0.343 pg/l. The source control group is going to be collecting TCDD samples from potential sources within the collection system. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1099493 |
12/27/2021 |
BOD was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099492 |
12/27/2021 |
TSS was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099482 |
12/27/2021 |
pH was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099488 |
12/20/2021 |
BOD was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099490 |
12/20/2021 |
TSS was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099491 |
12/20/2021 |
pH was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099478 |
12/14/2021 |
BOD was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retention ponds due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs have been completed. *** Dismissed:Duplicate of 1099476 |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1099480 |
12/14/2021 |
TSS was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retention ponds due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs have been completed. *** Dismissed:Duplicate of 1099476 |
Completion of SBR repairs.
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1099477 |
12/13/2021 |
BOD was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retention ponds due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs have been completed. *** Dismissed:Duplicate of 1099476 |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1099487 |
12/13/2021 |
BOD was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099481 |
12/13/2021 |
TSS was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retention ponds due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs have been completed. *** Dismissed:Duplicate of 1099476 |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1099485 |
12/13/2021 |
TSS was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099489 |
12/13/2021 |
pH was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099476 |
12/12/2021 |
BOD was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retention ponds due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs have been completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1099479 |
12/12/2021 |
TSS was not collected because all effluent flow was being diverted to the retention ponds due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs have been completed. *** Dismissed:Duplicate of 1099476 |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1099484 |
12/06/2021 |
BOD was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099486 |
12/06/2021 |
TSS was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099483 |
12/06/2021 |
pH was not collected due to high turbidity while the SBR repairs were being completed. |
Completion of SBR repairs. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099474 |
08/31/2021 |
The lab failed to collect Settleable Solids 7-days/week for one week in July or August. |
The lab has placed a tentative July sampling calendar in the lab portal and has added reoccurring Outlook reminders for lab staff and all sample techs for every July. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1099475 |
08/31/2021 |
The lab failed to collect pH 7-days/week for one week in July or August. |
The lab has placed a tentative July sampling calendar in the lab portal and has added reoccurring Outlook reminders for lab staff and all sample techs for every July. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1093613 |
07/09/2021 |
One of the 5 weekly required settleable solids sample was not collected The week of 7/4/21 through 7/10/21. The SRTTP was diverting water to the Lemon Grove ponds due to an influent issue so no settleable solids samples were collected on 7/6/21. The sample tech forgot to collect the fifth settleable solids sample at the end of the week. |
Lab will track resampling any time a sample is not collected or cancelled. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1099929 |
07/07/2021 |
Sanitary sewer overflow on July 7, 2021 that resulted in the discharge of 50,000 gallons of untreated wastewater to French Creek. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1092909 |
06/02/2021 |
ii. The Dischager reported the unauthorized discharge of recycled water to land on June 2, 2021. The Dischager determined the discharge originated from a failure of a 16-inch recycled water pipeline located between Gooseneck pumping station and Ysidora Flats on United States Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. The failed recycled water pipeline resulted in the unauthorized discharge of 161,760 gallons of recycled water |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1090381 |
04/04/2021 |
CAT2 |
TCDD Equivalents 30-Day Average limit is 0.013 ulbs/day and reported value was 0.011 ulbs/day at EFF-001. |
Airfield was advised of required requests for discharge requirements and limits. Additional monitoring to be conducted this quarter. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1090382 |
04/04/2021 |
CAT2 |
TCDD Equivalents 30-Day Average limit is 0.343 pg/L and reported value was 0.457 pg/L at EFF-001. |
Airfield was advised of required requests for discharge requirements and limits. Conduct additional monitoring this quarter. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1099931 |
03/29/2021 |
Sanitary sewer overflow on March 29, 2021 that resulted in 38,000 gallons of untreated wastewater to French Creek. The Discharger recovered 28,000 gallons from French Creek. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1106079 |
01/14/2021 |
Brine tank spill at Advanced Water Treatment Plant (AWT) at Haybarn Canyon. The estimated spill volume that percolated into the ground is 216,900 gallons. The brine spilled onto the asphalt pavement around the tank and percolated in the surrounding earth. The tank is equipped with an overflow pipe, but was not functioning. The level indicator system appears to have failed as we were not notified of a high level in the tank. The level transducer was inspected and corrosion was found on the connection point to the reservoir. The connection was cleaned, the transducer will be replaced, and signal to the AWT control room will be tested to confirm operation and determine if this was cause for alarm reporting failure. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1086793 |
