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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 267571
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
4 267571 Donald C. Tillman WWRP Wastewater Treatment Facility 6100 Woodley Van Nuys, CA, 91406 Los Angeles

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
644761 Person Michelle Chan Is A Data Submitter For 04/17/2024
630886 Person Ronald Mayuyu Is Onsite Manager For 04/14/2023
575317 Person Fernando Gonzalez Is Onsite Manager For 03/02/2022
602886 Person Darryl Roy Guenther Is A Data Submitter For 09/30/2019
554139 Person Stacee Karnya Is A Data Submitter For 01/06/2016
550996 Person Rafael Valenzuela Is A Data Submitter For 05/04/2015
359455 Person Roshanak Aflaki Is Onsite Manager For 09/15/2014
546664 Person Justina Hoang Is A Data Submitter For 05/29/2014 05/04/2015
532991 Person Michael Ruiz Is Onsite Manager For 04/11/2012
531045 Person Enrique C Zaldivar Contact 12/08/2011
526276 Person Michael M Bell Is Onsite Manager For 03/17/2011 12/31/2011
521723 Person JungSoo Lim Is A Data Submitter For 03/18/2010 01/20/2015
314877 Person Dan Pierce Is A Data Submitter For 03/18/2010 09/02/2021
314874 Person Ning Liang Is A Data Submitter For 03/18/2010 11/10/2020
521721 Person Tom Juma Is A Data Submitter For 03/18/2010 09/05/2013
303053 Person Kay Yamamoto Is A Data Submitter For 03/18/2010 07/18/2017
488367 Person Plant Manager WWRP Contact 08/20/2008
300497 Person Hiddo Netto Is Onsite Manager For 01/26/2008 01/20/2015
314895 Person Bryan Pierson Pending-is a data submitter for 05/05/2006 05/05/2007
314894 Person Nilam Patel Pending-is a data submitter for 05/05/2006 05/05/2007
25146 Organization Los Angeles City Bureau of Sanitation Owner City Agency 05/19/1980
Total Related Parties: 21

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
260653 Letter 4 WDR 1 Historical N
447892 NPDES Permit 4 NPDMUNILRG R4-2022-0341 4B190106004 02/01/2023 01/31/2028 Active N
440301 Co-Permitee SB SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 4B190106004 07/09/2020 Active N
412169 NPDES Permit 4 NPDMUNILRG R4-2017-0062 4B190106004 05/01/2017 04/30/2022 Historical N
389850 13267 Letter (Non-Enforcement) 4 NPDMUNILRG R4-2011-0196 4B190106004 02/14/2013 Historical N
382755 NPDES Permit 4 NPDMUNILRG R4-2011-0196 4B190106004 02/03/2012 11/10/2016 Historical Y
352065 Letter 4 NPDMUNILRG R4-2006-0091 4B190106004 08/07/2008 Historical N
331272 Enrollee 4 LNDISP 91-93 4B196207008 08/14/2007 Historical N
373787 NPDES Permit 4 NPDMUNILRG R4-2006-0091 4B190106004 02/02/2007 11/10/2011 Historical Y
323039 WDR 4 WDRMUNILRG R4-2007-0008 4B190106047 01/12/2007 01/12/2012 Active Y
321118 Reclamation Requirements 4 REC R4-2007-0009 4B190106052 01/11/2007 01/11/2012 Active Y
136357 NPDES Permit 4 NPDMUNILRG 98-046 4B190106004 06/15/1998 05/10/2003 Historical N
134811 NPDES Permit 4 NPDMUNILRG 91-102 4B190106004 09/09/1991 08/10/1996 Historical Y
135261 Reclamation Requirements 4 REC 86-039 4B190106047 06/23/1986 06/23/1989 Historical Y
134433 NPDES Permit 4 NPDMUNILRG 85-034 4B190106004 06/24/1985 06/10/1990 Historical N
134364 NPDES Permit 4 NPDMUNILRG 84-09803 4B190106004 10/22/1984 10/10/1989 Historical N
134141 NPDES Permit 4 NPDMUNILRG 80-020 4B190106004 05/19/1980 05/10/1985 Historical N
134125 Reclamation Requirements 4 REC 79-161 4B190106047 10/22/1979 10/22/1982 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 18

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1138759 10/05/2024 DMON For the NPDES weekly lake requirement for RSW-4(4) there was a deficient monitoring violation for dissolved oxygen. The sample taken on October 1, 2024, was analyzed for dissolved oxygen, but the analyst recorded the incorrect meter display. The result for that day was reported as analyst error for dissolved oxygen. That resulted in one monitoring deficiency for the week of September 29 to October 5. N/A Violation U eSMR
1137381 09/30/2024 CTOX Chronic Toxicity Monthly Median limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at EFF-001A. N/A Violation U eSMR
1137382 09/18/2024 DMON The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. The non-functioning flow meter was replaced on September 19, 2024. Violation U eSMR
1137380 09/07/2024 DMON For the NPDES weekly lake requirement for RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2 (W-2) there were deficient monitoring violations. The samples taken on September 3, 2024, were not analyzed for total kjeldahl nitrogen and organic nitrogen within their holding time. The samples were put away prematurely before conducting all the required analysis, resulting in the samples being past holding time. Consequently, no results were reported for total kjeldahl nitrogen, organic nitrogen, and total nitrogen for the week of September 1 to September 7 resulting in 1 weekly monitoring deficiencies. N/A Violation U eSMR
1137383 09/07/2024 DMON For the NPDES weekly lake requirement for RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2 (W-2) there were deficient monitoring violations. The samples taken on September 3, 2024, were not analyzed for total kjeldahl nitrogen and organic nitrogen within their holding time. The samples were put away prematurely before conducting all the required analysis, resulting in the samples being past holding time. Consequently, no results were reported for total kjeldahl nitrogen, organic nitrogen, and total nitrogen for the week of September 1 to September 7 resulting in 1 weekly monitoring deficiencies. N/A Violation U eSMR
1135880 08/31/2024 DMON The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. The non-functioning flow meter was replaced on September 19, 2024. Violation U eSMR
1134459 07/31/2024 DMON The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. The non-functioning flow meter was replaced on September 19, 2024. Violation U eSMR
1131758 06/30/2024 DMON The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. The defunct flow meter is in the process of being replaced with a new, more reliable, flow meter. Violation U eSMR
1130799 05/31/2024 DMON The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. The defunct flow meter is in the process of being replaced with a new, more reliable, flow meter. Violation U eSMR
1129422 04/30/2024 DMON The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. The defunct flow meter is in the process of being replaced with a new, more reliable, flow meter. Violation U eSMR
