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Place ID 248794
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
9 248794 US Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL) Military Facility 140 Sylvester Road, Building 140 Room 234 San Diego, CA, 92106 San Diego

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
607878 Person Katelyn Taylor Is A Data Submitter For 01/31/2024
626505 Person Samantha Lui Is A Data Submitter For 07/26/2023
577342 Person Justin Rhoads Is A Data Submitter For 07/26/2023
636337 Person James D Webb Is A Data Submitter For 11/28/2022
635090 Person Charles Ginsberg Is A Data Submitter For 08/31/2022
610728 Person Alejandra Hiles Orozco Is A Data Submitter For 07/07/2020
552547 Person Anthony Yamat Is A Data Submitter For 03/30/2020
606159 Person Ashley Labagnara Is A Data Submitter For 02/19/2020 08/31/2022
602441 Person Mike Mathias Is A Data Submitter For 11/25/2019 08/31/2022
601579 Person Jacob Brayton Dunk Is A Data Submitter For 08/29/2019 08/31/2022
600867 Person Kayla Carpenter Is A Data Submitter For 08/07/2019 07/26/2023
538059 Person Thelma June Wheaton Is A Data Submitter For 04/30/2019 04/11/2024
81036 Person Robert Chichester Is Onsite Manager For 06/08/2018
568976 Person Jeremy Richard Judd Is A Data Submitter For 10/06/2017 03/29/2019
363402 Person Luis Perez Is Onsite Manager For 05/10/2016 11/01/2022
555506 Person Stephen Curtis Knowles Is A Data Submitter For 03/30/2016 06/23/2017
550547 Person Rose Gutowski Is A Data Submitter For 03/29/2016 09/13/2018
555476 Person Vanessa Jette Is A Data Submitter For 03/29/2016 09/01/2022
544889 Person Jessica Palmer Is A Data Submitter For 03/26/2015 08/31/2022
548661 Person J Craft Is A Data Submitter For 10/02/2014 04/24/2017
534988 Person Kevin Korstad Is A Data Submitter For 02/20/2013
526140 Person Robert A Chichester Is A Data Submitter For 03/04/2011 11/23/2015
93345 Person Brian Gordon Is Onsite Manager For 02/25/2011
367957 Person Len Sinfield Is Onsite Manager For 02/25/2011 11/01/2022
525879 Person Cecilia Ellema Is A Data Submitter For 02/15/2011
9093 Organization US Navy Southwest Division Owner Federal Agency 12/05/2001
Total Related Parties: 26

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
395496 NPDES Permit 9 DODNPDESWW R9-2014-0037 9 000000538 08/01/2014 07/31/2019 Active Y
131212 NPDES Permit 9 DODNPDESWW R9-2002-0002 9 000000538 09/11/2002 09/11/2007 Historical Y
Total Reg Measures: 2

