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Place ID 274044
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
4 274044 William E Warne Power Plant Power Plant 43271 Upper pyramid Lake Lebec, CA, 93243 Los Angeles

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
631600 Person Mitchell Howard Contact 03/16/2022
605984 Person Christopher Gray Is A Data Submitter For 01/21/2020
596483 Person Calvin Yang Is A Data Submitter For 04/19/2019
574379 Person Tanya Veldhuizen Is Onsite Manager For 08/24/2018
583075 Person Daniel Wisheropp Is A Data Submitter For 08/17/2018
539656 Person Jeffrey Janik Is Onsite Manager For 04/22/2013 10/06/2015
521647 Person Diane Shimizu Is Onsite Manager For 04/22/2013 08/23/2018
529746 Person Anthony Chu Is Onsite Manager For 10/24/2011 06/06/2018
525574 Person Matthew William Reeve Is Onsite Manager For 01/13/2011 07/30/2013
521650 Person Cindy Garcia Is A Data Submitter For 03/16/2010 10/22/2012
521647 Person Diane Shimizu Is A Data Submitter For 03/16/2010 04/22/2013
283559 Person Perez Sebastian Pending-is onsite manager for 08/17/2006 10/09/2013
315290 Person Gary Faulconer Is Onsite Manager For 05/08/2006 06/30/2012
7046 Organization CA Dept of Water Resources Pearblossom Owner State Agency 01/25/1982
Total Related Parties: 14

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
446992 NPDES Permit 4 NPDINDLRG R4-2022-0237 4A190805002 09/01/2022 08/31/2027 Active N
399606 NPDES Permit 4 NPDINDLRG R4-2016-0224 4A190805002 07/01/2016 06/30/2021 Historical N
374709 NPDES Permit 4 NPDINDLRG R4-2010-0089 4A190805002 07/03/2010 06/10/2015 Historical Y
133487 NPDES Permit 4 NPDINDLRG R4-2004-0172 4A190805002 01/10/2005 01/01/2011 Historical N
136586 NPDES Permit 4 NPDINDLRG 99-015 4A190805002 04/22/1999 04/10/2004 Historical N
135019 NPDES Permit 4 NPDINDLRG 94-044 4A190805002 06/13/1994 05/10/1999 Historical N
134617 NPDES Permit 4 NPDINDLRG 88-103 4A190805002 10/24/1988 10/10/1993 Historical N
134260 NPDES Permit 4 NPDINDLRG 87-141 4A190805002 10/26/1987 10/10/1992 Historical N
134841 NPDES Permit 4 NPDINDLRG 82-002 4A190805002 01/25/1982 01/10/1987 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 9

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1139584 12/12/2024 CAT1 Boron, Total Monthly Average limit is 1.5 mg/L and reported value was 2.6 mg/L at EFF-002. Primary inlet valve was failing to open on the system. The system was adding in chlorine to the remaining treated water which caused that water to have a high chlorine concentration. Plant operations found a way to manually open the inlet valve so this issue should not arise again. The January 2024 - November 2024 results for boron at EFF-002 were all within permit limits. Violation U eSMR
1139581 12/12/2024 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 0.1 mg/L and reported value was 0.11 mg/L at EFF-002. Primary inlet valve was failing to open on the system. The system was adding in chlorine to the remaining treated water which caused that water to have a high chlorine concentration. Plant operations found a way to manually open the inlet valve so this issue should not arise again. The January 2024 - November 2024 results for chlorine, total residual at EFF-002 were all 0.00. Violation U eSMR
1139582 11/14/2024 DMON Dioxins and Furans samples were missed because the lab did not send the bottles with the original bottle shipment. DWR requested dioxin bottles, but the lab was not able to provide bottles before November ended. The January 2024 - October 2024 dioxin results for all monitoring stations are non-detect. Dioxins and Furans samples were missed because the lab did not send the bottles with the original bottle shipment. DWR requested dioxin bottles, but the lab was not able to provide bottles before November ended. The January 2024 - October 2024 dioxin results for all monitoring stations are non-detect. Violation U eSMR
1139583 11/14/2024 DMON Dioxins and Furans samples were missed because the lab did not send the bottles with the original bottle shipment. DWR requested dioxin bottles, but the lab was not able to provide bottles before November ended. The January 2024 - October 2024 dioxin results for all monitoring stations are non-detect. Dioxins and Furans samples were missed because the lab did not send the bottles with the original bottle shipment. DWR requested dioxin bottles, but the lab was not able to provide bottles before November ended. The January 2024 - October 2024 dioxin results for all monitoring stations are non-detect. Violation U eSMR
1134977 09/12/2024 OEV Temperature Instantaneous Maximum limit is 80 Degrees F and reported value was 80.96 Degrees F at EFF-001 (A & B). This result is at the permit effluent limit (1% exceedance) and it would not have been an exceedance in the previous R4-2016-0224 order. Temperature measured in August complied with permit limits. Ambient air temperature was 76.5 F. The powerplant does not employ treatment, nor does it add any chemicals to the once-through cooling water. Violation U eSMR
