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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 229727
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
9 229727 Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility (HARRF) Recycled Water Wastewater Treatment Facility 1521 South Hale Escondido, CA, 92029 San Diego

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
574342 Person Kyle Morgan Is Onsite Manager For 05/01/2024
643745 Person Oyuna Jenkins Is A Data Submitter For 02/16/2024
574342 Person Kyle Morgan Contact 05/09/2022
564439 Person John M Del Fante Contact 09/27/2021 06/02/2022
557422 Person Brandon Bushnell Case Worker 02/12/2019
529503 Person Christopher McKinney Is Onsite Manager For 11/28/2011
525822 Person Vasana Vipatapat Is A Data Submitter For 02/10/2011 09/07/2017
525820 Person Lori Vereker Is Onsite Manager For 02/10/2011 01/01/2012
525823 Person Nicki Branch Is A Data Submitter For 02/10/2011 06/04/2024
525234 Person Dennis Sperino Is Onsite Manager For 12/07/2010 11/28/2017
137768 Organization San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Regulating Waterboard 01/31/2007
139449 Person Eric Becker Case Worker 06/26/2006 07/01/2009
14960 Organization Escondido City Owner City Agency 12/08/1998
Total Related Parties: 13

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
401768 Enrollee - WDR 9 REC WQO-2014-0090-DWQ 9 000000592 Never Active N
374060 WDR 9 WDRMUNILRG R9-2010-0032 9 000000592 07/14/2010 07/14/2015 Active N
143056 WDR 9 WDRMUNILRG R9-1993-0070 9 000000592 06/21/1993 07/14/2010 Superceded Y
Total Reg Measures: 3

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1118905 05/10/2023 CAT1 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 12-Month Average limit is 1000 mg/L and reported value was 1017 mg/L. The TDS will be sampled and reported monthly until the 12 month average falls below 1000 mg/L for a three month period. Violation U eSMR
1107787 07/31/2022 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 16 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107786 06/30/2022 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 16 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107785 05/31/2022 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 16 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107784 04/30/2022 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 17 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107790 04/09/2022 UAUTHDISC The Discharger reported the unauthorized discharge of approximately 1,440 gallons of recycled water to Escondido Creek, on April 9, 2022. The Discharger determined that the unauthorized discharge originated from a broken recycled water irrigation system located 1521 South Hale Avenue in Escondido. The Discharger reported the spill via an email dated April 10, 2022. Violation B Report
1107783 03/31/2022 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107782 02/28/2022 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107781 01/31/2022 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107780 12/31/2021 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107779 11/30/2021 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107778 10/31/2021 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107776 08/31/2021 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107777 08/31/2021 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107775 07/31/2021 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107774 06/30/2021 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107772 04/30/2021 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107771 03/31/2021 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107769 01/31/2021 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107768 12/31/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 17 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107767 11/30/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 17 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107766 10/31/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107765 09/30/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107706 08/31/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 21.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107705 07/31/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 21.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107704 06/30/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 21.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107773 05/31/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107703 05/31/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 21.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107702 04/30/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 21.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107701 03/31/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 21.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107770 02/29/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107700 02/29/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 21.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107692 01/31/2020 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 21.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107691 12/31/2019 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 21.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107690 11/30/2019 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 21.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107689 10/31/2019 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 20.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107688 09/30/2019 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 19.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107687 08/31/2019 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 19.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
1107686 07/31/2019 OEV Color, Pt-Co (filtered) 12-Month Average limit is 15.0 Pt-Co Color Unit and reported value was 18.0 Pt-Co Color Unit. Violation B Report
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 39 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
CAT1 = Category 1 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 1 Pollutant) OEV = Other Effluent Violation
UAUTHDISC = Unauthorized Discharge

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
449095 Notice of Violation R9-2022-0149 12/16/2022 Active
433459 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2010-0032 09/27/2019 Historical
421414 Staff Enforcement Letter R9-2010-0032 05/22/2018 Historical
411250 Staff Enforcement Letter null 01/11/2017 Historical
375905 Staff Enforcement Letter 09/20/2010 Historical
373646 Staff Enforcement Letter 04/08/2010 Historical
372430 Staff Enforcement Letter 10/05/2009 Historical
369310 Staff Enforcement Letter 07/07/2009 Historical
318747 Staff Enforcement Letter 01/09/2007 Historical
296507 Admin Civil Liability R9-2006-0095 10/11/2006 Withdrawn
304128 Staff Enforcement Letter 06/04/2006 Historical
313740 Admin Civil Liability R9-2009-0003 12/30/2005 Historical
304784 Notice of Violation R9-2005-0255 09/26/2005 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 13

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
55537500 B Type compliance inspection Brandon Bushnell 04/30/2024 Y 0 Download
45416807 B Type compliance inspection Brandon Bushnell 10/13/2021 N 0 Download
15869109 B Type compliance inspection Olufisayo Osibodu 03/28/2014 N 0 N/A
2180485 B Type compliance inspection Cathryn Henning 03/24/2010 N 0 N/A
549087 B Type compliance inspection Bob Baker (Multiple) 12/28/2005 Y 0 Download
333859 B Type compliance inspection Bryan Ott 04/13/2004 Y 0 N/A
325409 B Type compliance inspection Bob Baker 06/27/2002 Y 0 N/A
297312 B Type compliance inspection Bob Baker 04/26/2001 Y 0 N/A
297309 A Type compliance inspection Bob Baker 06/05/1996 Y 0 N/A
297311 B Type compliance inspection Paul Richter 08/09/1995 Y 0 N/A
297310 B Type compliance inspection Bob Baker 11/21/1994 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 11 Last Inspection: 04/30/2024
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/16/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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