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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 206888
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
3 206888 Avila WWTP Wastewater Treatment Facility End of San Miguel Avila Beach, CA, 93405 San Luis Obispo

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
634328 Person Mariah Fluitt Is A Data Submitter For 07/12/2022
628096 Person Madison Pierce Is A Data Submitter For 10/06/2021 01/13/2023
524612 Person Katie DiSimone Case Worker 01/29/2021
609572 Person ALEXANDRA BALL Is A Data Submitter For 05/28/2020 01/13/2023
544986 Person Carinna Ellison Is Onsite Manager For 09/30/2019
601313 Person Julie Ridgeway Is A Data Submitter For 08/21/2019 01/13/2023
598689 Person Michael Lynn White Is Onsite Manager For 05/23/2019
578709 Person Alexandra Coblentz Is A Data Submitter For 06/06/2018 05/01/2019
553604 Person Krista Young Is Onsite Manager For 11/17/2017
558510 Person Cara Aguiar Is A Data Submitter For 08/05/2016
544986 Person Carinna Ellison Is Onsite Manager For 11/17/2015 11/17/2017
553604 Person Krista Young Is A Data Submitter For 11/05/2015 11/17/2017
138369 Person Brad Hagemann Is Onsite Manager For 09/09/2015
532428 Person Mike John Wentzel Is Onsite Manager For 05/06/2014 01/13/2023
544974 Person Kathryn Richardson Is Onsite Manager For 03/25/2014 01/13/2023
544987 Person Charles Ellison Is Onsite Manager For 03/21/2014
137759 Organization Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Regulating Waterboard 05/02/2012
529310 Person Jenny Struthers Is A Data Submitter For 04/04/2012 08/03/2016
139744 Person Matt Keeling Case Worker 10/26/2010 04/30/2012
69735 Person John Wallace Is Onsite Manager For 10/09/2007 01/01/2014
376846 Person Amanda Smith Is A Data Submitter For 05/03/2007 01/22/2014
369724 Person Amanda Montgomery Is A Data Submitter For 03/21/2007 01/22/2014
376616 Person Chris Nally Is Onsite Manager For 08/28/2006
2475 Organization Avila Beach CSD Owner Special District 01/01/1967
Total Related Parties: 24

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
418016 NPDES Permit 3 NPDMUNIOTH R3-2017-0025 3 400101001 12/01/2017 11/30/2022 Active N
371965 NPDES Permit 3 NPDMUNIOTH R3-2009-0055 3 400101001 10/23/2009 12/12/2014 Historical N
132728 NPDES Permit 3 NPDMUNIOTH R3-2004-0068 3 400101001 09/10/2004 09/10/2010 Historical N
147308 NPDES Permit 3 NPDMUNIOTH 99-059 3 400101001 09/08/1999 09/08/2004 Historical N
146923 NPDES Permit 3 NPDMUNIOTH 94-022 3 400101001 06/03/1994 09/06/2004 Historical N
143849 NPDES Permit 3 NPDMUNIOTH 89-045 3 400101001 05/12/1989 05/01/1994 Historical N
143447 NPDES Permit 3 NPDMUNIOTH 86-014 3 400101001 02/14/1986 06/01/1989 Historical N
143264 NPDES Permit 3 NPDMUNIOTH 84-033 3 400101001 05/18/1984 05/18/1989 Historical N
142924 NPDES Permit 3 NPDMUNIOTH 74-048 3 400101001 01/01/1974 01/01/1979 Historical N
142559 NPDES Permit 3 NPDMUNIOTH 67-004 3 400101001 01/01/1967 01/01/1972 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 10

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1122153 10/07/2023 CAT2 Chlorine, Total Residual Daily Maximum limit is 1.2 mg/L and reported value was 9.20 mg/L at M-001. The dechlorination pump was immediately repaired and put into service and the effluent residual returned to 0 mg/L. Staff continues to monitor dechlorination pump function and effluent chlorine residuals daily. Violation B eSMR
1118241 05/13/2023 DMON Due to staffing issues an effluent total chlorine residual sample was not taken on May 13, 2023. Staff reviewed the sampling requirements and are investigating systems to minimize the chances of rounds being missed in the future. Violation U eSMR
1123430 04/30/2023 CAT2 Aldrin Monthly Average limit is 0.0033 ug/L and reported value was 0.027 ug/L at M-001. Staff will continue to monitor as required by the permit and remind all ongoing projects in the district of proper disposal methods. Violation A eSMR
1116079 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on March 7, 2023. There was 0.30 inches of rain recorded by staff on March 1, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on March 6, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations, and is not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on March 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1116081 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on March 7, 2023. There was 0.30 inches of rain recorded by staff on March 1, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on March 6, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations, and is not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on March 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1116082 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on March 7, 2023. There was 0.30 inches of rain recorded by staff on March 1, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on March 6, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations, and is not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on March 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1116083 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on March 7, 2023. There was 0.30 inches of rain recorded by staff on March 1, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on March 6, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations, and is not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on March 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1116084 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on March 7, 2023. There was 0.30 inches of rain recorded by staff on March 1, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on March 6, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations, and is