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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 273126
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
5F 273126 Mendota WWTF Wastewater Treatment Facility 3699 Bass Mendota, CA, 93640 Fresno

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
440716 Person Anthony Chavarria Contact 10/22/2021
557981 Organization Mountain Valley Environmental Services Operator Privately-Owned Business 06/24/2016
524791 Person Cristian Gonzalez Contact 06/24/2016
28467 Organization Mendota City Land Owner City Agency 06/24/2016
544057 Person Mark Nunez Is Onsite Manager For 11/01/2013 06/23/2016
530115 Organization Popichak, Michael Operator Private-Individual 11/15/2011 06/23/2016
526244 Person Ron Demmers Is Onsite Manager For 04/01/2011 11/01/2013
524830 Person Michael Giersch Interested Party 10/13/2010 06/23/2016
28467 Organization Mendota City Owner City Agency 11/08/2000
Total Related Parties: 9

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
440426 Co-Permitee SB SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 5D100109001 07/09/2020 Active N
330730 WDR 5F WDRMUNILRG R5-2016-0054 5D100109001 06/24/2016 06/24/2026 Active N
145377 WDR 5F WDRMUNILRG 91-192 5D100109001 09/06/1991 09/03/2001 Historical Y
143755 WDR 5F WDRMUNILRG 80-191 5D100109001 12/05/1980 03/05/1990 Historical N
143738 WDR 5F WDRMUNILRG 72-096 5D100109001 12/30/1972 12/30/1982 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 5