1128615 03/31/2024 DMON The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. N/A Violation U eSMR
1128614 03/31/2024 DMON The monitoring of effluent carbon tetrachloride is required monthly. This analysis was missed in March 2024, resulting in a monitoring deficiency violation. The analyzing lab has updated their storage practices and begun using a hard copy sample status log to prevent this from reoccurring. The lab has initiated daily checks and status updates. Violation U eSMR
1127322 02/29/2024 DMON The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. This IF resulted in one deficient monitoring violation for February 2024. N/A Violation U eSMR
1125965 01/31/2024 DMON The flow meter discharging into Balboa Lake stopped working on July 26, 2023. Effluent flow is a continuous monitoring requirement reported on a daily basis for the daily average flow and daily maximum flow. The daily average effluent flows being reported for effluent discharge starting on July 25, 2023 are approximate values. The flow to Balboa Lake is being estimated based on pump capacity. Until the meter is replaced, the reported daily average flow for the effluent will continue to be an approximate value. Due to the Balboa Lake meter not working, the daily maximum for the effluent flow cannot be determined, these have been reported as an instrument failure (IF) since July 25, 2023. This IF resulted in one deficient monitoring violation for January 2024. N/A Violation U eSMR
1122500 09/30/2023 DMON For the monthly effluent requirements there was a deficient monitoring violation for carbon tetrachloride. Per the DCTWRP permit Order No. R4-2022-0341 effective February 1, 2023, carbon tetrachloride is a monthly required constituent with an effluent limit of 0.5 ug/L. It was not analyzed in the month of September. This resulted in one deficient monitoring violation. In order to prevent this type of recurrence in the future, there will be better organization of samples in the refrigerators by laboratory personnel, as well as starting a sample status log to keep track of received samples in the laboratory. Violation B eSMR
1120979 09/29/2023 LREP Once Only OneTime ( TECHRPT ) (Local Limit Evaluation Report) report for 2023/02/01 (2682273) was due on 28-SEP-23 Violation B Report
1119566 07/16/2023 LREP Once Only OneTime ( PROGRPT ) (Compliance Sched - TAC progress report) report for 2023/02/01 (2754172) was due on 15-JUL-23 Violation B Report
1119966 06/30/2023 DMON For the monthly effluent requirements there was a deficient monitoring violation for pentachlorophenol. Per the DCTWRP permit Order No. R4-2022-0341 effective February 1, 2023, pentachlorophenol is a monthly required constituent with an effluent limit of 1.0 ug/L. Due to the in-house method not being sensitive enough to determine compliance with the new effluent limit, monthly analysis has been contracted out. The contract lab extracted the sample outside the allowed holding time. The contract lab sent out an update once the month of June had passed, so resampling was not possible. This resulted in a deficient monitoring violation for pentachlorophenol. N/A Violation B eSMR
1117225 05/16/2023 LREP Once Only OneTime ( PROGRPT ) (Compliance Schedule - Technical Advisory Committee and initiate technical workplan) report for 2023/02/01 (2684019) was due on 15-MAY-23 Violation B Report
1118453 04/30/2023 DMON For the monthly effluent requirements there was a deficient monitoring violation for carbon tetrachloride. Per the DCTWRP permit Order No. R4-2022-0341 effective February 1, 2023, carbon tetrachloride is a monthly required constituent with an effluent limit of 0.5 ug/L. In February and March, it was analyzed at the correct frequency, but not analyzed in April. Typically, two samples, one acidified and one not, are required for full EPA 624.1 analysis. The analyst was unaware of the effluent limitation on a single compound and assumed there would be a second sample for routine analysis, and did not analyze the sample. This resulted in one deficient monitoring violation. The lab has communicated to all staff that monthly samples from DCTWRP for carbon tetrachloride analysis are expected and must be run immediately for determination of compliance with the newly implemented effluent limitation. Violation B eSMR
1117755 03/31/2023 CAT2 Selenium, Total Recoverable Monthly Average limit is 3.9 ug/L and reported value was 4.354 ug/L at EFF-001A. N/A Violation B eSMR
1109951 08/13/2022 DMON For the weekly lake requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2(W-2). The sample for both RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2(W-2) on August 12 were not analyzed for total phosphorous, organic phosphorous, and condensed phosphorous within their holding time. On Thursday August 4 the boat used to collect samples broke its motor and propeller while attempting to collect sediment samples. The following week, the boat was still not repaired and the Department of Parks and Recreation staff collected the water quality sample on August 9 from the shoreline which was believed to be an alternate site. Correspondence was sent to the LA-RWQCB on August 9 notifying them that this location was used. The Regional Board replied on August 11 that the alternative site used in the past needs prior approval, so that sample was deemed not representative. Finally, the boat was repaired on Thursday August 11 and a sample was collected mid-lake at the permitted location on August 12. The laboratory had to scramble to conduct analysis for the compounds that have short holding times, such as the nutrients (nitrogen series and phosphorus series). Due to staff shortages, an analyst was pulled from another laboratory to conduct phosphate analysis. This analyst was under the impression that he was only coming in on Saturday to perform ortho-phosphorus on overtime. The analysis for total phosphorous, organic phosphorous, and condensed phosphorous were not analyzed that day and only discovered when the sample was past holding time. The root cause of this missed analysis is a lack of communication combined with staff shortages. This event also happened when the supervisor of the analysis lab was on vacation. This resulted in a deficient monitoring violation for stations RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2(W-2). To ensure this does not happen again, the analysts and the lab have been made aware that all of the phosphorus constituents need to be analyzed at the same time. Communication will be strengthened during off-schedule analysis to ensure nothing is missed. Violation U eSMR
