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Place ID 214652
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
5F 214652 Merced WWTF Wastewater Treatment Facility 10260 Gove Merced, CA, 95340 Merced

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
643141 Person Dylan Ford Is A Data Submitter For 12/21/2023
634757 Person Kaleb Ledford Is A Data Submitter For 08/10/2022 01/02/2024
627132 Person Jeffrey Joseph Silva Is A Data Submitter For 08/25/2021
624820 Person Basant Ghaleb Is A Data Submitter For 06/01/2021
523961 Person Lyle Bondurant Is A Data Submitter For 02/17/2021 01/02/2024
621136 Person Stephanie Renee Dietz Is Onsite Manager For 01/11/2021
523961 Person Lyle Bondurant Is A Data Submitter For 08/31/2020 02/08/2021
612228 Person CHARLES FREDERIK SLAGTER Is A Data Submitter For 08/28/2020
530210 Person Keith Riedeman Is A Data Submitter For 01/09/2018 02/17/2021
553885 Person Elizabeth Ball Is A Data Submitter For 12/07/2015
538456 Person Mary Grissom Is A Data Submitter For 01/30/2013
532831 Person Jeremy Geiger Is A Data Submitter For 04/09/2012
495690 Person Lorraine M. Carrasquillo Is A Data Submitter For 05/19/2011 01/07/2019
524266 Person Joel Garcia Is A Data Submitter For 08/18/2010 04/13/2012
522956 Person John Bramble Is Onsite Manager For 06/14/2010 05/19/2017
447762 Person Michael Wegley Is Onsite Manager For 06/02/2010 05/19/2016
507685 Person Adoga Kiharangwa Is A Data Submitter For 05/26/2009 03/08/2011
396453 Person Mike James O'Brien Is A Data Submitter For 03/23/2009 07/19/2013
502371 Person Bill Osmer Is Onsite Manager For 03/23/2009
502370 Person Tiffani Marzette Is A Data Submitter For 03/23/2009 03/07/2013
396453 Person Mike James O'Brien Contact 11/19/2008 07/19/2013
106636 Person Humberto Molina Is Onsite Manager For 06/17/2005 11/17/2011
28505 Organization Merced City Owner City Agency 12/03/1998
Total Related Parties: 23

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
440394 Co-Permitee SB SLIC 2020-0015-DWQ 5C240108001 07/09/2020 Active N
438006 NPDES Permit 5F NPDMUNILRG R5-2020-0014 5C240108001 06/01/2020 05/31/2025 Active N
413143 Letter 5F NPDMUNILRG null 05/10/2017 Active N
397512 NPDES Permit 5F NPDMUNILRG R5-2014-0096 5C240108001 10/01/2014 09/30/2019 Historical N
379466 Letter 5F NPDMUNILRG 5C240108001 06/02/2011 Historical N
379049 Letter 5F NPDMUNILRG 5C240108001 05/12/2011 Historical N
377439 Letter 5F NPDMUNILRG 5C240108001 02/02/2011 Historical N
376075 Letter 5F NPDESWW null 5C240108001 02/26/2009 Historical N
344699 NPDES Permit 5F NPDMUNILRG R5-2008-0027 5C240108001 05/05/2008 03/13/2013 Historical Y
162749 Resolution 5F PTPRG Get from File 5B24PT00002 06/17/2005 Active N
142611 NPDES Permit 5F NPDMUNILRG R5-2000-0246 5C240108001 10/24/2000 10/27/2005 Historical N
145866 NPDES Permit 5F NPDMUNILRG 94-167 5C240108001 06/24/1994 06/01/1999 Historical N
144036 NPDES Permit 5F NPDMUNILRG 89-007 5C240108001 01/27/1989 01/01/1994 Historical N
144107 NPDES Permit 5F NPDMUNILRG 84-016 5C240108001 01/20/1984 12/30/1988 Historical N
143746 NPDES Permit 5F NPDMUNILRG 72-177 5C240108001 01/20/1972 12/30/1988 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 15

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1131521 07/22/2024 OEV pH 3-Sample Maximum limit is 8.5 SU and reported value was 8.64 SU at M-001. reviewed with operations staff to be more thorough with dishwashing. Violation U eSMR
1130282 06/13/2024 GWAT The total coliform result for MW 11 was 2.2 MPN/100mL. The limit for groundwater monitoring wells is 2.2 MPN/100mL. The source of the coliform sample result is unknown. MW 11 is located in the orchard adjacent to the east of the WWTP. Proper sampling techniques for coliform sampling will be reviewed with staff to ensure a representative sample is taken. Violation U eSMR
1130236 06/12/2024 DMON there was no reportable minimum hourly UV average reading dose due to the manually closed re-aeration gate. The SCADA programming excludes all UV effluent parameters when the re-aeration gate is closed for reporting purposes. The CWIQS values for June 12th was deleted due to their being a zero reading for this day. CIWQS submittal of hourly average only, programming improvements are being investigated. Violation U eSMR
1130237 06/12/2024 Deficient Reporting Due to the plant upset effluent flow was diverted to emergency storage facilities. Composite samplers could not operate on a flow proportional basis due to the loss of flow signal. The sampler was placed in a time based sampling program. Violation U eSMR
