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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 217147
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
4 217147 USC Marine Science Center Educational Facilities 1 Big Fisherman Cove Avalon, CA, 90704 Los Angeles

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
646150 Person Marisa Swiderski Pending-is a data submitter for 07/10/2024
646003 Person John Heidelberg Contact 06/27/2024
642239 Person Rolf Schottle Is A Data Submitter For 10/18/2023
642241 Person Tyler Daniel Is A Data Submitter For 10/18/2023
636981 Person Lauren Czarnecki Oudin Is Onsite Manager For 02/07/2023
642810 Person Kate Buckley Is A Data Submitter For 05/23/2018 11/19/2023
560420 Person Stephen Campbell Is A Data Submitter For 11/08/2016
555888 Person Cara Simonsen Is A Data Submitter For 04/21/2016 03/08/2019
554427 Organization ES Enginnering Services, Inc. Operator Privately-Owned Business 01/01/2016
547377 Organization Santa Catalina Island Company Owner Privately-Owned Business 01/01/2016
554428 Person Oliver Ryan Bonner Contact 01/01/2016
552389 Person Terra Margaret Miller-Cassman Is A Data Submitter For 08/04/2015
543403 Person Corey Christine Sheredy Is A Data Submitter For 10/03/2013
541957 Person Sophia Cynthia Hanna Is A Data Submitter For 07/18/2013 06/05/2017
541932 Person Randy S Phelps Is A Data Submitter For 07/18/2013
538883 Person Roberta Marinelli Is Onsite Manager For 03/01/2013 10/24/2016
525746 Person Linda Duguay Is Onsite Manager For 02/03/2011
477614 Person Donal Manahan Contact 07/11/2008 02/02/2011
495105 Organization University of Southern California Owner Privately-Owned Business 12/07/1966 12/31/2015
Total Related Parties: 19

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
387776 WDR 4 WDRMUNIOTH R4-2012-xxxx Never Active N
433199 NPDES Permit 4 NPDNONMUNIPRCS R4-2024-0258 4B191035002 07/01/2024 06/30/2029 Active N
387530 NPDES Permit 4 NPDNONMUNIPRCS R4-2013-0172 4B191035002 12/26/2013 12/26/2018 Historical Y
348832 NPDES Permit 4 NPDNONMUNIPRCS R4-2008-0017 4B191035002 05/03/2008 03/03/2013 Historical N
148268 NPDES Permit 4 NPDESWW R4-2000-0140 4B191035002 10/12/2000 11/12/2005 Historical N
135781 NPDES Permit 4 NPDESWW 96-006 4B191035002 01/22/1996 01/10/2001 Historical N
135480 WDR 4 WDRMUNIOTH 94-114 4B191002002 10/31/1994 10/31/2004 Active N
134262 WDR 4 WDRMUNIOTH 87-143 4B191002002 10/26/1987 10/26/1992 Historical N
133988 NPDES Permit 4 NPDESWW 84-054 4B191035002 05/21/1984 05/10/1989 Historical N
133702 NPDES Permit 4 NPDESWW 79-059 4B191035002 04/23/1979 04/10/1984 Historical N
133039 WDR 4 WDRMUNIOTH 66-054 4B191002002 12/07/1966 12/07/1971 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 11

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1129344 07/07/2024 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 7/7/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1126371 02/21/2024 OEV Enterococci Single Sample Maximum limit is 104 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 3900 MPN/100 mL at EFF-002. The University's policy is to avoid water contact 24-48 hours after significant stormwater runoff due to the ubiquitous nature of bacterial contamination from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Therefore, this policy is protective of REC-1 water contact beneficial use. The University considers these exceedances seriously and is committed to determining if these exceedances are naturally occurring or possibly from anthropogenic sources (e.g., using HF183 testing). Violation U eSMR
1126370 02/21/2024 OEV Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 790 MPN/100 mL at EFF-002. The University's policy is to avoid water contact 24-48 hours after significant stormwater runoff due to the ubiquitous nature of bacterial contamination from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Therefore, this policy is protective of REC-1 water contact beneficial use. The University considers these exceedances seriously and is committed to determining if these exceedances are naturally occurring or possibly from anthropogenic sources (e.g., using HF183 testing). Violation U eSMR
1126373 02/21/2024 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 10000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 70000 MPN/100 mL at EFF-002. The University's policy is to avoid water contact 24-48 hours after significant stormwater runoff due to the ubiquitous nature of bacterial contamination from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Therefore, this policy is protective of REC-1 water contact beneficial use. The University considers these exceedances seriously and is committed to determining if these exceedances are naturally occurring or possibly from anthropogenic sources (e.g., using HF183 testing). Violation U eSMR
1126372 02/21/2024 OEV Turbidity Daily Maximum limit is 150 NTU and reported value was 220 NTU at EFF-002. Sedimentation is routinely removed from check dams to minimize TSS contribution. Violation U eSMR
1129160 02/02/2024 LREP Annual SMR ( MONRPT ) (Subtidal Sediment Monitoring) report for 2024 (2859948) was due on 01-FEB-24 Violation B Report
1127992 01/31/2024 DMON Flow for EFF-002 was not verified, hence unknown, for the precipitation events that occurred in January 3, 20, and 22, 2024. Staff were unavailable due to Facility holiday closures, restricted ferry service, Facility closure during weekends, and remediating the impacts of a flooding event. Violation B Report
1127991 12/31/2023 DMON Flow for EFF-002 was not verified, hence unknown, for the precipitation events that occurred in December 2023. Per the 4Q2023 SMR cover letter, staff were unavailable due to facility holiday closure and restricted ferry service. Violation B Report