1109952 08/13/2022 DMON For the weekly lake requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2(W-2). The sample for both RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2(W-2) on August 12 were not analyzed for total phosphorous, organic phosphorous, and condensed phosphorous within their holding time. On Thursday August 4 the boat used to collect samples broke its motor and propeller while attempting to collect sediment samples. The following week, the boat was still not repaired and the Department of Parks and Recreation staff collected the water quality sample on August 9 from the shoreline which was believed to be an alternate site. Correspondence was sent to the LA-RWQCB on August 9 notifying them that this location was used. The Regional Board replied on August 11 that the alternative site used in the past needs prior approval, so that sample was deemed not representative. Finally, the boat was repaired on Thursday August 11 and a sample was collected mid-lake at the permitted location on August 12. The laboratory had to scramble to conduct analysis for the compounds that have short holding times, such as the nutrients (nitrogen series and phosphorus series). Due to staff shortages, an analyst was pulled from another laboratory to conduct phosphate analysis. This analyst was under the impression that he was only coming in on Saturday to perform ortho-phosphorus on overtime. The analysis for total phosphorous, organic phosphorous, and condensed phosphorous were not analyzed that day and only discovered when the sample was past holding time. The root cause of this missed analysis is a lack of communication combined with staff shortages. This event also happened when the supervisor of the analysis lab was on vacation. This resulted in a deficient monitoring violation for stations RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2(W-2). To ensure this does not happen again, the analysts and the lab have been made aware that all of the phosphorus constituents need to be analyzed at the same time. Communication will be strengthened during off-schedule analysis to ensure nothing is missed. Violation U eSMR
1109142 07/08/2022 CAT2 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Daily Maximum limit is 0.049 ug/L and reported value was 0.16 ug/L at EFF-001A. N/A Violation B eSMR
1109141 07/08/2022 CAT2 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) Pyrene Daily Maximum limit is 0.03 lb/day and reported value was 0.044 lb/day at EFF-001A. N/A Violation B eSMR
1109144 07/08/2022 CAT2 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) Pyrene Daily Maximum limit is 0.049 ug/L and reported value was 0.22 ug/L at EFF-001A. N/A Violation B eSMR
1109143 07/04/2022 CTOX Chronic Toxicity Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at EFF-001A. N/A Violation B eSMR
1108042 06/30/2022 DMON For the sediment requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4), RSW-W2(W-2), and RSW-LATT622(D). There are no results to report for the pesticides semiannual requirements for the January through June 2022 period. The analysis for these constituents are contracted out. During this period, the Sample Receiving unit mistakenly did not send the sample to the contract lab. By the time the Sample Receiving unit noticed, these samples were past their holding times. The permit specifies that quarterly and semiannual requirements must be conducted in the first quarter, so by the time this issue was noticed it was already past the first quarter and resampling was not possible. This resulted in 3 monitoring deficiencies. Although this will not meet the permit requirements, these stations were analyzed in the second quarter for the semiannual requirements, and results were provided as a sign of good faith in the May 2022 report. In order to prevent recurrence in the future, the Sample Receiving unit will retrain all staff members on the appropriate storage location for sediment samples that are contracted out for analysis. In addition to this, a checklist will be used by staff to ensure all contracted out lab samples have been accounted for during the send out process. Violation B eSMR
1108041 06/30/2022 DMON For the sediment requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4), RSW-W2(W-2), and RSW-LATT622(D). There are no results to report for the pesticides semiannual requirements for the January through June 2022 period. The analysis for these constituents are contracted out. During this period, the Sample Receiving unit mistakenly did not send the sample to the contract lab. By the time the Sample Receiving unit noticed, these samples were past their holding times. The permit specifies that quarterly and semiannual requirements must be conducted in the first quarter, so by the time this issue was noticed it was already past the first quarter and resampling was not possible. This resulted in 3 monitoring deficiencies. Although this will not meet the permit requirements, these stations were analyzed in the second quarter for the semiannual requirements, and results were provided as a sign of good faith in the May 2022 report. In order to prevent recurrence in the future, the Sample Receiving unit will retrain all staff members on the appropriate storage location for sediment samples that are contracted out for analysis. In addition to this, a checklist will be used by staff to ensure all contracted out lab samples have been accounted for during the send out process. Violation B eSMR
1108043 06/30/2022 DMON For the sediment requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4), RSW-W2(W-2), and RSW-LATT622(D). There are no results to report for the pesticides semiannual requirements for the January through June 2022 period. The analysis for these constituents are contracted out. During this period, the Sample Receiving unit mistakenly did not send the sample to the contract lab. By the time the Sample Receiving unit noticed, these samples were past their holding times. The permit specifies that quarterly and semiannual requirements must be conducted in the first quarter, so by the time this issue was noticed it was already past the first quarter and resampling was not possible. This resulted in 3 monitoring deficiencies. Although this will not meet the permit requirements, these stations were analyzed in the second quarter for the semiannual requirements, and results were provided as a sign of good faith in the May 2022 report. In order to prevent recurrence in the future, the Sample Receiving unit will retrain all staff members on the appropriate storage location for sediment samples that are contracted out for analysis. In addition to this, a checklist will be used by staff to ensure all contracted out lab samples have been accounted for during the send out process. Violation B eSMR