1130281 06/12/2024 GWAT The total coliform result for MW 9 was 16.1 MPN/100 mL. The limit for groundwater monitoring wells is 2.2 MPN/100 mL. The source of the coliform result is unknown. MW 9 is located centrally in the Wildlife Management Area. Proper coliform sampling techniques will be reviewed with staff to ensure a representative sample. Also, the monitoring well is at the ground surface level, therefore the monitoring well will be cleaned up to ensure no contamination. Violation U eSMR
1130239 06/11/2024 DMON there was no reportable minimum hourly UV average reading dose due to the manually closed re-aeration gate. The SCADA programming excludes all UV effluent parameters when the re-aeration gate is closed for reporting purposes. The CWIQS values for June 11th was deleted due to their being a zero reading for this day. CIWQS submittal of hourly average only, programming improvements are being investigated. Violation U eSMR
1130238 06/10/2024 DMON there was no reportable minimum hourly UV average reading dose due to the manually closed re-aeration gate. The SCADA programming excludes all UV effluent parameters when the re-aeration gate is closed for reporting purposes. The CWIQS values for June 10th was deleted due to their being a zero reading for this day. CIWQS submittal of hourly average only, programming improvements are being investigated. Violation U eSMR
1130235 06/08/2024 OEV Turbidity Instantaneous Maximum limit is 2.0 NTU and reported value was 2.8 NTU at FIL-002. Re-aeration gate was shut which ceased effluent discharge flow. Violation U eSMR
1123538 11/28/2023 DMON The Nitrate (as N) concentration for MW 11 was 39 mg/L which exceeds the drinking water standards of 10 mg/L for Nitrate (as N). MW 11 is a background well located within a almond orchard to the east of the wastewater treatment plant. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. Violation U eSMR
1123536 11/28/2023 GWAT The Nitrate (as N) concentration for groundwater MW 5 was 17 mg/L which exceeds drinking water standards of 10 mg/L for Nitrate (as N). MW 5 is located at the NW corner of the former sludge drying beds. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. Violation U eSMR
1123537 11/27/2023 GWAT MW 9 resulted in a total coliform organism level of 12 MPN/100mL which exceeded the limitation of 2.2 MPN/100mL per Order No. R5-2020-0014 Section V.B.1. MW 9 is located centrally in the Wildlife Management Area. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. Violation U eSMR
1120811 08/19/2023 DMON On August 18th the turbidity meter at FIL-002, which is post filtration, was left in an inoperable condition which caused an error in the continuous reading. The daily average and maximum reading for the 24 hour period are not reportable due to the inoperable state of the turbidity meter. Operations staff determined the cause was operator error, reviewed standard procedures with operations staff in addition to reviewing pertinent reporting information with staff. Violation U eSMR
1118692 04/24/2023 GWAT The coliform organism limitation is 2.2MPN/100mL and the result for monitoring well #9 was greater than 23 MPN/100mL. MW 9 is located in the Wildlife Management Area. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. Staff will continue to review and practice good sampling techniques for coliform sampling. Violation U eSMR
1118693 04/24/2023 GWAT The total coliform organism limitation is 2.2 MPN/100mL and the result for monitoring well #2 was 5.1 MPN/100mL. MW 2 is located on the northside of the Land Application Area. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. Staff will continue to review and practice good sampling techniques for coliform sampling. Violation U eSMR
1111617 12/21/2022 DMON From June 2020 to October 2022 the BOD and TSS removal efficiency was calculated and reported monthly, we did not report the calculations three times per week as the permit required. The data and calculations involved are present but were not uploaded on either the pet tool when that was being used for reporting purposes or the reports generated by Labworks. Retrieved the BOD and TSS influent and effluent values and uploaded the percent removal calculations for the time period of June 2020 to current month. A pet tool was created and the CDF files were uploaded as additional attachments for this month. Required programming changes were made to Labworks software to correct this problem going forward. Violation U eSMR
1112912 12/13/2022 GWAT The results for nitrate as N for groundwater MW #5 were 16 mg/L. The Groundwater Limitations under Waste Discharge requirements page 15 of permit Order R5-2020-0014 refer to primary or secondary MCLs established in Title 22 of the CCR and the limit is 10 mg/L. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. Recycled wastewater discharges to the Land Application Area for nitrate as N are below the limits. Violation U eSMR