1134979 08/22/2024 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.7 SU and reported value was 9.0 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). pH measured at INF-001 (8.7) coming into the plant was already above the order limit. pH was in compliance for July and September. The powerplant does not employ treatment, nor does it add any chemicals to the once-through cooling water. Violation U eSMR
1134978 07/25/2024 OEV Temperature Daily Maximum limit is 80 Degrees F and reported value was 84.2 Degrees F at EFF-001 (A & B). Temperature measured at INF-001 (80.78 F) coming into the plant was already above the temperature order limit (further discussed in Climate Change Plan). This result would not have been an exceedance in the previous R4-2016-0224 order. Ambient air temperature was 92.0 F. Temperature measured in August complies with permit limits. The powerplant does not employ treatment, nor does it add any chemicals to the once-through cooling water. Violation U eSMR
1130201 04/25/2024 CAT2 Copper, Total Monthly Average limit is 29 ug/L and reported value was 35 ug/L at EFF-002. The May 2024 and June 2024 copper results complied with the permit limit. Violation U eSMR
1126973 03/31/2024 DMON The following parameters were not analyzed, despite discharge being reported, for the month of March 2024: BOD, Chloride, Copper, Boron, Mercury, Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate, and TCDD. Violation B Report
1126974 03/31/2024 DMON The following parameters were not analyzed, despite discharge being reported, for the month of March 2024: BOD, Chloride, Total Residual Chlorine, Nitrate + Nitrite, Copper, Boron, Lead, Mercury, Zinc, Dibromochloromethane, Dichlorobromomethane, Tetrachloroethylene, Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate, Chloroform, Total Trihalomethanes, and TCDD. Violation B Report
1121323 09/21/2023 OEV pH Daily Maximum limit is 8.8 SU and reported value was 8.9 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). The pH in July 2023, August 2023, and October 2023 all complied with the pH effluent limit. The powerplant does not employ treatment, nor does it add any chemicals to the once-through cooling water. Violation U eSMR
1121322 08/24/2023 OEV Temperature Daily Maximum limit is 80 Degrees F and reported value was 81.86 Degrees F at EFF-001 (A & B). Historical data under the previous order show that temperature results increase in July and August of every year. Temperature is not an issue in September - June. The September 2023 result is 77.54°F and it follows the historical data. The powerplant does not employ treatment, nor does it add any chemicals to the once-through cooling water. Violation U eSMR
1121321 07/20/2023 OEV Temperature Daily Maximum limit is 80 Degrees F and reported value was 81.5 Degrees F at EFF-001 (A & B). Historical data under the previous order show that temperature results increase in July and August of every year. Temperature is not an issue in September - June. The September 2023 result is 77.54°F and it follows the historical data. The powerplant does not employ treatment, nor does it add any chemicals to the once-through cooling water. Violation U eSMR
1118971 06/30/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 29 ug/L and reported value was 35 ug/L at EFF-002. The likely cause of the copper exceedances is from elevated chlorine in the potable water treatment plant. The potable water treatment plant used to operate automatically on demand, but the software is no longer supported and can't be updated to perform this function. Aside from chlorination, the Facility does not use treatment nor add any chemicals to the drainage sump water. The operators will review manual operations of the chlorine dosage. April 2023 copper result was in compliance with the monthly average effluent limit. Violation B eSMR
1118972 05/31/2023 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 29 ug/L and reported value was 48 ug/L at EFF-002. The likely cause of the copper exceedances is from elevated chlorine in the potable water treatment plant. The potable water treatment plant used to operate automatically on demand, but the software is no longer supported and can't be updated to perform this function. Aside from chlorination, the Facility does not use treatment nor add any chemicals to the drainage sump water. The operators will review manual operations of the chlorine dosage. April 2023 copper result was in compliance with the monthly average effluent limit. Violation B eSMR
1112929 11/17/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). EFF-001 (A&B) had a pH result of 8.8 which exceeds the 8.5 instantaneous maximum limit. The pH of influent water coming into the plant (INF-001) was similarly high, which measured at 8.5. The pH measured at EFF-001 (A&B) on 12/15/22 complied with permit limits. Violation U eSMR
