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Place ID 273123
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
5F 273123 Madera WWTF Wastewater Treatment Facility 13048 Road 21 1/2 Madera, CA, 93637 Madera

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
134821 Person Wayne LaRue Clay Is Onsite Manager For 07/22/2008 08/15/2013
27575 Organization Madera City Owner City Agency 04/04/2003
Total Related Parties: 2

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
331394 WDR 5F WDRMUNILRG 5C200101001 Historical N
431269 WDR 5F WDRMUNILRG R5-2022-0074 5C200101001 12/08/2022 12/08/2032 Active N
440411 Co-Permitee SB SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 5C200101001 07/09/2020 Active N
145289 WDR 5F WDRMUNILRG 95-046 5C200101001 02/24/1995 02/21/2005 Historical N
144041 WDR 5F WDRMUNILRG 89-051 5C200101001 03/31/1989 03/31/1992 Historical N
143421 WDR 5F WDRMUNILRG 72-272 5C200101001 05/10/1972 05/10/1975 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 6

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1120987 10/11/2023 Order Conditions Violation of Standard Provision A.7 for WWTF having an inoperable lift pump Violation B Inspection
1120986 10/11/2023 Order Conditions Violation of Standard Provision B.2 for failure to have a spill prevention and control plan onsite Violation B Inspection
1121470 09/28/2023 PRE Missing 2Q 2023 pretreatment report for the compliance status of any industrial user Violation B Report
1121485 08/01/2023 Deficient Reporting April 2023 SMR missing flow continuous sampling; May 2023 SMR missing flow continuous sampling; June & 2Q 2023 SMR missing pond logbook sample on 06/26, and missing groundwater monitoring results Violation B Report
1121463 08/01/2023 LREP June 2023 and 2Q23 SMR due 1 August 2023, submitted 3 August 2023 (2 days late) Violation B Report
1121468 08/01/2023 LREP Missing a report documenting completion of monitoring well disinfection in accordance with the approved Disinfection Workplan and implementation of the approved Sampling and Analysis plan, due 1 August 2023 Violation B Report
1121461 06/28/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was 35.50 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121459 06/28/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 62.5 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121469 06/28/2023 PRE Missing 1Q 2023 pretreatment report for the compliance status of any industrial user Violation B Report
1121462 06/14/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 93.0 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121460 05/31/2023 CAT1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) Monthly Average limit is 10.0 mg/L and reported value was 19.86 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121458 05/31/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 51.2 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121477 05/10/2023 DMON May 2023 SMR: Missing influent monitoring for weekly Electrical Conductivity sampling and effluent monitoring for weekly Electrical Conductivity sampling on 05/10 and 05/24, and pond monitoring for weekly pH, D.O., and Electrical Conductivity sampling on 05/17 Violation B Report
1121484 05/01/2023 Deficient Reporting January 2023 SMR missing influent weekly EC, and monthly nitrate, nitrite, TKN, and total nitrogen, effluent nitrate, nitrite, TKN and total nitrogen 2x per month, pond monitoring weekly EC sampling; February 2023 SMR missing weekly D.O., pH, FB, and EC for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121471 04/26/2023 Order Conditions 4M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 4.47 (1x) Violation B Report
1121457 04/26/2023 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 60.25 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121465 03/01/2023 LREP Groundwater Monitoring Well Disinfection Workplan and Sampling Analysis Plan due 1 March 2023, submitted 8 August 2023 (160 days late) Violation B Report
1121467 03/01/2023 LREP Missing Facility Disposal Assessment Work Plan due on 1 March 2023 Violation B Report
1121499 02/28/2023 LREP Missing 2022 Annual technical report including the analytical results, area of application and application rates, quantity of sludge disposed, and sludge disposal procedures relative to Department of Health Services' Manual of Good Practices for Land Spreading Violation B Report
1121464 02/15/2023 LREP Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation Report due 15 February 2023, submitted 31 July 2023 (166 days late) Violation B Report
1121761 01/31/2023 Deficient Reporting 2022 Annual Report - Missing Standard Minerals for Public Water Supply Monitoring; missing composite representative sludge samples from the treatment facilities prior to final disposal Violation B Report
1120985 01/01/2023 Order Conditions Violation of Standard Provision C.5 for failure to maintain a written sampling plan Violation B Inspection
1121760 12/31/2022 Deficient Reporting December 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121495 12/28/2022 PRE Missing 3Q 2022 pretreatment report for the compliance status of any industrial user Violation B Report
1121759 11/30/2022 Deficient Reporting November 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121716 11/30/2022 Order Conditions 11M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 6.29-6.47 (3x). Violation B Report
1121488 11/20/2022 LREP October 2022 SMR due 20 November 2022, submitted on 19 December 2022 (29 days late) Violation B Report
1121758 10/31/2022 Deficient Reporting October 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121494 09/28/2022 PRE Missing 2Q 2022 pretreatment report for the compliance status of any industrial user Violation B Report
1121757 08/31/2022 Deficient Reporting August 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121756 07/31/2022 Deficient Reporting July 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121715 07/31/2022 Order Conditions 7M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.00-1.90 (88x). Violation B Report
1121755 06/30/2022 Deficient Reporting June 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121714 06/30/2022 Order Conditions 6M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.10-1.90 (69x). Violation B Report