1112911 12/13/2022 GWAT The results for total coliform for groundwater MW #6 were >23 MPN/100mL. The Groundwater Limitations under Waste Discharge requirements page 15 of permit Order R5-2020-0014 are 2.2 MPN/mL. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. MW #6 is centrally located within the former sludge drying beds. Water Quality Control staff will examine the techniques used in collecting coliform samples and evaluate for any improvement necessary. Violation U eSMR
1112908 12/12/2022 GWAT The results for nitrate as N for groundwater MW #11 were 46 mg/L. The Groundwater Limitations under Waste Discharge requirements page 15 of permit Order R5-2020-0014 refer to primary or secondary MCLs established in Title 22 of the CCR and the limit is 10 mg/L. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. MW #11 is a background well located in the almond orchard adjacent to the east side of the WWTF.. No recycled water is discharged to this area. Groundwater could be influenced by nitrogen-rich fertilizers. Violation U eSMR
1112909 12/12/2022 GWAT The results for total coliform for groundwater MW #1 were 5.1 MPN/100mL. The Groundwater Limitations under Waste Discharge requirements page 15 of permit Order R5-2020-0014 are 2.2 MPN/mL. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. MW #1 is a background well located on the east end of the Land Application Area. Water Quality Control staff will examine the techniques used in collecting coliform samples and evaluate for any improvement necessary. Violation U eSMR
1112907 12/12/2022 GWAT The results for total coliform for groundwater MW #11 were >23 MPN/100mL. The Groundwater Limitations under Waste Discharge requirements page 15 of permit Order R5-2020-0014 are 2.2 MPN/mL. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. MW #11 is a background well located in the almond orchard adjacent to the east side of the WWTF.. No recycled water is discharged to this area. Water Quality Control staff will examine the techniques used in collecting coliform samples and evaluate for any improvement necessary Violation U eSMR
1112910 12/12/2022 GWAT The results for total coliform for groundwater MW #3 were >23 MPN/100mL. The Groundwater Limitations under Waste Discharge requirements page 15 of permit Order R5-2020-0014 are 2.2 MPN/mL. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. MW #3 is located on the west end of the Land Application Area, adjacent to a farm that houses livestock. Water Quality Control staff will examine the techniques used in collecting coliform samples and evaluate for any improvement necessary. Violation U eSMR
1099985 12/31/2021 DMON The City of Merced was deficient in collecting samples for alkalinity series, Iron, Sodium, and Potassium of the standard minerals sample list. The City will exercise additional discretion of permit requirements and scheduling of sample events to further prevent any future deficient monitoring violations from occurring. Violation U eSMR
1099984 11/15/2021 GWAT Groundwater Monitoring Well #10 exceeded the total coliform limit of 2.2 MPN. The result for coliforms was 9.2 MPN. Though the City of Merced periodically discharges recycled water to the Wildlife Management Area. It was not determined that the cause of the exceedance was from the WWTF effluent discharge for effluent discharge coliforms was <2 MPN on 11/15/21. Violation U eSMR
1099983 11/15/2021 GWAT Monitoring Well #9 exceeded the water quality limit for total coliforms of 2.2 MPN. The result was >23 MPN. Though the City of Merced periodically discharges recycled water to the Wildlife Management Area. It was not determined that the cause of the exceedance was from the WWTF effluent discharge for effluent discharge coliforms was <2 MPN on 11/15/21. Violation U eSMR
1099637 10/28/2021 DMON The City of Merced was unable to report results for Tributyltin at effluent M-001 and receiving water R-002U1 due to multiple QC issues at the contracted laboratory for this project. The City of Merced sampled for the characterization monitoring early in the quarter and resampled for the constituent as notified by the contracted laboratory of the error. The City has suggested using a different sub-contracted lab if QC issues continue to occur. A full explanation of the error was included in the cover letter for report Q4 2021. Violation U eSMR