1109472 08/25/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.4 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). In August, EFF-001 (A&B) had a pH result of 9.4 which exceeds the 8.5 instantaneous maximum limit. The exceedance was caused by the pH of influent water coming into the plant (INF-001), which was measured at 9.4. In the new R4-2022-0237 order, this pH result would not be an exceedance because pH intake water credits would apply. Violation U eSMR
1109475 08/25/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.4 SU at EFF-002. In August, EFF-002 had a pH result of 9.4 which exceeds the 8.5 instantaneous maximum limit. The exceedance was caused by the pH of influent water coming into the plant (INF-001), which was measured at 9.4. In the new R4-2022-0237 order, this pH result would not be an exceedance because pH intake water credits would apply. Violation U eSMR
1127271 07/31/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 24 ug/L and reported value was 80 ug/L at EFF-002. Violation B Report
1109474 07/28/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.2 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). In July, EFF-001 (A&B) had a pH result of 9.2 which exceeds the 8.5 instantaneous maximum limit. The exceedance was caused by the pH of influent water coming into the plant (INF-001), which was measured at 9.3. In the new R4-2022-0237 order, this pH result would not be an exceedance because pH intake water credits would apply. Violation U eSMR
1109473 07/28/2022 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Daily Maximum limit is 79 ug/L and reported value was 80 ug/L at EFF-002. The potable water treatment plant used to operate automatically on demand, but the software is no longer performing this function. The operation will be controlled manually by plant operators. Other maintenance activities such as filter changes and clean outs will also be performed to correct the copper exceedance. The copper samples collected in August and September complied with the permit limit. In addition, the chronic toxicity test conducted in August at EFF-002 was in compliance. From January 2022 - June 2022, copper samples complied with the permit limit. Violation U eSMR
1106480 06/23/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). pH measured at EFF-001(A&B) in April was in compliance. In May, EFF-001 (A&B) had a pH result of 8.6 which exceeds the 8.5 instantaneous maximum limit. The exceedance was also caused by the pH of influent water coming into the plant (INF-001), which was measured at 8.5. Violation U eSMR
1106481 05/19/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). In June, EFF-001 (A&B) had a pH result of 8.7 which exceeds the 8.5 instantaneous maximum limit. The exceedance was also caused by the pH of influent water coming into the plant (INF-001), which was measured at 8.8. pH measured at EFF-001(A&B) in April was in compliance. Violation U eSMR
1099914 11/30/2021 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 24 ug/L and reported value was 38 ug/L at EFF-002. The potable water treatment plant usually operates automatically on demand, but the software is no longer performing this function. Other maintenance activities such as filter changes and clean outs will also be performed to correct the copper exceedance. Copper results collected in October and December comply with permit limit. Violation B eSMR
1103169 11/02/2021 LREP Report was submitted 1 day late. Violation B Report
1096143 09/27/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction Monthly Median limit is 0.0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1.0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at EFF-001 (A & B). Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) work plan is implemented. Additional sampling is implemented monthly. Violation B eSMR
1103167 08/30/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0.0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 0.0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at EFF-001 (A & B). Violation B Report
1096140 08/30/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity-C.dubia-Reproduction Monthly Median limit is 0.0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1.0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at EFF-001 (A & B). Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) work plan was implemented. TRE is attached to this quarterly report. Additional sampling began after the first known failed toxicity test (first sample taken on Aug. 09, 2021). Violation B eSMR
1096142 08/12/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). pH measured at EFF-001(A&B) in September complied with permit limit Violation U eSMR
1096144 07/22/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-002. pH measured at EFF-002 in August and September complied with permit limits Violation U eSMR
1096141 07/22/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). pH measured at EFF-001 (A&B) in September sample was in compliance Violation U eSMR
