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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 230849
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
1 230849 Humboldt Creamery Food Processing NEC 572 Highway 1 Fernbridge, CA, 95548 Humboldt

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
646233 Person Mary Ellen Love Is A Data Submitter For 07/14/2024
641173 Person Kaitlyn Rye Is A Data Submitter For 08/21/2023
634130 Person Travis Victorine Is Onsite Manager For 07/07/2022
633834 Person Leonides Gonzalez Is Onsite Manager For 06/16/2022
609011 Person Matthew Herman Case Worker 07/09/2021
531515 Person Diana Ward Is A Data Submitter For 05/22/2017
556495 Person Max Kaufman Is A Data Submitter For 05/17/2016
549763 Person Nathan Paul Sanger Is A Data Submitter For 01/22/2015
552095 Person Test Cleanup Is A Data Submitter For 07/17/2014 01/16/2015
530383 Person Michael Callihan Is Onsite Manager For 12/02/2011 07/07/2022
528489 Person JoAnn Comalli Is A Data Submitter For 08/16/2011
528490 Person Rose Patenaude Is A Data Submitter For 08/16/2011 07/18/2014
528496 Person Chris Voehl Is Onsite Manager For 08/16/2011 08/21/2013
521401 Person Robert Acree Is A Data Submitter For 02/26/2010 08/21/2013
521402 Organization Foster Farms Dairy Modesto Owner Privately-Owned Business 02/26/2010 02/04/2020
521400 Organization Crystal Creamery, Inc. dba Humboldt Creamery Operator Privately-Owned Business 03/01/2009
138987 Person Lisa Bernard Case Worker 10/03/2008 06/30/2016
137757 Organization North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Regulating Waterboard 10/03/2008
80495 Person Rich Gilarducci Contact 06/17/2005 03/01/2009
20728 Organization Humboldt Creamery Association Owner Privately-Owned Business 07/25/1985 03/01/2009
Total Related Parties: 20

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
393064 NPDES Permit 1 NPDINDSML R1-2014-0026 1B80185OHUM 02/01/2015 01/31/2020 Active N
319758 NPDES Permit 1 NPDINDSML R1-2008-0020 1B80185OHUM 12/01/2008 03/01/2014 Historical Y
131505 NPDES Permit 1 NPDINDSML R1-2002-0041 1B80185OHUM 06/27/2002 11/30/2008 Historical N
260675 Letter 1 NPDESWW 001 1B80185OHUM 04/27/2001 Historical N
138768 NPDES Permit 1 NPDINDSML 96-095 1B80185OHUM 12/05/1996 12/04/2001 Historical N
139056 NPDES Permit 1 NPDINDSML 94-080 1B80185OHUM 06/23/1994 04/25/1996 Historical N
137705 NPDES Permit 1 NPDINDSML 91-050 1B80185OHUM 04/25/1991 04/25/1996 Historical N
138184 NPDES Permit 1 NPDINDSML 85-091 1B80185OHUM 07/25/1985 07/25/1990 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 8

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1129419 05/07/2024 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 980 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1128449 04/09/2024 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1300 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1128448 04/09/2024 CAT1 BOD5 @ 20 Deg. C, Percent Removal Monthly Average limit is 60 lb/day and reported value was 83.4 lb/day at LND-001. *** MMP Exempt Reason:Discharge to land Increase acres irrigated to distribute effluent in a larger area when possible. Violation B eSMR
1126454 03/05/2024 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1200 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1125409 02/13/2024 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1700 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1125467 01/23/2024 Order Conditions Sodium (Na) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 60,000 ug/L and the reported value was 61,200 ug/L. Humboldt Creamery uses a 50/50 blend of sodium and potassium in the water softening system for the plant boiler. From January 22, 2024 to January 29, 2024, 100% sodium was used in the water softening system to see if it would affect the effluent sodium limit. After viewing the lab results, it was determined that the plant would continue to use the 50/50 blend of sodium and potassium. Violation B eSMR
1124607 01/23/2024 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 980 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1123389 12/05/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 900 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1122972 11/07/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1000 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1122193 10/10/2023 Order Conditions Sodium (Na) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 60,000 ug/L and the reported value was 70,700 ug/L. On May 6, 2023, Humboldt Creamery switched to a soft water system that uses salt to clean the filter media. The spent salt water, is discharged into the site's pond that is discharged onto the surrounding fields. Based off the effluent sodium results for June, it was determined to cease use of the soft water system on 7/11/2023. Due to not using the sodium to clean the filter media, the media began to clog. The sodium had to be re-added to the system on 10/4/23 in order to clean the filter media. The new system was installed 10/28/23. The new system does not use any salt for cleaning and should not affect our effluent results. Violation B eSMR
1122192 10/10/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1500 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1121128 09/05/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1300 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1120615 08/08/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1400 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1119340 07/11/2023 Order Conditions Sodium (Na) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 60,000 ug/L and the reported value was 79,800 ug/L. On May 6, 2023, Humboldt Creamery switched to a soft water system that uses salt to clean the filter media. The spent salt water, is discharged into the site's pond that is discharged onto the surrounding fields. Based off the effluent sodium results for June, it was determined to cease use of the soft water system on 7/11/2023. A new system will be installed once all the parts are available. The new system will not use any salt for cleaning and should not affect our effluent results. Violation B eSMR
1119339 07/11/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1200 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1118743 06/06/2023 Order Conditions Sodium (Na) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 60,000 ug/L and the reported value was 98,400 ug/L. On May 6, 2023, Humboldt Creamery switched to a soft water system that uses salt to clean the filter media. The spent salt water, is discharged into the site's pond that is discharged onto the surrounding fields. Based off the effluent sodium results for June, it was determined to cease use of the soft water system on 7/11/2023. A new system will be installed once all the parts are available. The new system will not use any salt for cleaning and should not affect our effluent results. Violation B eSMR