1097431 10/27/2021 DMON Attachment E section III A.2 Table E-2 Influent Monitoring. states BOD mg/L 24 hour composite 3/Week, and TSS mg/L 24 composite 3/week. On October 27th the influent composite sample was divided up with one half of the sample used for annual priority pollutant testing and the remnant used for the three times per week testing for BOD and TSS. The sample was mixed in the composite jug and dispense into two smaller containers, incomplete mixing caused a non-representative sample to be used for BOD and TSS. The result for BOD was 179 mg/L and TSS was 78 mg/L, both of these results are significantly lower than normal results. The BOD and TSS test results for this day was deleted and not reported on CIWQS. Scheduled a brief training for staff involved with sampling regarding splitting samples. Future annual and quarterly samples will be scheduled on different days than we perform BOD and TSS to allow for a smaller sample volume that will mix easily. Violation U eSMR
1092709 06/28/2021 GWAT The groundwater limitation for total coliform organism is 2.2 MPN/100mL per Order R5-2020-0014. Groundwater Monitoring Well No. 4 had a result of 9.2 MPN/100mL. MW 4 is located on the southside of the Land Application Area. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Extra precautions when taking coliform samples will be taken in the future. Violation U eSMR
1077583 06/15/2020 GWAT The nitrate nitrogen concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #11 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 64 mg/L. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1077585 06/15/2020 GWAT The total coliform concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #11 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of >23 MPN. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1077580 06/10/2020 GWAT The nitrate nitrogen concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #5 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 21 mg/L. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1077581 06/09/2020 GWAT The nitrate nitrogen concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #1 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 19 mg/L. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1077584 06/09/2020 GWAT The total coliform concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #10 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of >23 MPN. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1077582 06/09/2020 GWAT The total coliform concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #9 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 5.1 MPN. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1079052 04/06/2020 CAT2 Copper, Total Monthly Average limit is 6.5 ug/L and reported value was 13 ug/L at M-001. The cause of the exceedance is unknown. The City of Merced has a discharger that is a commercial printer. In the past City Environmental Compliance Inspectors addressed potential copper and zinc exceedances of local limits. The industry had changed printer ink products to lessen the potential and no exceedances have occurred from the industry for copper. The City's pretreatment program will continue to monitor potential dischargers of metals to the POTW. The City will take quarterly effluent samples at the beginning of the month and review the results more immediately and resample if needed to average out any results exceeding the monthly average. Violation B eSMR
1073351 01/14/2020 GWAT The nitrate nitrogen concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #5 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 26 mg/L. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1073358 01/14/2020 GWAT The nitrate nitrogen concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #7 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 31 mg/L. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1073353 01/13/2020 GWAT The nitrate nitrogen concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #1 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 13 mg/L. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1073352 01/13/2020 GWAT The nitrate nitrogen concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #11 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 65 mg/L. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1073354 01/13/2020 GWAT The nitrate nitrogen concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #6 equaled the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 10 mg/L. The cause is not known. Violation U eSMR
1073359 01/13/2020 GWAT The nitrate nitrogen concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #8 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 17 mg/L. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
1073355 01/13/2020 GWAT The total coliform concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #11 equaled the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result 2.2 MPN. The cause is not known. Violation U eSMR