1122323 06/30/2022 Order Conditions 6M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 9.52-10.32 (31x). Violation B Report
1121754 05/31/2022 Deficient Reporting May 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121713 05/31/2022 Order Conditions 5M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.10-1.90 (54x). Violation B Report
1122322 05/31/2022 Order Conditions 5M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 9.52-10.06 (15x). Violation B Report
1121753 04/30/2022 Deficient Reporting April 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121712 04/30/2022 Order Conditions 4M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.00-1.90 (59x). Violation B Report
1122325 04/30/2022 Order Conditions 4M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 9.51-9.71 (4x). Violation B Report
1121752 03/31/2022 Deficient Reporting March 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121711 03/31/2022 Order Conditions 3M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.10-1.90 (59x). Violation B Report
1121751 02/28/2022 Deficient Reporting February 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121498 02/28/2022 LREP Missing 2021 Annual technical report including the analytical results, area of application and application rates, quantity of sludge disposed, and sludge disposal procedures relative to Department of Health Services' Manual of Good Practices for Land Spreading Violation B Report
1121710 02/28/2022 Order Conditions 2M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.00-1.90 (39x). Violation B Report
1121749 01/31/2022 Deficient Reporting 2021 Annual Report - Missing Standard Minerals for Public Water Supply Monitoring; missing composite representative sludge samples from the treatment facilities prior to final disposal Violation B Report
1121750 01/31/2022 Deficient Reporting January 2022 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121487 01/31/2022 LREP Annual 2021 SMR due 31 January 2022, submitted on 8 February 2022 (8 days late) Violation B Report
1121709 01/31/2022 Order Conditions 1M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 1.00-1.90 (36x). Violation B Report
1121370 01/26/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 40.70 mg/L. In response to the event, they received some seed sludge to help with their low MLSS and their Micro-organism in their Oxidation Ditches. Violation B Report
1121748 12/31/2021 Deficient Reporting December 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121708 12/31/2021 Order Conditions 12M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.90-1.90 (57x). Violation B Report
1121747 11/30/2021 Deficient Reporting November 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121707 11/30/2021 Order Conditions 11M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.40-1.90 (51x). Violation B Report
1121746 10/31/2021 Deficient Reporting October 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121706 10/31/2021 Order Conditions 10M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.20-1.90 (55x). Violation B Report
1121369 10/09/2021 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.72 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121745 09/30/2021 Deficient Reporting September 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121705 09/30/2021 Order Conditions 9M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.20-1.80 (40x). Violation B Report
1121744 08/31/2021 Deficient Reporting August 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121704 08/31/2021 Order Conditions 8M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.80-1.20 (30x). Violation B Report
1121743 07/31/2021 Deficient Reporting July 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121703 07/31/2021 Order Conditions 7M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.00-1.90 (41x). Violation B Report
1122328 07/31/2021 Order Conditions 7M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 9.62-9.67 (2x). Violation B Report
1121742 06/30/2021 Deficient Reporting June 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121699 06/30/2021 Order Conditions 6M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.00-1.90 (60x). Violation B Report
1121741 05/31/2021 Deficient Reporting May 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121698 05/31/2021 Order Conditions 5M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.40-1.90 (27x). Violation B Report
1121740 04/30/2021 Deficient Reporting April 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121697 04/30/2021 Order Conditions 4M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.30-1.90 (48x). Violation B Report
1121739 03/31/2021 Deficient Reporting March 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121696 03/31/2021 Order Conditions 3M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 1.30-1.90 (49x). Violation B Report
1121738 02/28/2021 Deficient Reporting February 2021 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121497 02/28/2021 LREP Missing 2020 Annual technical report including the analytical results, area of application and application rates, quantity of sludge disposed, and sludge disposal procedures relative to Department of Health Services' Manual of Good Practices for Land Spreading Violation B Report
1121695 02/28/2021 Order Conditions 2M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 1.10-1.90 (8x). Violation B Report
1121490 02/28/2021 PRE Annual PTR 2020 due on 28 February 2021, submitted on 7 April 2021 (38 days late) Violation B Report
1121737 01/31/2021 Deficient Reporting 2020 Annual Report - Missing Standard Minerals for Public Water Supply Monitoring; missing composite representative sludge samples from the treatment facilities prior to final disposal Violation B Report
1121486 01/31/2021 LREP Annual 2020 SMR due 31 January 2021, submitted on 2 February 2021 (2 days late) Violation B Report
1121694 01/31/2021 Order Conditions 1M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 1.20-1.70 (62x). Violation B Report
1121736 12/31/2020 Deficient Reporting December 2020 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121693 12/31/2020 Order Conditions 12M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 1.20-1.90 (48x). Violation B Report