1118742 06/06/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1300 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1118174 05/09/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1300 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1117277 04/12/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1300 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1114833 02/07/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 890 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1113412 01/17/2023 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1100 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1112831 12/06/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 980 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1111603 11/08/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 460 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1110604 10/11/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1400 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1109571 09/06/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 960 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1108260 08/09/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 740 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1107681 07/13/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1400 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1106832 06/07/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 700 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1106022 05/11/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 860 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1104662 04/12/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 760 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1103340 03/08/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 800 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1102411 02/08/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1300 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1101258 01/04/2022 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 600 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1099810 12/07/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 870 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1098555 11/04/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1100 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1096905 10/05/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 980 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. 08/17/2021 Update Delete Violation B eSMR
1096033 09/14/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1000 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1094613 08/17/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1200 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1093449 07/21/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 600 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1092574 06/08/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 840 mg/L and the reported value was 1200 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1091307 05/11/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 730 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1090508 04/06/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1000 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1089456 03/09/2021 DMON Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1200 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1089455 03/09/2021 Order Conditions Nitrite Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 1.0 mg/L and the report value was 1.2 mg/L. Crystal Creamery/Humboldt Creamery (CC/HC) has not made significant changes to its operations and expects nitrite to return to below effluent limitations. Violation B eSMR
1087896 02/10/2021 Order Conditions Nitrite Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 1.0 mg/L and the report value was 3.2 mg/L. Crystal Creamery/Humboldt Creamery (CC/HC) has not made significant changes to its operations and expects nitrite to return to below effluent limitations. Violation B eSMR
1087897 02/10/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1000 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1086703 01/12/2021 Order Conditions Nitrite Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 1.0 mg/L and the report value was 1.5 mg/L. Crystal Creamery/Humboldt Creamery (CC/HC) has not made significant changes to its operations and expects nitrite to return to below effluent limitations. Violation B eSMR
1086702 01/12/2021 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 750 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation B eSMR
1085210 12/08/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1100 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Foster Dairy Farms (FDF) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. FDF/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow FDF/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FDF/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1083333 11/11/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 740 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Foster Dairy Farms (FDF) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. FDF/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow FDF/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FDF/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1082020 10/06/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 980 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Foster Dairy Farms (FDF) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. FDF/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow FDF/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FDF/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1080563 09/09/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 910 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Foster Dairy Farms (FDF) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. FDF/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow FDF/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FDF/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1080023 08/04/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 870 