1103130 06/30/2021 DMON The facility experienced a power outage due to State Water Project Operations Control management which provides daily water and power operation schedules. Therefore, certain parameters were not sampled for June 2021. Violation B Report
1103131 06/30/2021 DMON The facility experienced a power outage due to State Water Project Operations Control management which provides daily water and power operation schedules. Therefore, certain parameters were not sampled for June 2021. Violation B Report
1103128 06/30/2021 DMON The facility experienced a power outage due to State Water Project Operations Control management which provides daily water and power operation schedules. Therefore, monthly parameters were not sampled for June 2021. Violation B Report
1103129 06/30/2021 DMON The facility experienced a power outage due to State Water Project Operations Control management which provides daily water and power operation schedules. Therefore, monthly parameters were not sampled for June 2021. Violation B Report
1092283 05/26/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). This exceedance was caused by the pH of influent water coming into the plant (INF-001), which was also measured at 8.7 pH at this time. Violation U eSMR
1088717 02/18/2021 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). This exceedance was caused by the pH of the influent water coming into the plant (INF-001), which was measured also at 8.7 pH at this time. The March pH result for EFF-001 (A & B) was 8.3 Violation U eSMR
1084510 12/17/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). This exceedance was caused by the pH of the influent water coming into the plant (INF-001), which was measured also at 8.6 pH at this time. Violation U eSMR
1084509 12/17/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-002. This exceedance was caused by the pH of the influent water coming into the plant (INF-001), which was measured also at 8.6 pH at this time. Violation U eSMR
1084511 11/23/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). This exceedance was caused by the pH of the influent water coming into the plant (INF-001), which was measured also at 8.6 pH at this time. Violation U eSMR
1084505 10/07/2020 DMON Unit one was down for maintenance during the entire month of October. Samples were not collected in October due to maintenance work conducted at power plant. Discharge numbers have been reduced since the start of maintenance work. Unit one was down for maintenance during the entire month of October. Samples were not collected in October due to maintenance work conducted at power plant. Quarterly samples were collected in November and monthly samples were collected in December. Future maintenance work will be better coordinated to allow for water quality sampling. Violation U eSMR
1084506 10/07/2020 DMON Unit one was down for maintenance during the entire month of October. Samples were not collected in October due to maintenance work conducted at power plant. Discharge numbers have been reduced since the start of maintenance work. Unit one was down for maintenance during the entire month of October. Samples were not collected in October due to maintenance work conducted at power plant. Quarterly samples were collected in November and monthly samples were collected in December. Future maintenance work will be better coordinated to allow for water quality sampling. Violation U eSMR
1084507 10/07/2020 DMON Unit one was down for maintenance during the entire month of October. Samples were not collected in October due to maintenance work conducted at power plant. Discharge numbers have been reduced since the start of maintenance work. Unit one was down for maintenance during the entire month of October. Samples were not collected in October due to maintenance work conducted at power plant. Quarterly samples were collected in November and monthly samples were collected in December. Future maintenance work will be better coordinated to allow for water quality sampling. Violation U eSMR
1084508 10/07/2020 DMON Unit one was down for maintenance during the entire month of October. Samples were not collected in October due to maintenance work conducted at power plant. Discharge numbers have been reduced since the start of maintenance work. Unit one was down for maintenance during the entire month of October. Samples were not collected in October due to maintenance work conducted at power plant. Quarterly samples were collected in November and monthly samples were collected in December. Future maintenance work will be better coordinated to allow for water quality sampling. Violation U eSMR
1080555 09/17/2020 CAT2 Copper, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 24 ug/L and reported value was 38 ug/L at EFF-002. The software for the potable water treatment plant will be updated to correct the elevated chlorine levels. Other maintenance activities such as filter changes and clean outs will also be performed to correct the copper exceedance. Violation B eSMR