1116020 03/15/2023 OEV Enterococci Single Sample Maximum limit is 104 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 130 MPN/100 mL at EFF-001. The Universitys policy is to avoid water contact 24-48 hours after significant stormwater runoff due to the ubiquitous nature of bacterial contamination from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Therefore, this policy is protective of REC-1 water contact beneficial use. The University considers these exceedances seriously and is committed to determining if these exceedances are naturally occurring or possibly from anthropogenic sources (e.g., using HF183 testing). Violation U eSMR
1116024 03/15/2023 OEV Enterococci Single Sample Maximum limit is 104 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 5800 MPN/100 mL at EFF-002. The Universitys policy is to avoid water contact 24-48 hours after significant stormwater runoff due to the ubiquitous nature of bacterial contamination from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Therefore, this policy is protective of REC-1 water contact beneficial use. The University considers these exceedances seriously and is committed to determining if these exceedances are naturally occurring or possibly from anthropogenic sources (e.g., using HF183 testing). Violation U eSMR
1116025 03/15/2023 OEV Fecal Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 400 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 2500 MPN/100 mL at EFF-002. The Universitys policy is to avoid water contact 24-48 hours after significant stormwater runoff due to the ubiquitous nature of bacterial contamination from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Therefore, this policy is protective of REC-1 water contact beneficial use. The University considers these exceedances seriously and is committed to determining if these exceedances are naturally occurring or possibly from anthropogenic sources (e.g., using HF183 testing). Violation U eSMR
1116021 03/15/2023 OEV Total Coliform Single Sample Maximum limit is 10000 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 17000 MPN/100 mL at EFF-002. The Universitys policy is to avoid water contact 24-48 hours after significant stormwater runoff due to the ubiquitous nature of bacterial contamination from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Therefore, this policy is protective of REC-1 water contact beneficial use. The University considers these exceedances seriously and is committed to determining if these exceedances are naturally occurring or possibly from anthropogenic sources (e.g., using HF183 testing). Violation B eSMR
1112809 11/08/2022 CAT2 Beryllium, Total Monthly Average (Mean) limit is 0.033 ug/L and reported value was 0.13 ug/L at EFF-002. USC WMSC is continuing to install and update structural BMPs at the facility. See 2022 Annual Storm Water Management Plan for details. Violation B eSMR
1112808 11/08/2022 CAT2 Zinc, Total Daily Maximum limit is 80 ug/L and reported value was 173 ug/L at EFF-002. USC WMSC is continuing to install and update structural BMPs at the facility. See 2022 Annual Storm Water Management Plan for details. Violation B eSMR
1129479 07/31/2022 Deficient Reporting Hauling Report - Failed to include a statement that discloses whether or not waste was hauled to a disposal site that quarter. Violation B Report
1129489 07/31/2022 Deficient Reporting Population served - Failed to report the estimated average population served per month, for the months of April, May, and June of 2022. Violation B Report
1129478 07/31/2022 Deficient Reporting Statement of actions for unmet requirements - Failed to include a statement that addressed every item where the requirements are not met. The Discharger should submit a statement of the actions undertaken, or proposed, which will bring the discharge into full compliance with requirements at the earliest time, and submit a timetable for correction. Violation B Report
1129476 07/31/2022 LREP Late Submittal ¿ Due 7/30/2022, submitted 10/14/2022, 76 days past due. Violation B Report
1129488 07/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of June. Failed to report on the following days: 6/5/2022 6/11/2022 6/12/2022 6/18/2022 6/19/2022 6/25/2022 6/26/2022 Violation B Report
1129503 06/27/2022 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for the 4th week of June. Violation B Report
1129502 06/20/2022 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for the 3rd week of June. Violation B Report
1129501 06/13/2022 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for the 2nd week of June Violation B Report
1129505 06/01/2022 DMON Effluent Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Holding Time - Standard Method 5210B has a 24-hour holding time. BOD has a quarterly reporting requirement, and on 6/01/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 24-hour holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129504 06/01/2022 DMON Effluent Coliform Holding Time - Standard Method 9221B/E has a maximum holding time of 6 hours. Coliform has a quarterly reporting requirement, and on 6/01/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 6 hour holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129500 06/01/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 6/1/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129487 06/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of May. Failed to report on the following days: 5/1/2022 5/7/2022 5/8/2022 5/14/2022 5/15/2022 5/22/2022 5/28/2022 5/30/2022 Violation B Report
1129499 05/30/2022 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for the 4th week of May. Violation B Report
1129498 05/23/2022 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for the 3rd week of May. Violation B Report
1129497 05/16/2022 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for the 2nd week of May Violation B Report
1129496 05/09/2022 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for the 1st week of May Violation B Report
