Violation ID |
Occurred Date |
Violation Type |
(-) Violation Description |
Corrective Action |
Status |
Classification |
Source |
1130537 |
05/01/2024 |
Per Section 4.1 of the MRP, effluent samples shall be analyzed weekly for total suspended solids (TSS). An effluent TSS sample was inadvertently not collected or analyzed during the week of April 28. A make-up sample was collected in August and the result will be included in that monthly report.
Per Section 8.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples shall be analyzed monthly for Methylene Blue Active Substances (MBAS). A sample collected on May 1 from receiving water station RSW-001 (R-11) was invalid because the method's hold time was exceeded by the contract lab. A make-up sample was collected in July and the result will be included in that monthly report. |
Per Section 4.1 of the MRP, effluent samples shall be analyzed weekly for total suspended solids (TSS). An effluent TSS sample was inadvertently not collected or analyzed during the week of April 28. A make-up sample was collected in August and the result will be included in that monthly report.
Per Section 8.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples shall be analyzed monthly for Methylene Blue Active Substances (MBAS). A sample collected on May 1 from receiving water station RSW-001 (R-11) was invalid because the method's hold time was exceeded by the contract lab. A make-up sample was collected in July and the result will be included in that monthly report. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1113285 |
11/07/2022 |
Dissolved Oxygen Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 5 mg/L and reported value was 4.3 mg/L at RSW-003. |
Per Section 5.1.3 of the WDR, the dissolved oxygen in the receiving water shall not be depressed below 5 mg/L as a result of wastes discharged. At 9:25 a.m. on November 7, 2022, laboratory staff collected a sample from receiving water station RSW-003 (R-B) for dissolved oxygen (DO) analysis and the result was 4.3 mg/L. RSW-003 (R-B) is downstream of Discharge Point 002 which was actively discharging final effluent and no upstream flow was present. An investigation did not identify any operational issues at the Whittier Narrows WRP, nor any odor complaints received on the day of the exceedance. In addition, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), which indicates the potential for dissolved oxygen depletion, was not detected at RSW-003 (R-B) on November 7 or in the final effluent on November 6. Additionally, visual observations at the Whittier Narrows WRP outfall and receiving water station RSW-003 (R-B) indicated no adverse impacts.
In accordance with Section 6.1.2.y. and Attachment D Section 5.5.1. of the permit, respectively, upon having knowledge of the exceedance, the Sanitation Districts notified the Regional Board (Ms. Jeong-Hee Lim) via voice message on January 26 at 10:46 a.m., followed by written notification on January 30, 2023.
To prevent reoccurrence, staff will continue to monitor secondary treatment for abnormal conditions that may depress DO. Upon notification of DO limitation exceedances, staff will immediately investigate the cause of the low DO, take a sample at the outfall, visually observe the receiving water, make operational changes at the plant as necessary, and make the appropriate notifications so that the exceedance can be reported in a timely manner. Routine DO monitoring results, using samples collected at Whittier Narrows WRP final effluent in December, are in compliance with the limitation. Receiving water station RSW-003 was dry in December but the stations with flow (RSW-001, RSW-005, and RSW-006) were in compliance with the limitation. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1107039 |
05/22/2022 |
Per Section 8.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples shall be analyzed monthly for MBAS. Analytical results of samples collected from receiving water stations RSW-005 and RSW-006 on May 22 are invalid due to data integrity issues. Make-up samples will be collected as soon as possible. Corrective actions to prevent this from recurring include: 1) purchase and implementation of a spectrophotometer that has a reading log and can directly and electronically transfer results to the data management system to assure analytical results are accurately recorded, 2) routine review of analyst¿s adherence to laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and 3) additional staff assigned to oversee laboratory activities. |
Per Section 8.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples shall be analyzed monthly for MBAS. Analytical results of samples collected from receiving water stations RSW-005 and RSW-006 on May 22 are invalid due to data integrity issues. Make-up samples will be collected as soon as possible. Corrective actions to prevent this from recurring include: 1) purchase and implementation of a spectrophotometer that has a reading log and can directly and electronically transfer results to the data management system to assure analytical results are accurately recorded, 2) routine review of analyst¿s adherence to laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and 3) additional staff assigned to oversee laboratory activities. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1103730 |
04/16/2022 |
Annual SMR ( PRETRPT ) report for 2021 (2416289) was due on 15-APR-22 |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1103731 |
04/16/2022 |
Annual SMR ( SUMRPT ) report for 2021 (2416285) was due on 15-APR-22 |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1106156 |
04/04/2022 |
Per Section 8.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples shall be analyzed monthly for MBAS. Analytical results of samples collected from receiving water stations RSW-003 and RSW-006 on April 4 are invalid due to data integrity issues. Make-up samples will be collected as soon as possible. Corrective actions to prevent this from recurring include: 1) purchase and implementation of a spectrophotometer that has a reading log and can directly and electronically transfer results to the data management system to assure analytical results are accurately recorded, 2) routine review of analyst¿s adherence to laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and 3) additional staff assigned to oversee laboratory activities. |