1106968 05/04/2022 DMON For the NPDES daily effluent requirements there was one deficient monitoring violation for total suspended solids on May 4, 2022. The sampling container was broken as the operator transported the sample to the lab. There was no composite sample available to analyze for total suspended solids on May 4, 2022 resulting in a deficient monitoring violation. N/A Violation B eSMR
1105405 03/31/2022 DMON For the sediment requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4), RSW-W2(W-2), and RSW-LATT622(D). There are no results to report for the diazinon quarterly requirements for the January through March 2022 period and the pesticides semiannual requirements for the January through June 2022 period. The analysis for these constituents are contracted out. During this period, the Sample Receiving unit did not send the sample to the contract lab by mistake. By the time the Sample Receiving unit noticed, these samples were past their holding times. The permit specifies that quarterly and semiannual requirements must be conducted in the first quarter, so by the time this issue was noticed it was already past the first quarter and resampling was not possible. Although this will not meet the permit requirements, these stations will be analyzed in the second quarter for the semiannual requirements, and results will be provided as a sign of good faith. This resulted in 6 monitoring deficiencies, 3 will be reported in the January through March 2022 period and 3 will be reported in the January through June 2022. In order to prevent recurrence in the future, the Sample Receiving unit will retrain all staff members on the appropriate storage location for sediment samples that are contracted out for analysis. In addition to this, a checklist will be used by staff to ensure all contracted out lab samples have been accounted for during the send out process. Violation U eSMR
1105406 03/31/2022 DMON For the sediment requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4), RSW-W2(W-2), and RSW-LATT622(D). There are no results to report for the diazinon quarterly requirements for the January through March 2022 period and the pesticides semiannual requirements for the January through June 2022 period. The analysis for these constituents are contracted out. During this period, the Sample Receiving unit did not send the sample to the contract lab by mistake. By the time the Sample Receiving unit noticed, these samples were past their holding times. The permit specifies that quarterly and semiannual requirements must be conducted in the first quarter, so by the time this issue was noticed it was already past the first quarter and resampling was not possible. Although this will not meet the permit requirements, these stations will be analyzed in the second quarter for the semiannual requirements, and results will be provided as a sign of good faith. This resulted in 6 monitoring deficiencies, 3 will be reported in the January through March 2022 period and 3 will be reported in the January through June 2022. In order to prevent recurrence in the future, the Sample Receiving unit will retrain all staff members on the appropriate storage location for sediment samples that are contracted out for analysis. In addition to this, a checklist will be used by staff to ensure all contracted out lab samples have been accounted for during the send out process. Violation U eSMR
1105407 03/31/2022 DMON For the sediment requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4), RSW-W2(W-2), and RSW-LATT622(D). There are no results to report for the diazinon quarterly requirements for the January through March 2022 period and the pesticides semiannual requirements for the January through June 2022 period. The analysis for these constituents are contracted out. During this period, the Sample Receiving unit did not send the sample to the contract lab by mistake. By the time the Sample Receiving unit noticed, these samples were past their holding times. The permit specifies that quarterly and semiannual requirements must be conducted in the first quarter, so by the time this issue was noticed it was already past the first quarter and resampling was not possible. Although this will not meet the permit requirements, these stations will be analyzed in the second quarter for the semiannual requirements, and results will be provided as a sign of good faith. This resulted in 6 monitoring deficiencies, 3 will be reported in the January through March 2022 period and 3 will be reported in the January through June 2022. In order to prevent recurrence in the future, the Sample Receiving unit will retrain all staff members on the appropriate storage location for sediment samples that are contracted out for analysis. In addition to this, a checklist will be used by staff to ensure all contracted out lab samples have been accounted for during the send out process. Violation U eSMR
1102045 12/31/2021 DMON For the NPDES semiannual effluent requirements there was one deficient monitoring violation for perchlorate for the July through December 2021 period. A 24-hour composite sample was analyzed in the third quarter for perchlorate instead of a grab sample as specified in the NPDES permit. A composite sample is legally valid per the analytical EPA method 314.0 used by the laboratory. During this time there was a significant increase in the frequency of monitoring in the Santa Monica Bay per order R4-2021-0107-A02 because of the sewage discharge from the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant on July 12 of 2021, which resulted in a growing backlog of samples to be analyzed by the Wet Chemistry lab. The composite sample from DCTWRP was analyzed instead of the grab sample and the lab could not spare the resources to resample and reanalyze. The composite sample had an estimated concentration of 0.68 ug/L. While valid, the NPDES permit requires for perchlorate to be analyzed on an effluent grab sample. Perchlorate is monitored more frequently than required in the NPDES permit. An effluent grab sample was also sampled and analyzed in the fourth quarter. The result for the effluent grab sample was reported in the semiannual discharge monitoring report. Although a correct sample type was analyzed for perchlorate in the period of July through December 2021, this still resulted in a semiannual deficient monitoring violation since the analysis was not conducted on a third quarter sample as required by the NPDES permit. N/A Violation U eSMR
