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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 220792
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
2 220792 Dublin San Ramon SD WWTP Wastewater Treatment Facility 7399 Johnson Pleasanton, CA, 94588 Alameda

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
638314 Person Tim Lewis Is Onsite Manager For 05/15/2024
642930 Person Alejandro Perez Is A Data Submitter For 12/04/2023
642333 Person Daniel Gill Is Onsite Manager For 10/23/2023
640419 Person Heidi Birdsell Is A Data Submitter For 07/06/2023
633280 Person Natlie Lee Case Worker 03/23/2023
632287 Person Steven Delight Is A Data Submitter For 03/30/2022
621938 Person Kristy Supanee Fournier Is A Data Submitter For 02/18/2021
571986 Person Virgilito Sevilla Is Onsite Manager For 01/10/2018 11/16/2023
524754 Person Diane Griffin Is A Data Submitter For 08/23/2017
535858 Person Jeff Robert Carson Is Onsite Manager For 01/05/2017 05/19/2023
556113 Person Daniel Lopez Is Onsite Manager For 05/09/2016 02/26/2021
542478 Person James Parrish Case Worker 08/20/2014 03/22/2023
545476 Organization Holguin, Jesus Operator Private-Individual 02/26/2014
528925 Person Guy Moy Is A Data Submitter For 01/05/2012
349562 Person Lindsay Whalin Case Worker 12/29/2011 10/05/2015
526613 Person Connie Sanchez Is A Data Submitter For 04/18/2011
372092 Person Daniel Gallagher Is Onsite Manager For 04/18/2011 05/23/2016
526614 Person Ductri To Is A Data Submitter For 04/18/2011
526543 Person Rajinder Gumber Is A Data Submitter For 04/11/2011 06/22/2017
137758 Organization San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board Regulating Waterboard 09/28/2009
519970 Person Dan Gallaher Contact 09/24/2009 05/23/2016
519970 Person Dan Gallaher Operator 09/22/2009 05/23/2016
471287 Person Jim Carolan Case Worker 04/01/2008 09/26/2011
364192 Person Heather Ottaway Case Worker 01/29/2007 06/15/2011
138824 Person Michael Chee Case Worker 06/05/2006
13272 Organization Dublin San Ramon Services District (WWTP NPDES & SSO) Owner Special District 06/20/1984
Total Related Parties: 26

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
162500 Unregulated 2 PTPRG 2 019033001 Never Active N
448550 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2022-0024 2 019033001 09/01/2022 08/31/2027 Active N
448549 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2022-0023 2 019123001 09/01/2022 08/31/2027 Active N
443265 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNIOTH R2-2021-0007 2 019129001 07/01/2021 06/30/2026 Active Y
430614 Co-Permitee 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2019-0017 2 019033001 07/01/2019 09/30/2029 Active N
413161 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2017-0016 2 019123001 07/01/2017 07/01/2022 Historical Y
416689 Co-Permitee 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2017-0016 2 019032002 07/01/2017 Active N
413162 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2017-0017 2 019033001 07/01/2017 07/01/2021 Historical Y
405705 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNIOTH R2-2016-0015 2 019129001 06/01/2016 08/31/2020 Historical N
389140 Co-Permitee 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2017-0041 2 019033001 01/01/2013 12/31/2017 Active Y
382903 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2012-0005 2 019033001 03/01/2012 03/01/2017 Historical Y
382900 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2012-0004 2 019123001 03/01/2012 02/28/2017 Historical Y
379074 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNIOTH R2-2011-0028 2 019129001 07/01/2011 06/30/2016 Historical Y
378805 Co-Permitee 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2011-0012 2 019033001 04/01/2011 12/31/2012 Historical N
360088 Co-Permitee 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2007-0077 2 019033001 03/01/2008 12/31/2012 Historical N
307668 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2006-0054 2 019033001 10/01/2006 09/30/2011 Historical Y
307632 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2006-0053 2 019123001 10/01/2006 09/30/2011 Historical Y
379073 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNIOTH R2-2006-0026 2 019129001 06/12/2006 06/30/2016 Never Active Y
303944 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNIOTH R2-2006-0026 2 019129001 06/12/2006 06/08/2011 Historical Y
148064 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG R2-2000-0088 2 019033001 08/16/2000 09/19/2005 Historical Y
143329 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG 94-074 2 019033001 06/15/1994 06/15/1999 Historical Y
141595 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG 89-099 2 019033001 06/21/1989 06/21/1994 Historical Y
145978 NPDES Permit 2 NPDMUNILRG 84-031 2 019033001 06/20/1984 06/20/1989 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 23