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Foster Dairy Farms (FDF) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. FDF/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow FDF/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FDF/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1078850 07/07/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 890 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Crystal Creamery (CC) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. CC/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow CC/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, CC/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1077445 06/09/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 900 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Crystal Creamery (CC) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. CC/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow CC/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, CC/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1076389 05/07/2020 DMON Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 910 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Crystal Creamery (CC) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. CC/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow CC/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, CC/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1076390 05/07/2020 Order Conditions Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 60 lbs/ac/day and the reported value was 80.2 lbs/ac/day. BOD load exceedance for May is due to a malfunction of the GPS units on the sprinkler systems thus resulting in an underestimate of total acreage irrigated and an over calculated BOD load concentration. CC//HC has not made significant changes to its operations and expects the BOD load concentrations to return to below the effluent limitations. Violation U eSMR
1074989 04/08/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 730 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Foster Dairy Farms (FDF) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. FDF/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow FDF/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FDF/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1073023 03/10/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 710 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Foster Dairy Farms (FDF) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. FDF/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow FDF/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FDF/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1072104 02/11/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 690 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1070959 01/07/2020 Order Conditions Nitrite Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 1.0 mg/L and the report value was 1.6 mg/L. Crystal Creamery/Humboldt Creamery (CC/HC) has not made significant changes to its operations and expects nitrite to return to below effluent limitations. Violation U eSMR
1070958 01/07/2020 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 880 mg/L. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site-specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. Discharge is currently regulated by the waste discharge requirements (WDR) adopted on November 20, 2014 that expires on January 31, 2020. On August 2, 2019, Humboldt Creamery submitted a technical report in support of report of waste discharge (ROWD) permit renewal and applied for reissuance of the WDR for the facility. In the interim, HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1069638 12/12/2019 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 640 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Foster Dairy Farms (FDF) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. FDF/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow FDF/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FDF/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1068244 11/12/2019 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 610 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board issued a Time Schedule Order that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of TDS violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, FFD / HC shall complete a site specific study to support numeric total dissolved solids concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of Facility influence. The TDS Values study must be completed by July 31, 2016. FFD / HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the Facility's waste management system. The SSC / BPTC Study must be completed November 1, 2018, and then implemented pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FFD / HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. FFD / HC is moving forward to conduct the studies identified in the April 6, 2015 Time Schedule Order, and to operate and maintain all facilities as efficiently as possible in the interim. Violation U eSMR
1067310 10/14/2019 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 1,300 mg/L. Due to laboratory error the TDS analysis exceeded the holding the time, therefore, the result is being report as a lab accident. On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board issued a Time Schedule Order that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of TDS violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, FFD / HC shall complete a site specific study to support numeric total dissolved solids concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of Facility influence. The TDS Values study must be completed by July 31, 2016. FFD / HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the Facility's waste management system. The SSC / BPTC Study must be completed November 1, 2018, and then implemented pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FFD / HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. FFD / HC is moving forward to conduct the studies identified in the April 6, 2015 Time Schedule Order, and to operate and maintain all facilities as efficiently as possible in the interim. Violation U eSMR