1097975 09/30/2021 DMON For the sediment requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4), RSW-W2(W-2), and RSW-LATT622(D). There are no results to report for the diazinon quarterly requirements for the July through September 2021 period and the pesticides semiannual requirements for the July through December 2021 period. The analysis for these constituents are contracted out. During this period, the contract lab that normally conducts this analysis was relocating so they decided to subcontract the analysis. Due to this, the samples were analyzed after their holding time so results are not reportable. The permit specifies that quarterly and semiannual requirements must be conducted in the third quarter, so by the time this issue was noticed it was already past the third quarter and resampling was not possible. This resulted in 3 monitoring deficiencies for the quarterly requirements. N/A Violation U eSMR
1097976 09/30/2021 DMON For the sediment requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4), RSW-W2(W-2), and RSW-LATT622(D). There are no results to report for the diazinon quarterly requirements for the July through September 2021 period and the pesticides semiannual requirements for the July through December 2021 period. The analysis for these constituents are contracted out. During this period, the contract lab that normally conducts this analysis was relocating so they decided to subcontract the analysis. Due to this, the samples were analyzed after their holding time so results are not reportable. The permit specifies that quarterly and semiannual requirements must be conducted in the third quarter, so by the time this issue was noticed it was already past the third quarter and resampling was not possible. This resulted in 3 monitoring deficiencies for the quarterly requirements. N/A Violation U eSMR
1097977 09/30/2021 DMON For the sediment requirements there were deficient monitoring violations for stations RSW-4(4), RSW-W2(W-2), and RSW-LATT622(D). There are no results to report for the diazinon quarterly requirements for the July through September 2021 period and the pesticides semiannual requirements for the July through December 2021 period. The analysis for these constituents are contracted out. During this period, the contract lab that normally conducts this analysis was relocating so they decided to subcontract the analysis. Due to this, the samples were analyzed after their holding time so results are not reportable. The permit specifies that quarterly and semiannual requirements must be conducted in the third quarter, so by the time this issue was noticed it was already past the third quarter and resampling was not possible. This resulted in 3 monitoring deficiencies for the quarterly requirements. N/A Violation U eSMR
1093160 05/31/2021 DMON For the NPDES monthly effluent requirements there was one deficient monitoring violation for heptachlor due to a laboratory error. During the analysis, the sample was spiked in error with the target analyte instead of the required surrogates and the results are not reportable. There are no results to report in May. N/A Violation U eSMR
1090988 03/06/2021 DMON For the NPDES weekly lake requirement for RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2 (W-2) there were deficient monitoring violations. The samples taken on March 2, 2021, were not analyzed for total Kjeldahl nitrogen within their 28 day holding time. Consequently, no results were reported for total Kjeldahl nitrogen, organic nitrogen, and total nitrogen for the week of February 28 to March 6 resulting in 2 weekly monitoring deficiencies. The Wet Chemistry laboratory has been experiencing staff shortages due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in a growing backlog of samples to be analyzed. The Wet Chemistry supervisor prioritized analyses with short hold times. Despite best efforts to analyze all samples in a timely manner, both the supervisor of Wet Chemistry and the staff overlooked these particular samples. In addition, the samples were mistakenly put away in the back up refrigerator prior to analysis being completed on the samples. In order to correct this deficiency, staff have been reminded to closely pay attention to labels on samples bottles and not put anything away until all analyses on the label are marked complete. The supervisor of Wet Chemistry is also being reminded to closely monitor samples that are nearing hold time expiration and to notify staff to analyze these samples as soon as possible. Violation U eSMR
1090989 03/06/2021 DMON For the NPDES weekly lake requirement for RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2 (W-2) there were deficient monitoring violations. The samples taken on March 2, 2021, were not analyzed for total Kjeldahl nitrogen within their 28 day holding time. Consequently, no results were reported for total Kjeldahl nitrogen, organic nitrogen, and total nitrogen for the week of February 28 to March 6 resulting in 2 weekly monitoring deficiencies. The Wet Chemistry laboratory has been experiencing staff shortages due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in a growing backlog of samples to be analyzed. The Wet Chemistry supervisor prioritized analyses with short hold times. Despite best efforts to analyze all samples in a timely manner, both the supervisor of Wet Chemistry and the staff overlooked these particular samples. In addition, the samples were mistakenly put away in the back up refrigerator prior to analysis being completed on the samples. In order to correct this deficiency, staff have been reminded to closely pay attention to labels on samples bottles and not put anything away until all analyses on the label are marked complete. The supervisor of Wet Chemistry is also being reminded to closely monitor samples that are nearing hold time expiration and to notify staff to analyze these samples as soon as possible. Violation U eSMR