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 0 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
395154 Admin Civil Liability WQ-2014-0020-Exec 02/26/2014 Historical
395143 Admin Civil Liability WQ-2014-0016-Exec 02/11/2014 Historical
332638 Notice of Violation 09/19/2006 Historical
323065 Admin Civil Liability R2-2004-0076 12/23/2004 Historical
242191 Oral Communication 07/27/2003 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 5

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
52984829 B Type compliance inspection Natlie Lee 09/29/2023 Y 0 Download
46007598 B Type compliance inspection James Parrish 12/16/2021 Y 0 [Attachments]
35724915 B Type compliance inspection James Parrish 03/19/2019 N 0 Download
32124286 Preatment Audit Chuck Durham 06/21/2017 N 0 [Attachments]
27976835 B Type compliance inspection James Parrish 03/27/2017 N 0 Download
20058844 B Type compliance inspection James Parrish 04/13/2015 N 0 Download
12866924 B Type compliance inspection Kortney Kirkeby 01/17/2013 N 0 Download
9950029 Complaint inspection Dylan Garner 09/20/2012 N 0 N/A
6880470 B Type compliance inspection Lindsay Whalin 01/19/2012 N 0 N/A
7464464 Preatment Audit 12/01/2011 N 0 Download
4821967 B Type compliance inspection Carole Leong 04/05/2011 N 0 Download
2458328 B Type compliance inspection Matt Oxsalida 05/18/2010 N 0 Download
1886366 B Type compliance inspection Jim Carolan 10/26/2009 N 0 N/A
1752465 B Type compliance inspection Matt Oxsalida 05/19/2009 N 0 Download
1379067 B Type compliance inspection Danny O'Connell 03/06/2008 N 0 Download
1050599 B Type compliance inspection Carole Leong (Multiple) 01/31/2007 N 0 [Attachments]
442692 B Type compliance inspection 11/14/2005 N 0 N/A
336681 B Type compliance inspection Myriam Zech 11/15/2004 Y 0 N/A
335830 Pretreatment compliance Michael Chee 09/14/2004 Y 0 N/A
330075 B Type compliance inspection Ray Balcom 06/09/2003 Y 0 N/A
327953 Pretreatment compliance Michael Chee 01/24/2003 Y 0 N/A
326031 B Type compliance inspection Ray Balcom 09/17/2002 Y 0 N/A
290181 Pretreatment compliance Michael Chee 05/02/2002 Y 0 N/A
290885 B Type compliance inspection Ray Balcom 04/26/2002 Y 0 N/A
290877 A Type compliance inspection Ray Balcom 06/08/2001 Y 0 N/A
290884 B Type compliance inspection James Nusrala 06/21/2000 Y 0 N/A
290886 B Type compliance inspection Vijay Patel 03/22/1999 Y 0 N/A
290878 B Type compliance inspection Vijay Patel 08/26/1998 Y 0 N/A
290881 B Type compliance inspection Vijay Patel 01/15/1998 Y 0 N/A
290882 B Type compliance inspection Ray Balcom 07/31/1997 Y 0 N/A
290883 B Type compliance inspection Ray Balcom 09/25/1995 Y 0 N/A
290879 B Type compliance inspection Vijay Patel 02/03/1995 Y 0 N/A
290880 A Type compliance inspection Vijay Patel 05/19/1994 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 33 Last Inspection: 09/29/2023
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/26/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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