not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on March 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1116080 03/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on March 7, 2023. There was 0.30 inches of rain recorded by staff on March 1, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on March 6, 2023. The RSW-E Monitoring Location is upstream of the wastewater treatment plant and is not under the influence of effluent discharged from the facility; the results of samples collected from these locations are not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. There is no corrective action that operations staff can take for the RSW-E Monitoring Location, as it is upstream of the facility and not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on March 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114992 02/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on February 7, 2023. There was 0.50 inches of rain recorded by staff on February 5, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on both January 29 and January 30, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on February 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114995 02/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on February 7, 2023. There was 0.50 inches of rain recorded by staff on February 5, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on both January 29 and January 30, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on February 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114996 02/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on February 7, 2023. There was 0.50 inches of rain recorded by staff on February 5, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on both January 29 and January 30, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on February 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114997 02/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on February 7, 2023. There was 0.50 inches of rain recorded by staff on February 5, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on both January 29 and January 30, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on February 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114994 02/07/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on February 7, 2023. There was 0.50 inches of rain recorded by staff on February 5, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on both January 29 and January 30, 2023. The RSW-E Monitoring Location is upstream of the wastewater treatment plant and is not under the influence of effluent discharged from the facility; the results of samples collected from these locations are not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. There is no corrective action that operations staff can take for the RSW-E Monitoring Location, as it is upstream of the facility and not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on February 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114993 02/01/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on February 7, 2023. There was 0.50 inches of rain recorded by staff on February 5, 2023, as well as 0.10 inches recorded on both January 29 and January 30, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on February 7, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114005 01/24/2023 DMON Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on January 24, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on January 24, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114008 01/24/2023 DMON Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on January 24, 2023. There was 0.3 inches of rain recorded by staff on January 17, and 0.10 inches recorded on January 19, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on January 24, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114007 01/24/2023 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on January 24, 2023. There was 0.3 inches of rain recorded by staff on January 17, and 0.10 inches recorded on January 19, 2023. The RSW-E Monitoring Location is upstream of the wastewater treatment plant and is not under the influence of effluent discharged from the facility; the results of samples collected from these locations are not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. There is no corrective action that operations staff can take for the RSW-E Monitoring Location, as it is upstream of the facility and not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on January 24, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114010 01/24/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on January 24, 2023. There was 0.3 inches of rain recorded by staff on January 17, and 0.10 inches recorded on January 19, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on January 24, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114011 01/24/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on January 24, 2023. There was 0.3 inches of rain recorded by staff on January 17, and 0.10 inches recorded on January 19, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on January 24, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114006 01/24/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on January 24, 2023. There was 0.3 inches of rain recorded by staff on January 17, and 0.10 inches recorded on January 19, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on January 24, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1114009 01/24/2023 Surface Water Staff suspects that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on January 24, 2023. There was 0.3 inches of rain recorded by staff on January 17, and 0.10 inches recorded on January 19, 2023. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on January 24, 2023, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1112716 12/13/2022 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on December 13, 2022. There was 0.2 inches of rain recorded by staff on December 10, and 0.5 inches recorded on December 12, 2022. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations, and is not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on December 13, 2022, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation B eSMR