01/02/2021 |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted to Lemon Grove ponds until the meter was repaired and flow resumed on 12/29/20 at 1734 hours. Grab pH samples were collected on 12/30/20 and 12/31/20. pH samples were scheduled to be collected on 1/2/21 but were not collected by sample techs. *** Dismissed:Duplicate of 1086790 |
Lab has updated the notification process to inform sample techs of rescheduled samples. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1086791 |
01/02/2021 |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted to Lemon Grove ponds until the meter was repaired and flow resumed on 12/29/20 at 1734 hours. Grab settleable solids samples were collected on 12/30/20 and 12/31/20. Settleable solids samples were scheduled to be collected on 1/2/21 but were not collected by sample techs. *** Dismissed:Duplicate of 1086790 |
Lab has updated the notification process to inform sample techs of rescheduled samples. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1086792 |
01/01/2021 |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted to Lemon Grove ponds until the meter was repaired and flow resumed on 12/29/20 at 1734 hours. Grab pH samples were collected on 12/30/20 and 12/31/20. pH samples were scheduled to be collected on 1/1/21 but were not collected by sample techs. *** Dismissed:Duplicate of 1086790 |
Lab has updated the notification process to inform sample techs of rescheduled samples. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1086790 |
01/01/2021 |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted to Lemon Grove ponds until the meter was repaired and flow resumed on 12/29/20 at 1734 hours. Grab settleable solids samples were collected on 12/30/20 and 12/31/20. Settleable solids samples were scheduled to be collected on 1/1/21 but were not collected by sample techs. |
Lab has updated the notification process to inform sample techs of rescheduled samples. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1086794 |
12/29/2020 |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted to Lemon Grove ponds until the meter was repaired and flow resumed on 12/29/20 at 1734 hours. The autosampler was not able to collect a compliant (8 aliquot) composite BOD sample on 12/29/20 (1734-2359 hours). *** Dismissed:Duplicate of 1084900 |
Lab has updated the notification process to inform sample techs of rescheduled samples. Backup autosamplers will also be scheduled to be turned on and programmed for a possible short collection day when OOOPS flow is off to be able to capture a compliant sample. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1086795 |
12/29/2020 |
The OOOPS chlorine meter failed on 12/25/20 at 910 hours. All flow was diverted to Lemon Grove ponds until the meter was repaired and flow resumed on 12/29/20 at 1734 hours. The autosampler was not able to collect a compliant (8 aliquot) composite TSS sample on 12/29/20 (1734-2359 hours). *** Dismissed:Duplicate of 1084900 |
Lab has updated the notification process to inform sample techs of rescheduled samples. Backup autosamplers will also be scheduled to be turned on and programmed for a possible short collection day when OOOPS flow is off to be able to capture a compliant sample. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1084900 |
12/29/2020 |
The OOOPS flow was restored on 12/29/20 at 5:34 PM . A grab settleable solids and pH was not collected as the plant flow was not restored until after the sample techs returned to the lab. |
Schedule collecting these constituents later in the week. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1084903 |
12/25/2020 |
The OOOPS shut down at 9:09 AM on 12/25/20. The autosampler did not collect 8 aliquots required for a compliant sample |
Replaced the chlorine probe.Backup autosamplers were put online with an accelerated sampling program. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1092180 |
11/14/2020 |
Failure to prohibit the discharge of pollutants to surface waters except in compliance with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
The USMC notified the San Diego Water Board on November 16, 2020 that a recycled water pipeline failed discharging 280,000 gallons of recycled water to the Santa Margarita River on November 14, 2020. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1092179 |
11/14/2020 |
Failure to prohibit the discharge of treated liquid waste in a manner other than described in Order No. R9-2018-0023.
The USMC notified the San Diego Water Board on November 16, 2020 that a recycled water pipeline failed discharging 280,000 gallons of recycled water to the Santa Margarita River on November 14, 2020. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1078874 |
06/30/2020 |
One of the five per week grab settleable solids samples were not collected the week of 6/21/20 through 6/27/20.
Five grab settleable solids samples were collected from 6/21/20 through 6/25/20, but the following week, we were informed that there was no effluent flow to the OOOPS on 6/21/20 due to a communication problem, but by then it was too late to be able to collect the permit required 5 settleable solids samples per week.
The lab sample techs will check in every day with the SRTTP operator when they arrive to see if there are any operational issues of concern that might have affected the compliant sampling.
One of the five per week grab pH samples were not collected the week of 6/21/20 through 6/27/20.
Five grab pH samples were collected from 6/21/20 through 6/25/20, but the following week, we were informed that there was no effluent flow to the OOOPS on 6/21/20 due to a communication problem, but by then it was too late to be able to collect the permit required 5 pH samples per week.
The lab sample techs will check in every day with the SRTTP operator when they arrive to see if there are any operational issues of concern that might have affected the compliant sampling. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1079678 |
04/07/2020 |
Chronic Toxicity-Topsmelt-Survival Event Discharge limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1.0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at EFF-001. |
Conducted four accelerated monitoring sampling events every two weeks after the initial analysis. All four accelerated monitoring passed. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.