1129495 05/01/2022 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for the 4th week of April. Violation B Report
1129486 05/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of April. Failed to report on the following days: 4/2/2022 4/3/2022 4/9/2022 4/10/2022 4/15/2022 4/16/2022 4/17/2022 4/23/2022 4/24/2022 4/30/2022 Violation B Report
1129460 05/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Population served - Failed to report the estimated average population served per month, for the months of January, February, and March of 2022. Violation B Report
1129494 04/18/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 4/18/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129493 04/13/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 4/13/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129492 04/06/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 4/06/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129459 04/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of March. Failed to report on the following days: 3/4/2022 3/5/2022 3/6/2022 3/19/2022 3/20/2022 3/26/2022 3/27/2022 Violation B Report
1129475 03/30/2022 DMON Effluent Coliform Holding Time - Standard Method 9221B/E has a maximum holding time of 6 hours. Coliform has a quarterly reporting requirement, and on 3/30/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 6 hour holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129474 03/30/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 3/30/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129473 03/23/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 3/23/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129472 03/15/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 3/15/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129471 03/07/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 3/07/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129470 03/01/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 3/01/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129458 03/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of February. Failed to report on the following days: 2/5/2022 2/6/2022 2/12/2022 2/13/2022 2/19/2022 2/20/2022 2/21/2022 2/26/2022 2/27/2022 2/29/2022 Violation B Report
1129469 02/24/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 2/24/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129468 02/14/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 2/14/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129467 02/08/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 2/08/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129466 02/01/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 2/01/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129457 02/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of January Failed to report on the following days: 1/2/2022 1/8/2022 1/9/2022 1/15/2022 1/17/2022 1/22/2022 1/23/2022 1/29/2022 1/30/2022 Violation B Report
1103091 01/30/2022 LREP Late Submittal — Due 1/30/2022, submitted 4/26/2022, 86 days past due. Violation B Report
1129465 01/25/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 1/25/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129463 01/24/2022 DMON pH ¿ Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for the 3rd week of January Violation B Report
1129464 01/12/2022 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 1/12/2022, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129462 01/10/2022 DMON pH ¿ Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for the 1st week of January. Violation B Report
1129363 01/01/2022 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of December. Failed to report on the following days: 12/4/2021 12/5/2021 12/11/2021 12/12/2021 12/13/2021 12/14/2021 12/16/2021 12/17/2021 12/18/2021 12/19/2021 12/21/2021 12/22/2021 12/23/2021 12/24/2021 12/25/2021 12/26/2021 12/27/2021 12/29/2024 12/30/2024 12/31/2024 Violation B Report
1129368 12/27/2021 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for week 4 of December 2021. Violation B Report
1129367 12/20/2021 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for week 3 of December 2021. Violation B Report
1129378 12/08/2021 DMON Coliform Holding Time ¿ Standard Method 9221B/E has a maximum holding time of 6 hours. Coliform has a quarterly reporting requirement, and on 12/8/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 6 hour holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129377 12/08/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 12/8/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129376 12/01/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 12/1/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129362 12/01/2021 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of November. Failed to report on the following days: 11/6/2021 11/7/2021 11/13/2021 11/14/2021 11/20/2021 11/21/2021 11/25/2021 11/26/2021 11/28/2021 Violation B Report
1129366 11/29/2021 DMON pH - Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for week 4 of November 2021. Violation B Report
1129375 11/16/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 11/16/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129374 11/10/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 11/10/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129373 11/03/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 11/3/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129361 11/01/2021 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of October. Failed to report on the following days: 10/2/2022 10/3/2022 10/9/2021 10/10/2021 10/16/2021 10/17/2021 10/23/2021 10/24/2021 10/26/2021 10/30/2021 10/31/2021 Violation B Report
