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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 631608
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
9 631608 HARRF Disch To San Elijo OO CS Collection_System 201 North Broadway Escondido, CA, 92025 San Diego

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
644921 Person Romero Gonzalez Is A Data Submitter For 04/29/2024
627223 Person Victor Corrales Is Onsite Manager For 04/09/2024
627223 Person Victor Corrales Is A Data Submitter For 09/19/2023 04/08/2024
621517 Person Brian Grasso Is A Data Submitter For 01/25/2021
574342 Person Kyle Morgan Is Onsite Manager For 06/05/2020
574342 Person Kyle Morgan Is A Data Submitter For 03/01/2018 06/05/2020
569704 Person Marcus John Leso Is A Data Submitter For 11/30/2017
557357 Person Helen Davies Is Onsite Manager For 11/28/2017
564439 Person John M Del Fante Is Onsite Manager For 06/07/2017 06/02/2022
525822 Person Vasana Vipatapat Is Onsite Manager For 04/15/2014 11/29/2017
529503 Person Christopher McKinney Is Onsite Manager For 11/28/2011
525234 Person Dennis Sperino Is Onsite Manager For 10/27/2011 11/28/2017
525401 Person James Larzalere Is Onsite Manager For 10/27/2011 03/30/2017
525626 Person Brad Lesperance Is A Data Submitter For 01/24/2011 03/11/2024
522830 Person Jim Miller Is A Data Submitter For 06/07/2010 06/01/2020
522829 Person Mike Schultz Is A Data Submitter For 06/07/2010 08/07/2023
360498 Person Ron Canfield Is Onsite Manager For 01/18/2007 10/26/2011
360494 Person Lucky Bishop Is A Data Submitter For 01/18/2007 01/24/2011
360499 Person Lance Lauricha Is A Data Submitter For 01/18/2007 02/08/2024
360322 Person John Vaught Is Onsite Manager For 01/17/2007 01/24/2011
139449 Person Eric Becker Case Worker 06/26/2006
14960 Organization Escondido City Owner City Agency 04/05/2006
141555 Person Mary Ann Mann Is Onsite Manager For 04/05/2006 06/01/2009
103267 Person Frank Anderson Contact 06/17/2005 06/01/2009
Total Related Parties: 24

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
300549 Enrollee 9 SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 9SSO10668 11/21/2006 Active N
213933 Enrollee 9 SSOMUNILRG R9-2007-0005 9 000000749 05/09/1996 05/08/2006 Active N
Total Reg Measures: 2

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1112317 01/16/2023 SSOS Type: Category 1. Operator Error;An increase of City of Escondido flow pressure at a shared valve vault with San Elijo Joint Powers Authority. We''re still gathering information for San Elijo to make certain spill determination. caused 17000.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole;Spill was coming out of the City''s land outfall manhole #74. at Outfall manhole #74 to Drainage Channel. Surface water body affected (Escondido Creek to San Elijo Lagoon to Cardiff State Beach). Other (specify below). ;Due to the remote location and unnavigable terrain of the manhole, no efforts could be made to recover water to return to the outfall. The spill consisted of secondary treated effluent from HARRF. Violation B SSO
1079721 09/25/2020 SSOS Type: Category 3. Pipe Structural Problem/Failure caused 40.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Lateral Clean Out (Private) at 545 W 5th Ave Escondido CA 92025 to Paved Surface. No surface water body affected. . Violation B SSO
1061445 07/25/2019 SSOS Type: Category 1. Debris from Construction;Appears to be pool plaster material dumped into sanitary sewer system. caused 214.0 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole;Manhole # 11306 at 1535 N. Broadway to Drainage Channel. Surface water body affected (Unnamed tributary (drainage channel) to Reidy Creek). Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow. ;Cleaned sanitary sewer mainline. Violation B SSO
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 3 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
SSOS = Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
397981 Staff Enforcement Letter Historical
441288 Staff Enforcement Letter null 11/13/2020 Historical
427771 Staff Enforcement Letter null 12/17/2018 Historical
419306 13267 Letter R9-2018-0017 01/26/2018 Historical
419305 Notice of Violation R9-2018-0008 01/26/2018 Historical
396365 Admin Civil Liability R9-2014-0008 06/26/2014 Active
392911 Staff Enforcement Letter null 09/05/2013 Historical
389928 13267 Letter R9-2013-0081 04/29/2013 Historical
383435 Staff Enforcement Letter 03/15/2012 Historical
379903 Staff Enforcement Letter 06/28/2011 Historical
377501 Staff Enforcement Letter 02/22/2011 Historical
375490 Staff Enforcement Letter 08/17/2010 Historical
372280 Staff Enforcement Letter 12/15/2009 Historical
256277 Notice of Violation 03/15/2005 Historical
256270 Notice of Violation 03/11/2005 Historical
254009 Notice of Violation R9-2004-0452 12/14/2004 Historical
253426 Notice of Violation 10/07/2004 Historical
253425 Staff Enforcement Letter 10/07/2004 Historical
251642 Staff Enforcement Letter 03/12/2004 Historical
242840 Staff Enforcement Letter 07/16/2003 Historical
245336 Staff Enforcement Letter 02/28/2003 Historical
246486 Notice of Violation 12/23/2002 Historical
248843 13267 Letter 03/06/2002 Historical
248844 Notice of Violation 02/26/2002 Historical
248839 13267 Letter 01/08/2002 Historical
248838 Notice of Violation 01/08/2002 Historical
248785 Notice of Violation 06/19/2001 Withdrawn
235209 Staff Enforcement Letter 11/22/2000 Historical
235226 Staff Enforcement Letter 08/03/2000 Historical
234382 Staff Enforcement Letter 05/04/2000 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 30

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
9354863 Complaint inspection Christopher Means 08/29/2011 N 1 N/A
12362374 Follow-up inspection (enforcement) Christopher Means 08/29/2011 N 0 Download
5466076 B Type compliance inspection Christopher Means 08/29/2011 N 1 Download
299711 B Type compliance inspection Victor Vasquez 06/14/2001 Y 0 N/A
299713 B Type compliance inspection Bob Baker 02/24/2000 Y 0 N/A
299712 B Type compliance inspection Ros Dimemstein 08/31/1999 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 6 Last Inspection: 08/29/2011
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/16/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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