1089847 02/28/2021 DMON In February, there was a deficient monitoring violation for total nitrogen, which is required monthly for the NPDES permit. The schedule sampling date for Ammonia and Organic Nitrogen had to be postponed due to the plant not discharging effluent because of a turbidity issue. Since all the nitrogen constituents were not analyzed on the same day, total nitrogen was not able to be calculated. Another total nitrogen deficient monitoring violation occurred in January 2021. After this second occurrence in February, a note was made on the chain of custody template and the analyzing lab¿s supervisor made a change in his review procedure in order to prevent a reoccurrence. Violation U eSMR
1088873 01/31/2021 DMON In January, there was a deficient monitoring violation for total nitrogen, which is required monthly for the NPDES permit. The ammonia and organic-nitrogen samples taken January 5 were misplaced/lost. A resample was taken for only ammonia and organic-nitrogen on January 18. Since all the nitrogen constituents were not analyzed on the same day, total nitrogen was not able to be calculated. Another total nitrogen deficient monitoring violation occurred in February 2021. After this second occurrence in February and the discovery of the January deficiency, a note was made on the chain of custody template and the analyzing lab¿s supervisor made a change in his review procedure in order to prevent a reoccurrence. Violation U eSMR
1082477 09/13/2020 DMON For the weeks of September 13-19 and 20-26 both stations RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2(W-2) were not sampled for any of their weekly requirements. For those two weeks there are no results for pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, total nitrogen, TKN, ammonia nitrogen, organic nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, total phosphorus, organic phosphorus, condensed phosphorus, and orthophosphorus. Boat malfunctions led to missed weekly sampling of stations RSW-4(4) and RSW-W2(W-2) for a duration of two weeks before the Department of Recreation and Parks could acquire and affix a loaned engine to one of the boats. Sampling resumed and the original engines were fixed in October. As weekly sampling of both monitoring locations are required in the DCTWRP NPDES discharge permit, alternate sites accessible by sampling pole from the shoreline were sampled until one of the boats was repaired. An alternate sampling location for RSW-W2(W-2) has already been approved previously (August 2, 2019). An approved alternate location for RSW-4(4) does not currently exist, but a suitable location has been determined to proceed with mandated weekly sampling. Due to both the approved alternate location for RSW-W2(W-2) and the unapproved alternate location of RSW-4(4) not being in the California Integrated Water Quality System, these weekly results were submitted as an attachment with this monthly report. Since these results are a weekly NPDES requirement for RSW-4(4) and were taken from an unapproved alternate site, this resulted in a deficient monitoring violation for station RSW-4(4) for the month of September. N/A Violation U eSMR
1080243 07/30/2020 DMON On July 30, 2020, the laboratory staff did not analyze for total chlorine residual on the effluent at 10 am since the level of the effluent was still too low to obtain a grab sample because of a SOPER. The staff, however, went at 12:40 pm to get an effluent grab sample for pH, temperature, and settleable solids. Due to a laboratory miscommunication, the staff did not analyze for total chlorine residual. This was reported as a no sample (NS). Per the permit, this is a daily requirement, so this resulted in a daily monitoring deficiency for total chlorine residual. N/A Violation B eSMR
1080242 07/07/2020 DMON For the NPDES weekly lake requirement for RSW-4(4) there were a total of 3 deficient monitoring violations. The sample taken on July 7, 2020, was not analyzed for organic Nitrogen within the 28 day holding time. As a result no results were reported for the organic nitrogen for the week of July 5-11 resulting in 1 weekly monitoring deficiency. Also for the week of July 5-11, since there were no results for organic nitrogen, total nitrogen was not able to be calculated which resulted in 1 more weekly monitoring deficiency. The samples taken on July 14, 2020, were not analyzed for Nitrate-N and Nitrite-N within their 48 hours holding time. There was a resample on July 17, 2020 for only Nitrate-N and Nitrite-N. Since all the nitrogen constituents in the week of July 12-18 were not analyzed on the same day, total nitrogen was not able to be calculated which resulted in 1 more weekly monitoring deficiency. In order to correct this deficiency, staff from other groups in EMD are being trained on some Wet Chemistry methods in order to alleviate the issue with staff shortages. The supervisor of Wet Chemistry is also being reminded to closely monitor samples that are nearing holding time expiration and notifying Wet Chemistry staff to analyze these samples as soon as possible. Violation B eSMR
1080244 07/07/2020 DMON For the NPDES weekly lake requirement for RSW-W2(W-2) there were a total of 3 deficient monitoring violations. The sample taken on July 7, 2020, was not analyzed for organic Nitrogen within the 28 day holding time. As a result no results were reported for the organic nitrogen for the week of July 5-11 resulting in 1 weekly monitoring deficiency. Also for the week of July 5-11, since there were no results for organic nitrogen, total nitrogen was not able to be calculated which resulted in 1 more weekly monitoring deficiency. The samples taken on July 14, 2020, were not analyzed for Nitrate-N and Nitrite-N within their 48 hours holding time. There was a resample on July 17, 2020 for only Nitrate-N and Nitrite-N. Since all the nitrogen constituents in the week of July 12-18 were not analyzed on the same day, total nitrogen was not able to be calculated which resulted in 1 more weekly monitoring deficiency. In order to correct this deficiency, staff from other groups in EMD are being trained on some Wet Chemistry methods in order to alleviate the issue with staff shortages. The supervisor of Wet Chemistry is also being reminded to closely monitor samples that are nearing holding time expiration and notifying Wet Chemistry staff to analyze these samples as soon as possible. Violation B eSMR