Per Section 8.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples shall be analyzed monthly for MBAS. Analytical results of samples collected from receiving water stations RSW-003 and RSW-006 on April 4 are invalid due to data integrity issues. Make-up samples will be collected as soon as possible. Corrective actions to prevent this from recurring include: 1) purchase and implementation of a spectrophotometer that has a reading log and can directly and electronically transfer results to the data management system to assure analytical results are accurately recorded, 2) routine review of analyst¿s adherence to laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and 3) additional staff assigned to oversee laboratory activities. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1105430 |
03/14/2022 |
Per Section 8.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples shall be analyzed monthly for MBAS. Analytical results of samples collected from receiving water stations RSW-001 and RSW-005 on March 14 are invalid due to data integrity issues. Make-up samples will be collected as soon as possible. Corrective actions to prevent this from recurring include: 1) purchase and implementation of a spectrophotometer that has a reading log and can directly and electronically transfer results to the data management system to assure analytical results are accurately recorded, 2) routine review of analysts adherence to laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and 3) additional staff assigned to oversee laboratory activities. |
Per Section 8.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples shall be analyzed monthly for MBAS. Analytical results of samples collected from receiving water stations RSW-001 and RSW-005 on March 14 are invalid due to data integrity issues. Make-up samples will be collected as soon as possible. Corrective actions to prevent this from recurring include: 1) purchase and implementation of a spectrophotometer that has a reading log and can directly and electronically transfer results to the data management system to assure analytical results are accurately recorded, 2) routine review of analysts adherence to laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and 3) additional staff assigned to oversee laboratory activities. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1093105 |
05/23/2021 |
Per Section III.A.1 of the MRP, influent biological oxygen demand (BOD) samples shall be analyzed weekly. An influent BOD sample was invalidated during the week of May 23 because an incorrect sample volume was used. To prevent this issue from recurring, lab staff is retrained and the method Standard Operating Procedures are reviewed. |
Per Section III.A.1 of the MRP, influent biological oxygen demand (BOD) samples shall be analyzed weekly. An influent BOD sample was invalidated during the week of May 23 because an incorrect sample volume was used. To prevent this issue from recurring, lab staff is retrained and the method Standard Operating Procedures are reviewed. |
Violation |
B |
eSMR |
1076906 |
04/01/2020 |
Per Section VIII.A.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples for organic nitrogen shall be analyzed monthly. Samples were collected but not analyzed for organic nitrogen this month at Whittier Narrows receiving water stations RSW-001 (R-11), RSW-005 (R-D), and RSW-006 (RD-1). Due to an analytical instrument issue, the sample was re-routed multiple times and organic nitrogen was inadvertently omitted from the analyte list during the transition. To prevent this issue from reoccurring, staff have updated their procedures to ensure correct scheduling practices are followed for all required analytes. |
Per Section VIII.A.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples for organic nitrogen shall be analyzed monthly. Samples were collected but not analyzed for organic nitrogen this month at Whittier Narrows receiving water stations RSW-001 (R-11), RSW-005 (R-D), and RSW-006 (RD-1). Due to an analytical instrument issue, the sample was re-routed multiple times and organic nitrogen was inadvertently omitted from the analyte list during the transition. To prevent this issue from reoccurring, staff have updated their procedures to ensure correct scheduling practices are followed for all required analytes. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1076907 |
04/01/2020 |
Per Section VIII.A.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples for organic nitrogen shall be analyzed monthly. Samples were collected but not analyzed for organic nitrogen this month at Whittier Narrows receiving water stations RSW-001 (R-11), RSW-005 (R-D), and RSW-006 (RD-1). Due to an analytical instrument issue, the sample was re-routed multiple times and organic nitrogen was inadvertently omitted from the analyte list during the transition. To prevent this issue from reoccurring, staff have updated their procedures to ensure correct scheduling practices are followed for all required analytes. |
Per Section VIII.A.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples for organic nitrogen shall be analyzed monthly. Samples were collected but not analyzed for organic nitrogen this month at Whittier Narrows receiving water stations RSW-001 (R-11), RSW-005 (R-D), and RSW-006 (RD-1). Due to an analytical instrument issue, the sample was re-routed multiple times and organic nitrogen was inadvertently omitted from the analyte list during the transition. To prevent this issue from reoccurring, staff have updated their procedures to ensure correct scheduling practices are followed for all required analytes. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1076908 |
04/01/2020 |
Per Section VIII.A.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples for organic nitrogen shall be analyzed monthly. Samples were collected but not analyzed for organic nitrogen this month at Whittier Narrows receiving water stations RSW-001 (R-11), RSW-005 (R-D), and RSW-006 (RD-1). Due to an analytical instrument issue, the sample was re-routed multiple times and organic nitrogen was inadvertently omitted from the analyte list during the transition. To prevent this issue from reoccurring, staff have updated their procedures to ensure correct scheduling practices are followed for all required analytes. |
Per Section VIII.A.1 of the MRP, receiving water samples for organic nitrogen shall be analyzed monthly. Samples were collected but not analyzed for organic nitrogen this month at Whittier Narrows receiving water stations RSW-001 (R-11), RSW-005 (R-D), and RSW-006 (RD-1). Due to an analytical instrument issue, the sample was re-routed multiple times and organic nitrogen was inadvertently omitted from the analyte list during the transition. To prevent this issue from reoccurring, staff have updated their procedures to ensure correct scheduling practices are followed for all required analytes. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 11
Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.
Violation Types |
DMON = Deficient Monitoring
LREP = Late Report
OEV = Other Effluent Violation