1121493 12/28/2020 PRE Missing 3Q 2020 pretreatment report for the compliance status of any industrial user Violation B Report
1121719 11/30/2020 DMON November 2020 SMR and 4Q Report - Mismatched units for Manganese on November 2020 SMR Report and 2020 Annual report - Groundwater Monitoring Wells Standard Minerals Violation B Report
1121735 11/30/2020 Deficient Reporting November 2020 SMR - Missing weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121692 11/30/2020 Order Conditions 11M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.50-1.80 (58x). Violation B Report
1121311 11/25/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 88.0 mg/L. The facility has drained the Effluent Overflow Box and gave it a thorough cleaning. The facility had established routine cleaning of the station to prevent any potential buildup of solids which in return should solve the issue moving forward. Violation B Report
1121345 11/25/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 41.0 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121307 11/25/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 80.0 mg/L and reported value was 120.0 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121308 11/25/2020 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Monthly Average limit is 40.0 mg/L and reported value was 43.0 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121718 10/31/2020 DMON October 2020 SMR missing weekly pond monitoring for the week of October 12th Violation B Report
1121734 10/31/2020 Deficient Reporting October 2020 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121855 10/31/2020 Order Conditions 10M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.30-1.90 (63x). Violation B Report
1122335 10/31/2020 Order Conditions 10M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 6.31-6.47 (4x). Violation B Report
1121733 09/30/2020 Deficient Reporting September 2020 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard and logbook observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121691 09/30/2020 Order Conditions 9M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.10-1.90 (63x). Violation B Report
1121368 09/30/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.95 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121492 09/28/2020 PRE Missing 2Q 2020 pretreatment report for the compliance status of any industrial user Violation B Report
1122324 09/08/2020 Order Conditions 9M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 9.6 (1x). Violation B Report
1121367 09/04/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.75 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121366 09/03/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.45 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121690 08/31/2020 Order Conditions 8M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.20-1.40 (62x). Violation B Report
1121732 07/31/2020 Deficient Reporting July 2020 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121689 07/31/2020 Order Conditions 7M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.20-1.90 (56x). Violation B Report
1121731 06/30/2020 Deficient Reporting June 2020 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard and logbook observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121688 06/30/2020 Order Conditions 6M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.70-1.90 (58x). Violation B Report
1122329 06/30/2020 Order Conditions 6M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 9.61-9.73 (7x). Violation B Report
1121491 06/28/2020 PRE Missing 1Q 2020 pretreatment report for the compliance status of any industrial user Violation B Report
1121364 06/05/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.75 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121730 05/31/2020 Deficient Reporting May 2020 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard and logbook observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121687 05/31/2020 Order Conditions 5M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.00-1.90 (68x). Violation B Report
1122320 05/31/2020 Order Conditions 5M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 9.53-10.49 (23x). Violation B Report
1121352 05/17/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.62 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121363 05/17/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.70 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121361 05/16/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.87 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121362 05/16/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.99 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121360 05/15/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.84 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121359 05/14/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.71 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121358 05/13/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.60 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121357 05/12/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.52 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121356 05/11/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.67 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121355 05/10/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.73 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121354 05/08/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.85 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121353 05/06/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.84 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121725 04/30/2020 Deficient Reporting April 2020 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121686 04/30/2020 Order Conditions 4M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.10-1.90 (71x). Violation B Report
1122321 04/30/2020 Order Conditions 4M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 9.53-10.20 (18x). Violation B Report