1065794 09/11/2019 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 880 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, Foster Dairy Farms (FDF) / Humboldt Creamery (HC) completed a site specific study to support numeric TDS concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of facility influence. The TDS Values Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB September 15, 2016. FDF/HC is also required to complete a Salinity Source Control / Best Practicable Treatment or Control (SSC/BPTC) Study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. The SSC/BPTC Study was completed and submitted to the NCRWQCB October 31, 2018. An implementation schedule is provided in the study report to allow FDF/HC time to achieve compliance with the proposed TDS land discharge specification, pursuant to approved time schedules. In the interim, FDF/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
1064535 08/06/2019 Order Conditions Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 450 mg/L and the reported value was 810 mg/L On April 6, 2015, the Executive Officer of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) issued a Time Schedule Order (TSO) that includes specific actions for the correction and / or prevention of total dissolved solids (TDS) violations of Order No. R1-2014-0026. Under the terms of the TSO, FDF/HC shall complete a site specific study to support numeric total dissolved solids concentrations for the protection of the most sensitive groundwater beneficial uses associated with concentration of TDS within the area of Facility influence. The TDS Values study was submitted to the RWQCB September 15, 2016. FDF/HC has also completed a required salinity source control/best practicable treatment or control (SSC/BPTC) study to evaluate salinity source controls associated with the industrial and agricultural operation, treatment, and disposal alternatives associated with each component of the waste stream and the facility's waste management system. This report includes an evaluation of alternatives for control and/or reduction in TDS and sodium levels and a recommendation of the preferred alternatives and time schedules for compliance with proposed permit requirements. The SSC/BPTC study was completed and submitted to the SWRCB on October 31, 2018. On August 2, 2019, on behalf of FDF/HC, Condor filed a Report of Waste Discharge (ROWD) and Technical Report as an application for re-issuance of waste discharge requirements (WDRs). In the interim, FDF/HC is required to operate and maintain, as efficiently as possible, all facilities and systems necessary to comply with provisions identified in Order No. R1-2014-0026. Violation U eSMR
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 67 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
CAT1 = Category 1 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 1 Pollutant) DMON = Deficient Monitoring
Order Conditions = Order Conditions

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
400730 Time Schedule Order R1-2015-0022 04/06/2015 Active
226616 Oral Communication 09/25/2000 Historical
225455 Staff Enforcement Letter LT980109 01/09/1998 Historical
224046 Time Schedule Order 93-072 06/24/1993 Active
Total Enf Actions: 4

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
5358781 B Type compliance inspection Lisa Bernard 08/05/2011 N 0 N/A
2143367 B Type compliance inspection Lisa Bernard 02/18/2010 N 0 N/A
1700316 Field Oversight Lisa Bernard 10/28/2008 N 0 N/A
1346763 B Type compliance inspection Lisa Bernard 03/05/2008 N 0 N/A
1008550 B Type compliance inspection Lisa Bernard 07/12/2006 N 0 N/A
338044 B Type compliance inspection Lisa Bernard 03/03/2005 Y 0 N/A
334492 B Type compliance inspection Lisa Bernard 05/27/2004 Y 0 N/A
330419 A Type compliance inspection Kirsten James 06/05/2003 Y 0 N/A
325236 B Type compliance inspection Ben Zabinsky 08/07/2002 Y 0 N/A
325330 A Type compliance inspection Ben Zabinsky 03/19/2002 Y 0 N/A
319122 B Type compliance inspection Terry Dean 05/18/2000 Y 0 N/A
319120 B Type compliance inspection Richard Azevedo 07/10/1999 Y 0 N/A
319121 B Type compliance inspection Richard Azevedo 06/22/1999 Y 0 N/A
319115 B Type compliance inspection Richard Azevedo 12/07/1998 Y 0 N/A
319118 B Type compliance inspection Richard Azevedo 10/08/1998 Y 0 N/A
319116 B Type compliance inspection Richard Azevedo 06/18/1998 Y 0 N/A
319117 B Type compliance inspection Richard Azevedo 03/10/1998 Y 0 N/A
319123 B Type compliance inspection Richard Azevedo 06/06/1997 Y 0 N/A
319124 A Type compliance inspection Richard Azevedo 04/16/1997 Y 0 N/A
319097 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 12/03/1996 Y 0 N/A
319100 A Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 06/11/1996 Y 0 N/A
319098 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 04/15/1996 Y 0 N/A
319099 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 03/26/1996 Y 0 N/A
319113 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 10/24/1995 Y 0 N/A
319110 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 05/09/1995 Y 0 N/A
319111 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 04/13/1995 Y 0 N/A
319114 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 03/01/1995 Y 0 N/A
319112 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 02/27/1995 Y 0 N/A
319103 A Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 02/03/1995 Y 0 N/A
319106 Follow-up inspection (noncompliance) Tom Dunbar 12/08/1994 Y 0 N/A
319105 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 11/18/1994 Y 0 N/A
319109 Follow-up inspection (noncompliance) Tom Dunbar 10/19/1994 Y 0 N/A
319108 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 09/20/1994 Y 0 N/A
319107 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 08/03/1994 Y 0 N/A
319119 Complaint inspection Richard Azevedo 07/15/1994 Y 0 N/A
319104 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 06/22/1994 Y 0 N/A
319101 Miscellaneous inspection Tom Dunbar 02/24/1994 Y 0 N/A
319102 B Type compliance inspection Tom Dunbar 02/21/1994 Y 0 N/A
319096 Complaint inspection Al Wellman 09/07/1993 Y 0 N/A
319095 A Type compliance inspection Al Wellman 07/27/1993 Y 0 N/A
319086 Complaint inspection Al Wellman 06/11/1993 Y 0 N/A
319094 Complaint inspection Al Wellman 05/13/1993 Y 0 N/A
319092 B Type compliance inspection Al Wellman 04/19/1993 Y 0 N/A
319093 A Type compliance inspection Al Wellman 03/25/1993 Y 0 N/A
319091 A Type compliance inspection Al Wellman 02/23/1993 Y 0 N/A
319090 A Type compliance inspection Al Wellman 12/16/1992 Y 0 N/A
319089 Follow-up inspection (noncompliance) Al Wellman 06/10/1992 Y 0 N/A
319088 B Type compliance inspection Al Wellman 05/12/1992 Y 0 N/A
319087 A Type compliance inspection Al Wellman 01/09/1992 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 49 Last Inspection: 08/05/2011
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/26/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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