1129342 10/31/2021 Deficient Reporting Population served - Failed to report the estimated average population served per month, for the months of July, August, and September of 2021. Violation B Report
1129372 10/27/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 10/27/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129371 10/18/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 10/18/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129370 10/11/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 10/11/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129369 10/06/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 10/6/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129341 10/01/2021 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of September. Failed to report on the following days: 9/4/2021 9/5/2021 9/11/2021 9/12/2021 9/18/2021 9/19/2021 9/25/2021 9/26/2021 Violation B Report
1129354 09/20/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 9/20/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129353 09/15/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 9/15/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1095945 09/13/2021 OEV Flow Daily Discharge limit is 0.36 MGD and reported value was 0.366 MGD at EFF-001. Not considered a true violation of the Permit due to the necessary maintenance of the pump system. After maintenance and replacement of the filter screens, average daily flow decreased substantially to rates typically observed from EFF-001. No corrective action required. Violation U eSMR
1129352 09/09/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 9/9/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129351 09/02/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 9/2/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129340 09/01/2021 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of August. Failed to report on the following days: 8/1/2021 8/7/2021 8/8/2021 8/14/2021 8/15/2021 8/21/2021 8/22/2021 8/28/2021 8/29/2021 8/31/2021 Violation B Report
1129350 08/23/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 8/23/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129349 08/19/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 8/19/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129355 08/12/2021 DMON Coliform Holding Time ¿ Standard Method 9221B/E has a maximum holding time of 6 hours. Coliform has a quarterly reporting requirement, and on 8/12/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 6 hour holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129348 08/12/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 8/12/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129347 08/04/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 8/4/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129339 08/01/2021 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - Required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day (gpd) for the month of July. Failed to report on the following days: 7/3/2021 7/4/2021 7/10/2021 7/11/2021 7/17/2021 7/18/2021 7/24/2021 7/25/2021 7/31/2021 Violation B Report
1129338 07/30/2021 DMON Effluent ¿ Failed to report the results of quarterly analyses of Coliform, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), BOD5 20 ° C, Oil & Grease, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Chloride, Boron, Sulfate, Nitrate-N, Nitrite-N, and Ammonia nitrogen-N within the months of April-June 2021. Violation B Report
1129337 07/30/2021 DMON pH ¿ Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent in the months of April, May, and June of 2021. Violation B Report
1129335 07/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Acreage irrigated ¿Failed to report the approximate acreage irrigated by treated wastewater. Violation B Report
1129330 07/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Certification statement ¿ Failed to include the following statement: ¿I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responding for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. [CWC Sections 13263, 13267, and 13268].¿ Violation B Report
1129331 07/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Compliance Statement ¿ Failed to include a statement relative to compliance with discharge specifications during the reporting period. Violation B Report
1129333 07/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Effluent Flow ¿ Failed to report total daily waste flow, average daily waste flow, and maximum daily waste flow for April, May, and June of 2021. Violation B Report
1129332 07/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Hauling Report ¿ Failed to include a statement that discloses whether or not waste was hauled to a disposal site that quarter. Violation B Report
1129336 07/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Observation of disposal area ¿ Failed to report the results of weekly observations in the disposal area for any overflow or surfacing of waste for the months of April, May, and June of 2021. Violation B Report
1129334 07/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Population served - Failed to report the estimated average population served per month, for the months of April, May, and June of 2021. Violation B Report
1129329 07/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Statement of actions for unmet requirements ¿ Failed to include a statement that addressed every item where the requirements are not met. The Discharger should submit a statement of the actions undertaken, or proposed, which will bring the discharge into full compliance with requirements at the earliest time, and submit a timetable for correction. Violation B Report
1129346 07/28/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 7/28/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129345 07/19/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 7/19/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129343 07/12/2021 DMON pH ¿ Failed to report the results of weekly pH monitoring of effluent for week 2 of July 2021. Violation B Report