1079428 06/17/2020 OEV Total Coliform Not to exceed a specific limit more than once within any 30-day period. limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 27 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001B. To prevent this type of occurrence in the future, and as part of the investigation, Plant operations staff will schedule and inspect the chlorine contact tanks effluent channel and look for any debris or solids buildup in the channel. Any residue that is noted will be removed accordingly. Violation U eSMR
1076846 04/28/2020 DMON On April 28, 2020 Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks staff attempting to sample stations RSW-4 and RSW-W2 discovered the boat engine was inoperable. The secondary boat is also out-of-service with a necessary part on back-order. Both sampling locations are located offshore in deeper water and accessible only by boat. As weekly sampling of both monitoring locations are required in the DCTWRP NPDES discharge permit, alternate sites accessible by sampling pole from the shoreline will be sampled until at least one of the boats is repaired. An approved alternate location for RSW-4 does not currently exist, but a suitable location has been determined to proceed with mandated weekly sampling. Due to the unapproved alternate location of RSW-4 not being in the California Integrated Water Quality System, these weekly nitrogen nutrients results were submitted as an attachment with this monthly report. Since these results are a weekly NPDES requirement for RSW-4 and were taken from an unapproved alternate site, this resulted in six deficient monitoring violations for the week of April 26 to May 2 of 2020 for nitrogen nutrients. The six deficient monitoring violations were for total nitrogen, total kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, organic nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and nitrite nitrogen. N/A Violation U eSMR
1076847 04/28/2020 DMON On April 28, 2020 Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks staff attempting to sample stations RSW-4 and RSW-W2 discovered the boat engine was inoperable. The secondary boat is also out-of-service with a necessary part on back-order. Both sampling locations are located offshore in deeper water and accessible only by boat. As weekly sampling of both monitoring locations are required in the DCTWRP NPDES discharge permit, alternate sites accessible by sampling pole from the shoreline will be sampled until at least one of the boats is repaired. An approved alternate location for RSW-4 does not currently exist, but a suitable location has been determined to proceed with mandated weekly sampling. Due to the unapproved alternate location of RSW-4 not being in the California Integrated Water Quality System, these weekly nitrogen nutrients results were submitted as an attachment with this monthly report. Since these results are a weekly NPDES requirement for RSW-4 and were taken from an unapproved alternate site, this resulted in six deficient monitoring violations for the week of April 26 to May 2 of 2020 for nitrogen nutrients. The six deficient monitoring violations were for total nitrogen, total kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, organic nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and nitrite nitrogen. N/A Violation U eSMR
1076848 04/28/2020 DMON On April 28, 2020 Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks staff attempting to sample stations RSW-4 and RSW-W2 discovered the boat engine was inoperable. The secondary boat is also out-of-service with a necessary part on back-order. Both sampling locations are located offshore in deeper water and accessible only by boat. As weekly sampling of both monitoring locations are required in the DCTWRP NPDES discharge permit, alternate sites accessible by sampling pole from the shoreline will be sampled until at least one of the boats is repaired. An approved alternate location for RSW-4 does not currently exist, but a suitable location has been determined to proceed with mandated weekly sampling. Due to the unapproved alternate location of RSW-4 not being in the California Integrated Water Quality System, these weekly nitrogen nutrients results were submitted as an attachment with this monthly report. Since these results are a weekly NPDES requirement for RSW-4 and were taken from an unapproved alternate site, this resulted in six deficient monitoring violations for the week of April 26 to May 2 of 2020 for nitrogen nutrients. The six deficient monitoring violations were for total nitrogen, total kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, organic nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and nitrite nitrogen. N/A Violation U eSMR
1076849 04/28/2020 DMON On April 28, 2020 Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks staff attempting to sample stations RSW-4 and RSW-W2 discovered the boat engine was inoperable. The secondary boat is also out-of-service with a necessary part on back-order. Both sampling locations are located offshore in deeper water and accessible only by boat. As weekly sampling of both monitoring locations are required in the DCTWRP NPDES discharge permit, alternate sites accessible by sampling pole from the shoreline will be sampled until at least one of the boats is repaired. An approved alternate location for RSW-4 does not currently exist, but a suitable location has been determined to proceed with mandated weekly sampling. Due to the unapproved alternate location of RSW-4 not being in the California Integrated Water Quality System, these weekly nitrogen nutrients results were submitted as an attachment with this monthly report. Since these results are a weekly NPDES requirement for RSW-4 and were taken from an unapproved alternate site, this resulted in six deficient monitoring violations for the week of April 26 to May 2 of 2020 for nitrogen nutrients. The six deficient monitoring violations were for total nitrogen, total kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, organic nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and nitrite nitrogen. N/A Violation U eSMR