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1127960 03/31/2024 Deficient Reporting Missing Sludge / Biosolids monitoring data. 1-Qtr 2024. Violation B Report
1127959 03/31/2024 Deficient Reporting Missing calibration log pages verifying calibration for 1-Qtr 2024. Violation B Report
1127962 01/29/2024 Deficient Reporting Missing - Average Dry Weather Flow from Annual SMR. Violation B Report
1127961 01/29/2024 Deficient Reporting Missing - Average Monthly Flows for each month of the year. Annual SMRs. Violation B Report
1127963 01/29/2024 Deficient Reporting Missing - Evaluation of sludge depth and sludge removal in Annual SMR. Violation B Report
1127964 01/29/2024 Deficient Reporting Missing - Monitoring equipment maintenance and calibration records in Annual SMR. Violation B Report
1127957 12/31/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing Sludge / Biosolids monitoring data. 4-Qtr 2023. Violation B Report
1127958 12/31/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing calibration log pages verifying calibration for 4-Qtr 2023. Violation B Report
1128466 12/31/2023 Order Conditions Pond pH exceeds discharge specifications (range: 6 - 10) 13x. 4th-Quarter 2023. Violation B Report
1127940 09/30/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing Sludge / Biosolids monitoring data. 3-Qtr 2023. Violation B Report
1127941 09/30/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing calibration log pages verifying calibration for 3-Qtr 2023. Violation B Report
1128465 09/30/2023 Order Conditions Pond pH exceeds discharge specifications (range: 6 - 10) 38x. 3rd-Quarter 2023. Violation B Report
1127896 06/30/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing Sludge / Biosolids monitoring data. 2-Qtr 2023. Violation B Report
1127897 06/30/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing calibration log pages verifying calibration for 2-Qtr 2023. Violation B Report
1119811 06/30/2023 Order Conditions 2Q2023: Total Coliform Organisms shall not exceed 2.2 MPN/ 100 mL; 23 - >23 (2x) Violation B Report
1128464 06/30/2023 Order Conditions Pond pH exceeds discharge specifications (range: 6 - 10) 3x. 2nd-Quarter 2023. Violation B Report
1119813 05/31/2023 Order Conditions 2Q2023 (5M): pH shall not be less than 6.0 or greater than 10.0; 10.18, 10.10 (2X) Violation B Report
1119814 04/04/2023 Order Conditions 2Q2023 (4M): Freeboard shall not be less than 2 feet; 0 (1X) Violation B Report
1119810 03/31/2023 Order Conditions 1Q2023: Total Coliform Organisms shall not exceed 2.2 MPN/ 100 mL; 9.2 (1x) Violation B Report
1127892 03/31/2023 Order Conditions Missing 1st quarter 2023 SMR. No submission. Violation B Report
1127967 01/03/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing - Average Dry Weather Flow from Annual SMR. Violation B Report
1127966 01/03/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing - Average Monthly Flows for each month of the year. Annual SMRs. Violation B Report
1127968 01/03/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing - Evaluation of sludge depth and sludge removal in Annual SMR. Violation B Report
1127965 01/03/2023 Deficient Reporting Missing - Monitoring equipment maintenance and calibration records in Annual SMR. Violation B Report
1127890 12/31/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing Sludge / Biosolids monitoring data. 4-Qtr 2022. Violation B Report
1127891 12/31/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing calibration log pages verifying calibration for 4-Qtr 2022. Violation B Report
1119807 12/31/2022 Order Conditions 4Q2022: DO shall not be less than 1.0 mg/L in Ponds for 3 consecutive sampling events; 0.38-0.88 mg/L (3x) Violation B Report
1128463 12/31/2022 Order Conditions Pond pH exceeds discharge specifications (range: 6 - 10) 13x. 4th-Quarter 2022. Violation B Report
1127875 09/30/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing Sludge / Biosolids monitoring data. 3-Qtr 2022. Violation B Report
1127876 09/30/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing calibration log pages verifying calibration for 3-Qtr 2022. Violation B Report
1128462 09/30/2022 Order Conditions Pond pH exceeds discharge specifications (range: 6 - 10) 28x. 3rd-Quarter 2022. Violation B Report
1109747 09/09/2022 Order Conditions 3Q2022: DO shall not be less than 1.0 mg/L in Ponds; 0.45-0.75 mg/L (7x) Violation B Report
1127835 06/30/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing Sludge / Biosolids monitoring data. 2-Qtr 2022. Violation B Report
1127836 06/30/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing calibration log pages verifying calibration for 2-Qtr 2022. Violation B Report
1128460 06/30/2022 Order Conditions Pond pH exceeds discharge specifications (range: 6 - 10) 5x. 2nd-Quarter 2022. Violation B Report
1127828 06/23/2022 Order Conditions Seepage observed June 23rd, 2022 in Evap/Perc Ponds: 4,5,7,8,9,10,11. Discharger required to collect and test surfacing water for TCO and TDS. Violation B Report
1127829 06/16/2022 Order Conditions Seepage observed June 23rd, 2022 in Evap/Perc Ponds: 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11. Discharger required to collect and test surfacing water for TCO and TDS. Violation B Report
1127816 03/31/2022 Deficient Reporting March (1Qtr) 2022 - Missing EC Measurement Violation B Report
1127826 03/31/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing Sludge / Biosolids monitoring data. 1-Qtr 2022. Violation B Report
1127827 03/31/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing calibration log pages verifying calibration for 1-Qtr 2022. Violation B Report
1127818 02/28/2022 Deficient Reporting February (1Qtr) 2022 - Missing EC Measurement Violation B Report
1107515 02/28/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 44 mg/L. Violation B Report
1127819 01/31/2022 Deficient Reporting January (1Qtr) 2022 - Missing EC Measurement Violation B Report
1127970 01/21/2022 Deficient Reporting Missing - Average Dry Weather Flow from Annual SMR. Violation B Report
1127825 01/18/2022 OEV pH Weekly Discharge limit is 10.0 SU and reported value was 10.02 SU. Violation B Report
1127824 01/14/2022 Order Conditions Seepage observed January 14th, 2022. Discharger required to collect and test surfacing water for TCO and TDS. Violation B Report
1127814 12/31/2021 Deficient Reporting Missing Sludge / Biosolids monitoring data. 4-Qtr 2021. Violation B Report
1127815 12/31/2021 Deficient Reporting Missing calibration log pages verifying calibration for 4-Qtr 2021. Violation B Report
1107508 12/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 43.8 mg/L. Violation B Report
1107507 11/30/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 54 mg/L. Violation B Report
1127813 11/09/2021 OEV pH Weekly Discharge limit is 10.0 SU and reported value was 10.04 SU. Violation B Report
1107505 11/01/2021 Deficient Reporting 3Q2021 SMR due 01 November 2021, not submitted (298 days late). Violation B Report
1107506 10/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 48.3 mg/L. Violation B Report
1127812 10/05/2021 OEV Electrical Conductivity @ 25 Deg. C Annual Average (Mean) limit is 1680.0 umhos/cm and reported value was 1683.0 umhos/cm. Violation B Report
1127985 09/30/2021 Deficient Reporting 3Q2021 SMR due 01 November 2021, not submitted. Violation B Report
1107504 08/01/2021 Deficient Reporting 2Q2021 SMR due 01 August 2021, not submitted (390 days late). Violation B Report
1127807 03/31/2021 Deficient Reporting March (1Qtr) 2021 - Missing EC Measurement Violation B Report
1127810 03/31/2021 Deficient Reporting Missing Sludge / Biosolids monitoring data. 1-Qtr 2021. Violation B Report
1127811 03/31/2021 Deficient Reporting Missing calibration log pages verifying calibration for 1-Qtr 2021. Violation B Report
1107503 03/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 51.4 mg/L. Violation B Report
1127806 02/28/2021 Deficient Reporting February (1Qtr) 2021 - Missing EC Measurement Violation B Report
1107502 02/28/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 87 mg/L. Violation B Report
1127809 02/28/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 110 mg/L. Violation B Report
1107501 02/16/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 88 mg/L. Violation B Report
1107500 02/09/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 88 mg/L. Violation B Report
1107499 02/02/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 110 mg/L. Violation B Report
1127805 01/31/2021 Deficient Reporting January (1Qtr) 2021 - Missing EC Measurement Violation B Report
1107498 01/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value was 81.8 mg/L. Violation B Report
1127808 01/31/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 110 mg/L. Violation B Report
1107497 01/26/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 110 mg/L. Violation B Report
1107496 01/12/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 85 mg/L. Violation B Report
1107495 01/05/2021 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 84 mg/L. Violation B Report
1075720 12/31/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value was 65.4 mg/L. Violation B Report
1075721 12/02/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80 mg/L and reported value was 86 mg/L. Violation B Report
1075719 05/02/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value was 44 mg/L. Violation B Report
1075715 05/02/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value was 56.3 mg/L. Violation B Report
1075718 05/02/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value was 70 mg/L. Violation B Report
1075716 02/02/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value was 46 mg/L. Violation B Report
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 78 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
CAT1 = Category 1 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 1 Pollutant) Deficient Reporting = Deficient Reporting
Order Conditions = Order Conditions OEV = Other Effluent Violation