1080556 08/20/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.7 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). The pH for INF-001 on 8/20/20 was 8.7. The pH in the intake water prior to entry into the Facility already exceeded the instantaneous maximum. The power plant can't correct for high pH in intake water. Violation U eSMR
1080557 07/30/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.5 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). The pH for INF-001 on 7/30/20 was 9.4. The pH in the intake water prior to entry into the Facility already exceeded the instantaneous maximum. The power plant can't correct for high pH in intake water. Violation U eSMR
1080554 07/30/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 9.5 SU at EFF-002. The pH for INF-001 on 7/30/20 was 9.4. The pH in the intake water prior to entry into the Facility already exceeded the instantaneous maximum. The power plant can't correct for high pH in intake water. Violation U eSMR
1077661 06/03/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). No corrective action taken for pH at this time, the next sample was below the limit. Violation U eSMR
1077662 06/03/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.8 SU at EFF-002. No corrective action taken for pH at this time, the next sample was below the limit. Violation U eSMR
1077663 05/27/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). No specific action taken to address pH effluent at the time of this reading. Violation B eSMR
1073513 03/31/2020 CAT2 Copper, Total Recoverable Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 24 ug/L and reported value was 56 ug/L at EFF-002. The sump has been drained and it is believed the copper has been removed. Violation B eSMR
1073512 02/27/2020 OEV pH Instantaneous Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.6 SU at EFF-001 (A & B). pH results for EFF-001 (A & B) and INF-001 are 8.6. The facility discharged the same pH that it received in its intake water. The March 26 pH result was within permit limits. Violation U eSMR
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 53 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
CAT1 = Category 1 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 1 Pollutant) CAT2 = Category 2 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 2 Pollutant)
CTOX = Chronic Toxicity DMON = Deficient Monitoring
LREP = Late Report OEV = Other Effluent Violation

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
457061 Admin Civil Liability R4-2024-0194 08/21/2024 Historical
447965 Admin Civil Liability R4-2022-0170 08/26/2022 Historical
439451 Admin Civil Liability R4-2020-0071 10/12/2020 Historical
425905 Admin Civil Liability R4-2018-0137 03/01/2019 Historical
412157 Admin Civil Liability R4-2017-0066 05/19/2017 Historical
406333 Admin Civil Liability R4-2016-0182 08/19/2016 Historical
400414 Admin Civil Liability R4-2015-0056 06/23/2015 Historical
393272 Admin Civil Liability R4-2013-0143 11/21/2013 Historical
390250 Admin Civil Liability R4-2013-0073 07/26/2013 Historical
382313 Admin Civil Liability R4-2011-0071-M 08/14/2012 Historical
384646 Time Schedule Order R4-2012-0076 04/05/2012 Historical
375930 Admin Civil Liability R4-2010-0120-M 08/25/2010 Historical
354901 Admin Civil Liability R4-2008-0077-M 10/31/2008 Historical
308190 Notice of Violation NOV 11/30/2005 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 14

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
56059643 B Type compliance inspection Barbara Guia 03/21/2024 N 0 Download
48155669 B Type compliance inspection Andrew Choi 04/27/2022 N 0 Download
43389329 B Type compliance inspection Andrew Choi 02/09/2021 N 0 Download
33392176 B Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 04/02/2019 Y 0 Download
29873733 B Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 06/08/2018 Y 0 Download
26400037 B Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 03/15/2017 Y 0 N/A
25019724 Prerequirement inspection EPA Contractor 02/03/2015 N 0 Download
16928568 A Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 01/13/2015 Y 0 Download
9387804 A Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 04/18/2013 Y 0 N/A
5029502 A Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 05/26/2011 Y 0 [Attachments]
1629385 A Type compliance inspection Tetra Tech Inspector 03/11/2008 Y 0 N/A
1623651 A Type compliance inspection Tetra Tech Inspector 06/05/2007 Y 0 N/A
725872 B Type compliance inspection Lala Kabadaian 05/07/2004 Y 2 N/A
274707 B Type compliance inspection Cassandra Owens 06/15/2000 Y 0 N/A
274691 B Type compliance inspection Ha D Nguyen 02/02/1999 Y 0 N/A
274706 B Type compliance inspection Ha D Nguyen 04/02/1997 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 16 Last Inspection: 03/21/2024
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/19/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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