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1119654 03/24/2023 Surface Water JET FUEL (V) DISCHARGED FROM A REFUELING STATION DUE TO A VALVE FITTING FAILURE. (Estimated Volume of spill ~0.5 gal) Spill Response Team responded to the incident. The spill was contained and clean up performed by reporting party. Violation U eSMR
1119651 10/31/2022 Surface Water Fueling, gauges weren't working etc.. Over filled tank. "DIESEL FUEL DISCHARGED FROM A DECK DRAIN ONBOARD A VESSEL DUE TO RESIDUAL FUEL THAT WAS LEFT IN THE HOSE. Spill Response Team responded to incident. Hoses were disconnected and drained of remaining excess fuel to prevent reoccurrence. Violation U eSMR
1109653 09/30/2022 DMON Failed to collect pH sample from South Pier (CS-003) for the Q3 2022 monitoring period. Staffing shortage and program turnover at the NBPL Environmental office caused the monitoring deficiency. Staff will work with the boats and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard to make sure that a pH sample is collected at beginning of the quarter, or as soon as the chlorinator/dechlorinator activity starts. Violation U eSMR
1119652 09/27/2022 Surface Water Sewer main had a root ball that caused a backup up in the manhole, resulting in 30 of 300 gallons going down a storm drain. It was stopped and contained, about 270 gallons were recovered. The reporting party conducted the cleanup. Violation U eSMR
1119653 09/09/2022 ATOX Acute Toxicity-Mysid, H. costata or M. bahia-survival Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at NBPL-036. The acute toxicity sample collected at Outfall 26 (NBPL-038) located on Sierra Pier 5002 on September 09, 2022, indicated a "fail" in accordance with the test of significant toxicity (TST) approach and had a percent effect greater than 40 percent; therefore, the sample exceeded the acute toxicity MDEL. NBPL Environmental Office personnel evaluated Outfall 26 (NBPL-036) drainage basin and identified housekeeping deficiencies for corrective action, and observed an increased number of support vehicles and laydown area use on the pier (potential uncontrolled source of zinc and copper). The NBPL Permit requires an additional acute toxicity test if there is an exceedance of the acute toxicity MDEL. The acute toxicity test result for the sample collected at Subase 26 on November 8, 2022, was "pass". Violation U eSMR
1109656 08/24/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 8.1 ug/L and reported value was 100 ug/L at CS-001. Ship onboard monitoring of Total Residual Chlorine at the ASW-100 discharge valve was logged as 0.1 ppm, or 100 ug/L, therefore exceeding the MDEL of 8.1 ug/L. NBPL Environmental personnel identified insufficient sodium bisulfite in the dechlorinator unit, in combination with an increased flow rate, leading to residual chlorine in the effluent. The Topside Chlorinator Instruction and logs are being updated to include increased amounts of sodium bisulfite and reinforce permit conditions. Violation U eSMR
1109651 08/23/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 8.1 ug/L and reported value was 100 ug/L at CS-001. Ship onboard monitoring of Total Residual Chlorine at the ASW-100 discharge valve was logged as 0.1 ppm, or 100 ug/L, therefore exceeding the MDEL of 8.1 ug/L. NBPL Environmental personnel identified insufficient sodium bisulfite in the dechlorinator unit, in combination with an increased flow rate, leading to residual chlorine in the effluent. The Topside Chlorinator Instruction and logs are being updated to include increased amounts of sodium bisulfite and reinforce permit conditions. Violation U eSMR
1109655 08/04/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 8.1 ug/L and reported value was 100 ug/L at CS-002. Ship onboard monitoring of Total Residual Chlorine at the ASW-100 discharge valve was logged as 0.1 ppm, or 100 ug/L, therefore exceeding the MDEL of 8.1 ug/L. NBPL Environmental personnel identified insufficient sodium bisulfite in the dechlorinator unit, in combination with an increased flow rate, leading to residual chlorine in the effluent. The Topside Chlorinator Instruction and logs are being updated to include increased amounts of sodium bisulfite and reinforce permit conditions. Violation U eSMR
1109652 08/03/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 8.1 ug/L and reported value was 100 ug/L at CS-002. Ship onboard monitoring of Total Residual Chlorine at the ASW-100 discharge valve was logged as 0.1 ppm, or 100 ug/L, therefore exceeding the MDEL of 8.1 ug/L. NBPL Environmental personnel identified insufficient sodium bisulfite in the dechlorinator unit, in combination with an increased flow rate, leading to residual chlorine in the effluent. The Topside Chlorinator Instruction and logs are being updated to include increased amounts of sodium bisulfite and reinforce permit conditions. Violation U eSMR
1109654 07/01/2022 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 8.1 ug/L and reported value was 100 ug/L at CS-002. Ship onboard monitoring of Total Residual Chlorine at the ASW-100 discharge valve was logged as 0.1 ppm, or 100 ug/L, therefore exceeding the MDEL of 8.1 ug/L. NBPL Environmental personnel identified insufficient sodium bisulfite in the dechlorinator unit, in combination with an increased flow rate, leading to residual chlorine in the effluent. The Topside Chlorinator Instruction and logs are being updated to include increased amounts of sodium bisulfite and reinforce permit conditions. Violation U eSMR
1107560 06/11/2022 Surface Water CHT hose valve failure due to pump with valve only 1/4 open, approximately four gallons of gray water discharged San Diego Bay. Valve was shut immediately on observation of spill/leak. Ship-to-Shore refresher training on connections and inspection of equipment prior to hook-up and pumping activities. Violation U eSMR
1107558 03/04/2022 ATOX Acute Toxicity-Mysid, H. costata or M. bahia-survival Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at NBPL-038. The additional acute toxicity sample collected at Outfall 28 (NBPL-038) located on Sierra Pier 5002 on March 4, 2022, indicated a "fail" in accordance with the TST approach and had a percent effect greater than 20 percent; therefore, the additional sample exceeded the Maximum Daily Effluent Limit (MDEL). As a result of two consecutive exceedances of the acute toxicity MDEL at the high risk industrial area storm water outfall (Outfall 28/NBPL-038), NBPL Environmental Office submitted a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) Work Plan Amendment on May 12, 2022. A TRE Progress Report was submitted to the RWQCB on July 21, 2022, listing actions taken toward achieving compliance. Violation U eSMR
1107559 12/14/2021 ATOX Acute Toxicity-Mysid, H. costata or M. bahia-survival Maximum Daily (MDEL) limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 1 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at NBPL-038. The acute toxicity sample collected at Outfall 28 (NBPL-038) located on Sierra Pier 5002 on December 14, 2021, indicated a "fail" in accordance with the test of significant toxicity (TST) approach and had a percent effect greater than 40 percent; therefore, the sample exceeded the acute toxicity MDEL. NBPL Environmental Office personnel evaluated Outfall 28 (NBPL-038) drainage basin and identified housekeeping deficiencies for corrective action, and observed an increased number of support vehicles and laydown area use on the pier (potential uncontrolled source of zinc and copper). The NBPL Permit requires an additional acute toxicity test if there is an exceedance of the acute toxicity MDEL, this test was conducted at Outfall 28 (NBPL-038) on March 4, 2022. Violation U eSMR
1093513 03/15/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at NBPL-038. None. BMPs were observed to be implemented during quarterly inspections. Although the outfall results are considered an MDEL exceedance, in accordance with Section V.C.6 of Attachment E of the NBPL Permit, preparation of a toxicity reduction evaluation (TRE) work plan or implementation of a TRE is not required because of the lack of toxicity in the adjacent receiving water. Violation U eSMR
1093511 03/03/2021 CTOX Chronic Toxicity 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at NBPL-038. None. BMPs were observed to be implemented during quarterly inspections. Although the outfall results are considered an MDEL exceedance, in accordance with Section V.C.6 of Attachment E of the NBPL Permit, preparation of a toxicity reduction evaluation (TRE) work plan or implementation of a TRE is not required because of the lack of toxicity in the adjacent receiving water. Violation U eSMR
1093512 12/02/2020 Surface Water Metal flange connecting USS ARCO to a CHT hose on South Pier (Pier 5002) failed resulting in sewage leak/spill of approximately 0.5 gallons. Valve was shut immediately on observation of spill/leak. The metal flange was replaced and tested prior to pumping of CHT. ARCO to re-enforce inspection of equipment prior to hook-up and pumping activities. Violation U eSMR
1078852 04/09/2020 Surface Water An estimated 10 to 20 gallons of sanitary wastewater was discharged to SD Bay. Cause was defective CHT Riser and spill happened during ship to shore transfer. The spill immediately dispersed with no chance for recovery. The ship to shore transfer was stopped and the CHT Riser was tagged for out-of-service immediately and a service repair ticket was generated. Violation B eSMR
1078854 02/10/2020 CTOX Chronic Toxicity 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at NBPL-038. None. Violation B eSMR
1078853 12/04/2019 CTOX Chronic Toxicity 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at NBPL-038. None. Violation B eSMR
1078856 11/27/2019 CTOX Chronic Toxicity 1-Hour Average (Mean) limit is 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) and reported value was 0 Pass/Fail (Pass = 0, Fail = 1) at NBPL-038. None. BMPs were observed to be implemented during quarterly inspections. Although the outfall results are considered an MDEL exceedance, in accordance with Section V.C.6 of Attachment E of the NBPL Permit, preparation of a toxicity reduction evaluation (TRE) work plan or implementation of a TRE is not required because of the lack of toxicity in the adjacent receiving water. Violation B eSMR
1078851 09/23/2019 Surface Water Misaligned fueling equipment resulted in accidental release of less than 1 quart of marine diesel fuel. Fuel transfer was shutoff immediately preventing only minor release and the equipment alignment was corrected. Violation B eSMR
1078855 07/22/2019 Surface Water Sheen observed between vessel and spill containment booms, pads used to absorb sheen. Spill was assumed hydraulic fluid and estimated to be less than 0.5 gallons. Cause was Unknown. Low pressure blow is a routine operation and has never produced a sheen before. No work was done recently that could have caused the sheen. Absorbent pads were placed in the water b/w the spill boom and the vessel. Most product evaporated off/dissipated. Violation B eSMR
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 22 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
ATOX = Acute Toxicity CAT2 = Category 2 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 2 Pollutant)
CTOX = Chronic Toxicity DMON = Deficient Monitoring
Surface Water = Surface Water