1129178 05/01/2021 Deficient Reporting Population served - required to report monthly. Failed to report for the months of January, February, and March. Violation B Report
1129301 04/01/2021 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day for the month of March. Failed to report on the following days: 3/3/2021 3/6/2021 3/7/2021 3/10/2021 3/11/2021 3/13/2021 3/14/2021 3/15/2021 3/20/2021 3/21/2021 3/27/2021 3/28/2021 Violation B Report
1129314 03/22/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 3/22/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129313 03/18/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 3/18/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129302 03/18/2021 CAT1 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Daily Maximum limit is 30 mg/L and reported value was 58 mg/L. Violation B Report
1129312 03/10/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 3/10/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129311 03/01/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 3/1/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129300 03/01/2021 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day for the month of February. Failed to report on the following days: 2/1/2021 2/6/2021 2/7/2021 2/13/2021 2/14/2021 2/20/2021 2/21/2021 2/27/2021 2/28/2021 2/29/2021 Violation B Report
1129310 02/21/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 2/21/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129309 02/19/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 2/19/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129308 02/11/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 2/11/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129307 02/02/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 2/2/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129304 02/01/2021 DMON pH - required to report weekly. Failed to report during week 4 of January 2021. Violation B Report
1129176 02/01/2021 Deficient Reporting Effluent waste flow - required to report daily effluent waste flow in gallons per day for the month of January. Failed to report on the following days: 1/1/2021 1/3/2021 1/9/2021 1/16/2021 1/18/2021 1/23/2021 1/24/2021 1/28/2021 1/30/2021 1/31/2021 Violation B Report
1129364 01/30/2021 Deficient Reporting Population served - Failed to report the estimated average population served per month, for the months of October, November, and December of 2021. Violation B Report
1129306 01/21/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 1/21/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1129303 01/17/2021 DMON pH - required to report weekly. Failed to report during week 2 of January 2021. Violation B Report
1129305 01/07/2021 DMON pH Holding Time - Standard Method 4500H+-B has a maximum sample holding time of 15 minutes. pH has a weekly reporting requirement, and on 1/7/2021, the sample was analyzed after the 15 minute holding time limit elapsed. Violation B Report
1077568 04/30/2020 CAT2 Beryllium, Total Monthly Average limit is 0.033 ug/L and reported value was 0.35 ug/L at EFF-002. USC WMSC is continuing to install and implement structural BMPs at the facility. Violation B eSMR
1069963 12/31/2019 CAT2 Beryllium, Total Monthly Average limit is 0.033 ug/L and reported value was 0.16 ug/L at EFF-002. USC WMSC is continuing to install and implement structural BMPs at the facility. Violation B eSMR
1069964 12/04/2019 CAT2 Zinc, Total Daily Maximum limit is 80 ug/L and reported value was 86 ug/L at EFF-002. USC WMSC is continuing to install and implement structural BMPs at the facility. Violation B eSMR
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 118 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
CAT1 = Category 1 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 1 Pollutant) CAT2 = Category 2 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 2 Pollutant)
DMON = Deficient Monitoring Deficient Reporting = Deficient Reporting
LREP = Late Report OEV = Other Effluent Violation

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
457118 Expedited Payment Letter R4-2024-0248 05/30/2024 Active
440678 Admin Civil Liability R4-2020-0102 01/12/2022 Historical
434938 Admin Civil Liability R4-2019-0110 01/03/2020 Historical
404584 Admin Civil Liability R4-2016-0038 07/19/2016 Historical
392144 Notice of Violation null 07/15/2013 Historical
373530 Notice of Violation NOV 03/02/2010 Historical
372906 Admin Civil Liability R4-2010-0009-M 01/29/2010 Historical
331717 Notice of Violation NOV 06/29/2007 Historical
238093 Notice of Violation NOV 09/28/2001 Historical
238092 Notice of Violation NOV 09/28/2001 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 10

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
47980337 B Type compliance inspection Ryan Nickerson 04/08/2022 N 0 Download
46190030 B Type compliance inspection Andrew Choi 08/17/2021 N 0 Download
37306513 Prerequirement inspection Don Tsai 09/19/2019 Y 0 Download
16946121 B Type compliance inspection Jose Morales 05/14/2015 Y 0 Download
16531260 B Type compliance inspection David Koo 05/29/2014 N 0 Download
1629390 B Type compliance inspection Tetra Tech Inspector 03/31/2008 Y 0 N/A
328744 B Type compliance inspection Jesus Plasenca 01/23/2003 Y 0 N/A
276010 A Type compliance inspection Mazhar Ali 06/10/1998 Y 0 N/A
276231 B Type compliance inspection Magdy Baiady 06/30/1997 Y 0 N/A
276203 B Type compliance inspection Gale M Madyun 06/05/1996 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 10 Last Inspection: 04/08/2022
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/16/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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