1073356 01/13/2020 GWAT The total coliform concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #3 equaled the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 2.2 MPN. The cause is not known. Violation U eSMR
1073357 01/13/2020 GWAT The total coliform concentration in Groundwater Monitoring Well #9 exceeded the limit set forth in Order No. R5-2014-0096 with a result of 3.6 MPN. The cause of the exceedance is not known. Violation U eSMR
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 43 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
CAT2 = Category 2 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 2 Pollutant) DMON = Deficient Monitoring
Deficient Reporting = Deficient Reporting GWAT = Groundwater
OEV = Other Effluent Violation

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
455576 Admin Civil Liability EPL R5-2023-0529 06/05/2024 Historical
452550 Notice of Violation null 05/08/2023 Historical
450721 Staff Enforcement Letter null 11/21/2022 Historical
413706 Admin Civil Liability R5-2017-0533 09/22/2017 Historical
382713 Notice of Violation null 12/22/2011 Historical
377598 Staff Enforcement Letter 02/24/2011 Historical
375278 Staff Enforcement Letter 08/03/2010 Historical
374187 Time Schedule Order R5-2010-0904 05/18/2010 Historical
353469 Admin Civil Liability R5-2008-0587 11/21/2008 Historical
348764 Notice of Violation 08/06/2008 Historical
254503 Admin Civil Liability R5-2004-0537 10/05/2004 Historical
242456 Notice of Violation 04/28/2003 Historical
241925 Notice of Violation 04/16/2002 Historical
238853 Staff Enforcement Letter 08/24/2001 Historical
228905 Cease and Desist Order 00-247 10/27/2000 Historical
228907 Admin Civil Liability 5-00-248 10/27/2000 Historical
229421 Notice of Violation 10/25/1999 Historical
229482 Notice of Violation 07/02/1999 Historical
223132 Cease and Desist Order 98-219 12/11/1998 Historical
223473 Cease and Desist Order 97-018 01/24/1997 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 20

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
48209111 B Type compliance inspection Hossein Aghazeynali 06/28/2022 N 0 Download
30125718 B Type compliance inspection Nicolette Dentoni 10/03/2017 N 0 Download
21713481 B Type compliance inspection Alexander Mushegan (Multiple) 09/10/2015 N 0 Download
11663172 B Type compliance inspection Paul Hanson (Multiple) 03/01/2013 N 0 N/A
8568766 B Type compliance inspection Aide Ortiz (Multiple) 06/07/2012 Y 0 Download
4562583 B Type compliance inspection Carole Leong 06/02/2011 Y 4 [Attachments]
4950155 Pretreatment compliance Christine Wong 04/28/2011 N 0 [Attachments]
2354681 B Type compliance inspection Dennis Wilson (Multiple) 03/24/2010 Y 0 N/A
1763698 B Type compliance inspection Dennis C Wilson 05/14/2009 N 0 N/A
1481405 B Type compliance inspection Matt Scroggins 05/14/2008 N 0 N/A
524202 B Type compliance inspection Matt Scroggins 05/14/2008 Y 0 N/A
524201 B Type compliance inspection 10/11/2005 Y 0 N/A
524203 B Type compliance inspection Tetra Tech Inspector 5F 10/11/2005 Y 0 N/A
338106 B Type compliance inspection Barry Hilton 10/14/2004 Y 0 N/A
338107 Miscellaneous inspection Barry Hilton 07/13/2004 Y 0 N/A
335188 B Type compliance inspection Barry Hilton 03/22/2004 Y 0 N/A
335187 B Type compliance inspection Barry Hilton 10/21/2003 Y 0 N/A
335199 Miscellaneous inspection Barry Hilton 03/31/2003 Y 0 N/A
330532 Complaint inspection Alexis Phillips 12/27/2002 Y 0 N/A
325438 Complaint inspection Alexis Phillips 12/27/2001 Y 0 N/A
299261 A Type compliance inspection Alexis Phillips 06/12/2001 Y 0 N/A
299260 Follow-up inspection (noncompliance) Barry Hilton 10/26/1999 Y 0 N/A
299259 Prerequirement inspection Barry Hilton 09/29/1999 Y 0 N/A
299270 A Type compliance inspection Jo Anne Kipps 06/17/1999 Y 0 N/A
299271 Complaint inspection Jo Anne Kipps 11/06/1998 Y 0 N/A
299266 B Type compliance inspection Larry Lowe 11/18/1997 Y 0 N/A
299269 A Type compliance inspection Larry Lowe 05/05/1997 Y 0 N/A
299267 B Type compliance inspection Larry Lowe 08/01/1996 Y 0 N/A
299268 Miscellaneous inspection Larry Lowe 06/19/1996 Y 0 N/A
299265 Miscellaneous inspection Larry Lowe 05/30/1995 Y 0 N/A
299263 A Type compliance inspection Larry Lowe 05/10/1995 Y 0 N/A
299264 B Type compliance inspection Larry Lowe 06/16/1994 Y 0 N/A
299262 A Type compliance inspection Jose Angel 04/21/1994 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 33 Last Inspection: 06/28/2022
The current report was generated with data as of: 11/29/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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