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
387029 Oral Communication 08/16/2012 Historical
382137 Admin Civil Liability WQ-2011-0017-EXEC 10/12/2011 Historical
381471 Staff Enforcement Letter 09/21/2011 Historical
376050 Staff Enforcement Letter null 10/20/2010 Historical
376055 Oral Communication 09/09/2010 Historical
375086 Oral Communication 07/23/2010 Historical
375151 Oral Communication 07/23/2010 Historical
374620 Notice of Violation null 06/29/2010 Historical
253208 Oral Communication 07/09/2004 Historical
245778 Notice of Violation 11/27/2002 Historical
245816 Staff Enforcement Letter 11/27/2002 Historical
248581 Staff Enforcement Letter 06/20/2002 Historical
247368 Cease and Desist Order R5-2002-0048 04/26/2002 Historical
228610 Notice of Violation 06/27/2000 Historical
229016 Notice of Violation 10/26/1999 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 15

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
25753999 B Type compliance inspection Omar Mostafa 09/15/2016 N 2 N/A
14794672 B Type compliance inspection Daniel Benas 12/23/2013 N 0 N/A
14886917 Prerequirement inspection Steven Popenoe 12/23/2013 N 0 N/A
2319538 B Type compliance inspection Jim Fischer (Multiple) 01/11/2010 N 1 N/A
1814753 Complaint inspection Aide Ortiz (Multiple) 07/13/2009 Y 0 N/A
1308936 B Type compliance inspection Hossein Aghazeynali 08/30/2006 N 0 N/A
327040 B Type compliance inspection Jack Yamauchi 09/25/2002 Y 0 N/A
310838 A Type compliance inspection Hossein Aghazeynali 12/13/2001 Y 0 N/A
310821 B Type compliance inspection Jon Risinger 04/20/2000 Y 0 N/A
310839 A Type compliance inspection Jo Anne Kipps 03/11/1998 Y 0 N/A
310819 A Type compliance inspection Reza Afhami 02/08/1995 Y 0 N/A
310820 A Type compliance inspection Reza Afhami 12/01/1993 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 12 Last Inspection: 09/15/2016
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/26/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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