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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 630701
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
5S 630701 Easterly CS Collection_System 650 Merchant Vacaville, CA, 95688 Solano

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
619166 Person KURTIS WESTBROOK Is A Data Submitter For 10/31/2023
619166 Person KURTIS WESTBROOK Is A Data Submitter For 10/11/2023 10/11/2023
641786 Person Jeremy Cox Is Onsite Manager For 09/26/2023 03/05/2024
640993 Person Bill Moore Is A Data Submitter For 08/09/2023 10/21/2024
640977 Person JASON MAHER Is A Data Submitter For 08/08/2023
588780 Person Curtis Paxton Is Onsite Manager For 04/05/2019 08/05/2022
563456 Person kevin david mccrorey Is Onsite Manager For 04/26/2017
561079 Person Brian McLean Is Onsite Manager For 12/14/2016 05/04/2023
554980 Person Justen Cole Is Onsite Manager For 03/10/2016
545569 Person Steve Hartwig Is Onsite Manager For 03/06/2014 03/15/2016
544263 Person Miguel Medina Is Onsite Manager For 12/02/2013
537712 Person Shawn Cunningham Is Onsite Manager For 11/27/2012 03/06/2014
460589 Person Royce Cunningham Is Onsite Manager For 06/18/2012 04/30/2018
141223 Person Jeff Cooley Is Onsite Manager For 06/18/2012 03/28/2019
520806 Person Tony Pirondini Is Onsite Manager For 06/18/2012 04/30/2018
525663 Person Gerald Cullen Is Onsite Manager For 01/27/2011 05/01/2012
525664 Person Manuel Vasquez Is Onsite Manager For 01/27/2011 03/24/2020
525381 Person Rod Moresco Is Onsite Manager For 12/21/2010 09/06/2012
525380 Person Vanessa Andrews Is Onsite Manager For 12/21/2010 03/11/2011
478781 Person Maria Solis Is Onsite Manager For 10/07/2010 01/31/2011
149636 Person Vicki Shidell Is Onsite Manager For 08/26/2010 03/11/2011
520890 Person Patrick Kinney Is Onsite Manager For 07/09/2010 01/03/2017
521314 Person Christopher Bailey Is Onsite Manager For 02/26/2010 11/27/2013
521313 Person Stephen Sawyer Is Onsite Manager For 02/26/2010 11/20/2018
504659 Person Travis Peterson Is Onsite Manager For 04/14/2009 07/07/2011
459681 Person Thomas Reyes Is Onsite Manager For 02/26/2008 03/11/2011
327135 Person David K Tompkins Is Onsite Manager For 12/10/2007 12/31/2010
107395 Person Jacqueline McCall Is Onsite Manager For 11/20/2007 08/10/2010
393819 Person Stephen Economon Is Onsite Manager For 08/14/2007 03/11/2011
141223 Person Jeff Cooley Is Onsite Manager For 08/14/2007 03/11/2011
393817 Person Jeff Horne Is Onsite Manager For 08/14/2007 07/28/2022
393257 Person Debra Galway Is Onsite Manager For 08/09/2007 08/10/2010
358150 Person Dale I. Pfeiffer Is Onsite Manager For 01/03/2007 08/10/2010
60471 Person Craig L Isham Is Onsite Manager For 04/03/2006 08/10/2010
11176 Organization Vacaville City DPW Owner City Agency 04/03/2006
Total Related Parties: 35

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
301662 Enrollee - WDR 5S SSOMUNILRG 2022-0103-DWQ 5SSO10938 01/03/2007 05/02/2021 Active N
Total Reg Measures: 1

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1133145 06/15/2024 SSOS Type: Category 1 Spill; Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 290 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at 1581 E. Monte Vista Ave. to Drainage Conveyance System, Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3) Enforcement action against Fats, Oil, and Grease (FOG) source, Inspected Sewer Using CCTV to Determine Cause, Other (specify below). A follow up appointment will be scheduled with the restaurant owner. Violation A SSO
1133144 03/29/2024 SSOS Type: Category 1 Spill; Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 2355 gallons of sewage to spill from Manhole at 1130 E. Monte Vista Ave. to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water, Paved Surface Added Sewer to Preventive Maintenance Program, Inspected Sewer Using CCTV to Determine Cause, Other (specify below). Immediate action is to add the location to the hot spot list. Secondly, coordinate an FSE inspection to verify if all BMPs and equipment is in working order. Thirdly, City staff will assess condition of SSMH and current elevations to assess additional improvements to prevent future spills. Violation A SSO
1133142 02/16/2024 SSOS Type: Category 1 Spill; Other (specify below) caused 702 gallons of sewage to spill from Other (specify below) at 290 East Monte Vista Ave. to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water Other (specify below). Relocated sewer lateral for 290 E. Monte Vista Ave. (Jack in the Box) to 12-inch sewer main. Work was completed 2/22/2024. The unused and damaged section of the failed sewer main was plugged and abandoned in place. Violation A SSO
1133141 12/29/2023 SSOS Type: Category 1 Spill; Debris-Rags caused 488 gallons of sewage to spill from Lateral Clean Out (Public) at 701 Beythe Ln. to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water, Paved Surface, Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3), Surface Water Inspected Sewer Using CCTV to Determine Cause. A CCTV inspection will be conducted. Will plan to send or deliver educational materials on properly disposing of wipes to homes within the affected area. Violation A SSO
1133139 10/21/2023 SSOS Type: Category 1 Spill; Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) caused 1909 gallons of sewage to spill from Gravity Mainline, Manhole at Peabody Road and Southwood Drive to Drainage Conveyance System that discharges to surface water, Paved Surface, Street/Curb and Gutter (2 3) Adjusted Schedule/Method of Preventive Maintenance, Other (specify below). The purchase of a SmartCover is in process. The SmartCover will be installed at SSMH4449 to eliminate future spills. Violation A SSO
1133138 09/02/2023 SSOS Type: Category 1 Spill; Damage by Others Not Related to Collection System Construction/Maintenance caused 3467 gallons of sewage to spill from Lateral Clean Out (Public) at 6506 Gibson Canyon Road to Drainage Conveyance System, Paved Surface, Unpaved Surface Repaired Facilities or Replaced Defect. Per the Illicit Discharge Complaint form, PG&E was directed to: NOT proceed with directional boring work on the remaining sections of PG&E Phasing 1.2 until the following is done: -PG&E to provide a potholing plan to the City for review. -Potholing shall be done at every crossing; Parallel lines shall be potholed every 50 feet. -Potholing and positive identification of City Utilities shall be completed prior to proceeding with boring. If potholing is not uncovering the utilities, PG&E shall contact the City for assistance in finding the lines. -PG&E can contact Jeremy Cox of the City’s Utilities Department at 707-317-0856 for assistance in locating the City’s utilities. Include me (Andrew Shuck) in all correspondence. No changes to the understandings above shall be made in the field. Any changes to the above understandings shall be made only through the City’s permit representative (Andrew Shuck). Violation A SSO
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 6 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
SSOS = Sanitary Sewer Overflow/Spill/

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
396767 Notice of Violation 06/12/2014 Historical
392087 Notice of Violation 07/12/2013 Historical
382477 Notice of Violation 12/19/2007 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 3

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
Total Inspections: 0 Last Inspection: None
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/18/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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