1121717 03/31/2020 DMON 1Q: Missing quarterly Public Water Supply Monitoring for Electrical Conductivity sampling and the semi-annual groundwater metals profile (dissolved) for Groundwater Monitoring Violation B Report
1121724 03/31/2020 Deficient Reporting March 2020 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121685 03/31/2020 Order Conditions 3M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.20-1.90 (56x). Violation B Report
1122327 03/31/2020 Order Conditions 3M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 4.49 and 9.54-9.76 (4x). Violation B Report
1121351 03/13/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.90 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121350 03/12/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.80 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121349 03/10/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.54 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121348 03/09/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.9 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121347 03/07/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.72 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121346 03/06/2020 OEV Dissolved Oxygen Daily Minimum limit is 1.0 mg/L and reported value was 0.8 mg/L. Violation B Report
1121723 02/29/2020 Deficient Reporting February 2020 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations and logbook observations for pond monitoring; Missing weekly sample of Effluent Monitoring TSS on 02/26/2020 Violation B Report
1121684 02/29/2020 Order Conditions 2M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.50-1.80 (45x). Violation B Report
1122326 02/29/2020 Order Conditions 2M; Pond pH; 6.5 - 9.5; pH units; IM; 6.19 and 9.7 (2x). Violation B Report
1121496 02/28/2020 LREP Missing 2019 Annual technical report including the analytical results, area of application and application rates, quantity of sludge disposed, and sludge disposal procedures relative to Department of Health Services' Manual of Good Practices for Land Spreading Violation B Report
1121721 01/31/2020 Deficient Reporting 2019 Annual Report - Missing Standard Minerals for Public Water Supply Monitoring; missing composite representative sludge samples from the treatment facilities prior to final disposal Violation B Report
1121722 01/31/2020 Deficient Reporting January 2020 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121683 01/31/2020 Order Conditions 1M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 1.70-1.90 (7x). Violation B Report
1121720 12/31/2019 Deficient Reporting December 2019 SMR - Missing daily pH and Dissolved Oxygen samples, and weekly freeboard observations for pond monitoring Violation B Report
1121682 11/30/2019 Order Conditions 10M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.10-1.90 (55x). Violation B Report
1068375 10/31/2019 Order Conditions 10M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.40-1.80 (84x). Violation B Report
1066214 09/30/2019 Order Conditions 9M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.60-1.90 (29x). Violation B Report
1066213 08/31/2019 Order Conditions 8M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.00-1.90 (43x). Violation B Report
1066212 07/31/2019 Order Conditions 7M; Pond FB; FB shall not be less than 2 feet; feet; IM; 0.00-1.90 (88x). Violation B Report
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 150 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
CAT1 = Category 1 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 1 Pollutant) DMON = Deficient Monitoring
Deficient Reporting = Deficient Reporting LREP = Late Report
Order Conditions = Order Conditions OEV = Other Effluent Violation
PRE = Pretreatment

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
396632 Oral Communication null 06/04/2014 Historical
372936 Staff Enforcement Letter 07/21/2010 Active
348748 Staff Enforcement Letter 07/17/2008 Historical
326858 Notice of Violation 06/15/2007 Historical
247022 Staff Enforcement Letter 11/12/2002 Historical
247017 Staff Enforcement Letter 10/30/2002 Historical
247019 Staff Enforcement Letter 08/09/2002 Historical
246988 Staff Enforcement Letter 06/28/2002 Historical
246987 Staff Enforcement Letter 05/22/2002 Historical
247024 Staff Enforcement Letter 01/22/2002 Historical
238960 Clean-up and Abatement Order 5-01-727 11/08/2001 Historical
238521 Notice of Violation 07/23/2001 Historical
255358 Staff Enforcement Letter 03/22/2000 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 13

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
53332076 B Type compliance inspection Omar Mostafa 10/11/2023 N 3 N/A
48918432 Prerequirement inspection Cruz Romero 08/24/2022 N 0 N/A
47013796 Prerequirement inspection Daniel Benas 10/21/2021 N 0 N/A
40087092 Complaint inspection Jeffrey Hannel 04/17/2020 N 0 N/A
14814140 B Type compliance inspection Hossein Aghazeynali 12/20/2013 N 0 N/A
7774426 B Type compliance inspection Daniel Benas 03/15/2012 N 0 N/A
4950154 Pretreatment compliance Christine Wong 04/25/2011 N 0 [Attachments]
434421 A Type compliance inspection Hossein Aghazeynali 01/07/2010 Y 2 N/A
1422494 Complaint inspection Hossein Aghazeynali 06/25/2008 N 1 N/A
1088065 B Type compliance inspection Jill Walsh 04/25/2007 Y 4 N/A
338104 Miscellaneous inspection Barry Hilton 07/14/2004 Y 0 N/A
310417 B Type compliance inspection Jack Yamauchi 11/01/2001 Y 0 N/A
310429 B Type compliance inspection Jack Yamauchi 08/30/2001 Y 0 N/A
310430 B Type compliance inspection Jack Yamauchi 07/03/2001 Y 0 N/A
310416 B Type compliance inspection Jack Yamauchi 06/11/2001 Y 0 N/A
310434 A Type compliance inspection Greg Kelly 06/03/1999 Y 0 N/A
310433 A Type compliance inspection Martin Sandoval 02/24/1998 Y 0 N/A
310432 Miscellaneous inspection Martin Sandoval 05/12/1997 Y 0 N/A
310413 A Type compliance inspection Reza Afhami 05/18/1995 Y 0 N/A
310414 A Type compliance inspection Reza Afhami 09/12/1994 Y 0 N/A
310415 Miscellaneous inspection Reza Afhami 09/16/1993 Y 0 N/A
310431 B Type compliance inspection Reza Afhami 09/16/1993 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 22 Last Inspection: 10/11/2023
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/26/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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