1076850 04/28/2020 DMON On April 28, 2020 Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks staff attempting to sample stations RSW-4 and RSW-W2 discovered the boat engine was inoperable. The secondary boat is also out-of-service with a necessary part on back-order. Both sampling locations are located offshore in deeper water and accessible only by boat. As weekly sampling of both monitoring locations are required in the DCTWRP NPDES discharge permit, alternate sites accessible by sampling pole from the shoreline will be sampled until at least one of the boats is repaired. An approved alternate location for RSW-4 does not currently exist, but a suitable location has been determined to proceed with mandated weekly sampling. Due to the unapproved alternate location of RSW-4 not being in the California Integrated Water Quality System, these weekly nitrogen nutrients results were submitted as an attachment with this monthly report. Since these results are a weekly NPDES requirement for RSW-4 and were taken from an unapproved alternate site, this resulted in six deficient monitoring violations for the week of April 26 to May 2 of 2020 for nitrogen nutrients. The six deficient monitoring violations were for total nitrogen, total kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, organic nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and nitrite nitrogen. N/A Violation U eSMR
1076851 04/28/2020 DMON On April 28, 2020 Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks staff attempting to sample stations RSW-4 and RSW-W2 discovered the boat engine was inoperable. The secondary boat is also out-of-service with a necessary part on back-order. Both sampling locations are located offshore in deeper water and accessible only by boat. As weekly sampling of both monitoring locations are required in the DCTWRP NPDES discharge permit, alternate sites accessible by sampling pole from the shoreline will be sampled until at least one of the boats is repaired. An approved alternate location for RSW-4 does not currently exist, but a suitable location has been determined to proceed with mandated weekly sampling. Due to the unapproved alternate location of RSW-4 not being in the California Integrated Water Quality System, these weekly nitrogen nutrients results were submitted as an attachment with this monthly report. Since these results are a weekly NPDES requirement for RSW-4 and were taken from an unapproved alternate site, this resulted in six deficient monitoring violations for the week of April 26 to May 2 of 2020 for nitrogen nutrients. The six deficient monitoring violations were for total nitrogen, total kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, organic nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and nitrite nitrogen. N/A Violation U eSMR
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 54 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
CAT2 = Category 2 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 2 Pollutant) CTOX = Chronic Toxicity
DMON = Deficient Monitoring LREP = Late Report
OEV = Other Effluent Violation

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
457064 Admin Civil Liability R4-2024-0184 07/31/2024 Historical
430944 Admin Civil Liability R4-2019-0047 06/18/2020 Historical
419497 Admin Civil Liability R4-2018-0015 10/23/2018 Historical
409908 Admin Civil Liability R4-2016-0295 12/12/2016 Historical
403091 Admin Civil Liability R4-2015-0150 12/18/2015 Historical
389923 Admin Civil Liability R4-2013-0059 07/01/2013 Historical
388466 Time Schedule Order R4-2012-0180 12/06/2012 Historical
384550 Time Schedule Order R4-2012-0007 02/02/2012 Historical
353015 Admin Civil Liability R4-2008-0072-M 09/30/2008 Historical
239313 Notice of Violation NOV 10/26/2001 Historical
227688 Admin Civil Liability R4-1999-0061 08/11/1999 Historical
219534 Time Schedule Order R4-1998-0070 09/14/1998 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 12

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
55990580 B Type compliance inspection Bobbi Valencia 04/15/2024 N 0 Download
48144580 B Type compliance inspection Bobbi Valencia 06/23/2022 N 0 Download
47920663 Prerequirement inspection Danielle Robinson 05/25/2022 N 0 Download
44489345 B Type compliance inspection Bobbi Valencia 05/27/2021 N 0 Download
33392182 B Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 05/22/2019 Y 0 Download
29879369 B Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 04/17/2018 Y 0 Download
26400059 B Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 05/11/2017 Y 0 N/A
27426976 Prerequirement inspection Bobbi Valencia 10/11/2016 N 0 Download
23498696 B Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 05/04/2016 Y 0 Download
14056610 A Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 05/07/2014 Y 0 Download
7237587 B Type compliance inspection Matthew Reusswig 12/13/2011 N 0 N/A
3445649 B Type compliance inspection Luz Slauter 08/25/2010 N 0 Download
3947391 B Type compliance inspection James Ashby (Multiple) 08/18/2009 N 1 Download
1859119 A Type compliance inspection EPA Contractor 08/18/2009 Y 0 Download
1773739 A Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 06/10/2009 Y 0 Download
1275127 A Type compliance inspection Tetra Tech Inspector 05/24/2007 Y 0 Download
926906 B Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 05/24/2005 N 0 Download
338668 A Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 05/24/2005 Y 0 N/A
335130 A Type compliance inspection Jesus Plasenca 06/23/2004 Y 0 N/A
333770 A Type compliance inspection Jesus Plasenca 01/21/2004 Y 0 N/A
330740 A Type compliance inspection Jesus Plasenca 06/27/2003 Y 0 N/A
331081 A Type compliance inspection Jesus Plasenca 05/14/2003 Y 0 N/A
330216 A Type compliance inspection Jesus Plasenca 01/29/2003 Y 0 N/A
325204 A Type compliance inspection Jesus Plasenca 06/26/2002 Y 0 N/A
275362 A Type compliance inspection Jesus Plasenca 12/19/2001 Y 0 N/A
275363 A Type compliance inspection Jesus Plasenca 06/21/2001 Y 0 N/A
275493 B Type compliance inspection Don Tsai 02/26/2001 Y 0 N/A
275489 A Type compliance inspection Gary Schultz 12/07/1999 Y 0 N/A
275356 A Type compliance inspection Gary Schultz 12/07/1999 Y 0 N/A
275360 Follow-up inspection (noncompliance) Wendy Phillips 06/23/1999 Y 0 N/A
275361 A Type compliance inspection Gary Schultz 06/08/1999 Y 0 N/A
275492 A Type compliance inspection Gary Schultz 06/08/1999 Y 0 N/A
275358 A Type compliance inspection Gary Schultz 06/11/1998 Y 0 N/A
275491 A Type compliance inspection Gary Schultz 06/11/1998 Y 0 N/A
275490 A Type compliance inspection Gary Schultz 06/20/1997 Y 0 N/A
275359 A Type compliance inspection Gary Schultz 06/20/1997 Y 0 N/A
275357 A Type compliance inspection Gary Schultz 06/18/1996 Y 0 N/A
275494 B Type compliance inspection Manuel Santos 08/03/1995 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 38 Last Inspection: 04/15/2024
The current report was generated with data as of: 02/21/2025
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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