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
430426 Staff Enforcement Letter null 06/11/2019 Historical
410579 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 01/26/2017 Historical
407281 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 08/16/2016 Historical
404337 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 01/19/2016 Historical
402796 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2014-0037 09/23/2015 Historical
398204 Staff Enforcement Letter 10/08/2014 Historical
393169 Staff Enforcement Letter null 09/16/2013 Historical
373921 Notice of Violation 04/13/2010 Historical
373920 Notice of Violation 04/13/2010 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 9

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
52393028 B Type compliance inspection Vicente Rodriguez 05/22/2023 N 0 Download
44254013 B Type compliance inspection Vicente Rodriguez 06/10/2021 Y 0 Download
36570835 B Type compliance inspection Vicente Rodriguez 03/01/2019 N 0 Download
29052677 B Type compliance inspection Vicente Rodriguez 06/23/2017 N 0 N/A
19785045 B Type compliance inspection Kristin Schwall 12/15/2014 N 0 N/A
16020216 B Type compliance inspection Brandi Outwin-Beals 04/03/2014 N 0 N/A
14022275 B Type compliance inspection Ben Neill (Multiple) 09/23/2013 N 0 [Attachments]
8641359 B Type compliance inspection Mike McCann 05/30/2012 N 0 Download
4859197 B Type compliance inspection Craig Blett 06/06/2011 N 0 Download
2752002 B Type compliance inspection Jared Richardson 04/27/2010 N 0 Download
1821746 B Type compliance inspection Scott Coulson 05/05/2009 N 0 Download
1475061 B Type compliance inspection Danny O'Connell 12/13/2007 Y 0 Download
299774 Prerequirement inspection Paul Richter 04/16/2002 Y 0 N/A
299775 Prerequirement inspection Paul Richter 08/07/2000 Y 0 N/A
299773 Prerequirement inspection Sue Pease 07/20/1995 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 15 Last Inspection: 05/22/2023
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/16/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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