Violation ID |
Occurred Date |
Violation Type |
(-) Violation Description |
Corrective Action |
Status |
Classification |
Source |
1123406 |
12/31/2023 |
CAT1 |
Sodium, % Annual Average (Mean) limit is 60 % and reported value was 61 %. |
EWA will continue to monitor percent sodium on a monthly basis per the CWRF Permit R9-2016-0183. We have attached a study of the mineral content of local drinking water agencies that was conducted from 2018-2020. We have also included a study of the mineral components of the percent sodium calculation. The sodium percentage appears to increase when the percent magnesium, calcium and potassium decrease. |
Violation |
U |
eSMR |
1119923 |
06/29/2023 |
Order Conditions |
100-gallon spill of thickened waste activated sludge (TWAS) from digester #4; 100 gallons recovered. TWAS left in the line. |
Line needs to be drained and/or flushed. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1119924 |
06/29/2023 |
Order Conditions |
175-gallon spill of sodium hypochlorite at the final effluent sodium hypochlorite containment; 175 gallons was recovered. Tank overflowed during delivery. |
Stop the delivery before the overflow point of 9.32 ft on the West chemical tank. Update the tanks information by placing new labels. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1119447 |
04/08/2023 |
From April 1 to 14, 2023, Encina reported flow from M-002. During the week of April 2 to 8, the report appears to only include four monitoring results for CBOD at M-002. During the week of April 9 to 15, the report includes the required five monitoring results for CBOD at M-002. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1119922 |
01/27/2023 |
Order Conditions |
100-gallon spill of chlorinated secondary-treated wastewater from secondary clarifier #8; 100 gallons recovered. Contractor cracked a 3WHP hose bib while transporting material with the large, tractor size forklift. |
3WHP is shutdown to the Secondary Area until repair is completed by the contractor. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1119837 |
11/29/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Spill 11,235 gallons of digester sludge at digester #2 transfer pump; 11,235 gallons was recovered.
Access port cover popped off. |
Isolated suction and discharge valve and powered down equipment to secure access port cover to transfer pump. Once transfer pump was restored to working order, started cleaning affected area. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1119836 |
10/20/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Spilled 25 gallons of return activated sludge at membrane bioreactor (MBR); 25- gallons was recovered.
Breaker for air compressor tripped, causing valves to be stuck closed.
Reset breaker and put MBR back online. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1119835 |
08/01/2022 |
Order Conditions |
Spilled 25 gallons of TWAS/primary sludge; recovered 25 gallons.
The liquid/ condensate seperator that supplies Digester #5 TWAS and Primary feed valves failed. These two feed valves, which opereate off of a temporary flexible air line, failed in an open positiom due to a loss in pressure. There were multiple bleed offs on the Digester #5 manifold that were open causing TWAS and Primary Sludge to spill out. |
All sludge was contained and hosed to the digester drainage pit. A work order was generated to add additional isolation valves on either side of the TWAS and Primary Sludge feed valves. Additionally, a work order has been generated to repair the (sun worn) temporary flexible air line that is supplying the two valves in order to prevent failure. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1119423 |
07/11/2022 |
2 W Hydropneumatic Tank drain is not alligned with the drain in the ground/concrete pad causing drain 2W water to overflow to adjacened ground which was draining via a french drain directly to the brow ditch, which ultimatly trickled to the storm channel (estimated 20 gallons).
The small volume drained from 2 W tank reached the storm channel before it was noticed. The spill was 300 gallons, 280 was recovered, and 20 gallons was released to the environment. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1119422 |
05/23/2022 |
The contractor broke an airvac on the discharge pipe, spilling 1,750 gallons of secondary-treated wastewater at the Leucadia Pump Station discharge pipe. Encina reported recovering 1,300 gallons of the spill. The spill reached flood control channel/receiving water. |
Shut down pumps, notified Leucadia. Drained back the discharge pipe to the wetwell. Pumped recovered water back to plant treatment. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1098327 |
10/02/2021 |
On October 8, 2021, the District reported the unauthorized discharge 786,096 gallons of recycled water to land on October 2, 2021 . The District determined the discharge originated from a broken irrigation valve located near 4743 Borden Court in Carlsbad. District staff isolated the damaged valve, stopping the unauthorized discharge of recycled water to land and the nearby bioswale on October 2, 2021. Permanent repairs were pending when the spill report was submitted on October 8, 2021. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
1092266 |
04/06/2021 |
The Carlsbad WD reported a recycled water spill of 125,439 gallons at 6565 Alacante Rd, Carlsbad, CA, that occurred on April 6, 2021, in Cal OES Control Report #21-1813. The Order prohibits the discharge of recycled water to land that has not been specifically described in the Order. |
Violation |
B |
Report |
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.