1112717 12/13/2022 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on December 13, 2022. There was 0.2 inches of rain recorded by staff on December 10, and 0.5 inches recorded on December 12, 2022. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations, and is not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on December 13, 2022, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation B eSMR
1112718 12/13/2022 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on December 13, 2022. There was 0.2 inches of rain recorded by staff on December 10, and 0.5 inches recorded on December 12, 2022. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations, and is not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on December 13, 2022, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation U eSMR
1112720 12/13/2022 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on December 13, 2022. There was 0.2 inches of rain recorded by staff on December 10, and 0.5 inches recorded on December 12, 2022. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations, and is not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on December 13, 2022, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation B eSMR
1112719 12/13/2022 Surface Water Staff suspect that the elevated bacteriological levels at the RSW locations are due to rain events in the days leading up to samples being taken on December 13, 2022. There was 0.2 inches of rain recorded by staff on December 10, and 0.5 inches recorded on December 12, 2022. The RSW-E Monitoring Location is upstream from the wastewater treatment plant and is not under the influence of effluent discharged from the facility; the results of samples collected from these locations are not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Bacteriological runoff into surface water occurs independently of plant operations, and is not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. Results from WWTP effluent samples taken on December 13, 2022, were within compliance for all parameters. Violation B eSMR
1111604 11/01/2022 Surface Water The RSW-E Monitoring Location is upstream from the wastewater treatment plant and is not under the influence of effluent discharged from the facility; the results of samples collected from this location are not representative of the plant's effluent quality. There is no corrective action operations staff can take, as the RSW-E sample station is located upstream of the facility and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Violation B eSMR
1110780 10/04/2022 Surface Water The RSW-E Monitoring Location is upstream from the wastewater treatment plant and not under the influence of effluent discharged from the facility; the results of samples collected from this location are not representative of the plant's effluent quality There is no corrective action operations staff can take, as the RSW-E sample station is located upstream of the facility and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Violation B eSMR
1109545 09/13/2022 Surface Water The RSW-E Monitoring Location is upstream from the wastewater treatment plant and not under the influence of effluent discharged from the facility; the results of samples collected from this location are not representative of the plant¿s effluent quality. There is no corrective action operations staff can take, as the RSW-E sample station is located upstream of the facility and is not representative of the plant's effluent quality. Violation U eSMR
1109546 09/08/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 79 MPN/100 mL at M-001. Staff continues to adjust chemical dosing levels to provide maximum disinfection and minimize BOD production. On September 15, 2022, staff replaced the boards in the Chlorine Contact Chamber with new, redwood boards. Violation B eSMR
1109544 09/01/2022 OEV Total Coliform Seven Sample Median limit is 23 MPN/100 mL and reported value was 79 MPN/100 mL at M-001. Staff continues to adjust chemical dosing levels to provide maximum disinfection and minimize BOD production. On September 15, 2022, staff replaced the boards in the Chlorine Contact Chamber with new, redwood boards. Violation B eSMR
1102652 02/28/2022 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) Monthly Average limit is 40 mg/L and reported value was 45.5 mg/L at M-001. Staff made operational adjustments to the facility as appropriate and collected additional samples within the treatment process to monitor the status of the system. BOD results were in compliance with the weekly average and daily maximum effluent limits and the BOD percent removal for the system for February 2022 was 85.6%. Additional inspections of the facility were conducted, and the discharger plans to investigate options to replace the existing FFR media filter, which has been in place for a number of years, to improve effluent quality. Violation B eSMR
1099750 12/31/2021 CAT2 Copper, Total 6-Month Median limit is 150 ug/L and reported value was 160 ug/L at M-001. Staff plans to investigate potential sources of copper within the effluent, including via influent and process samples during 2022. Violation B eSMR
1071280 01/02/2020 CAT1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (5-day @ 20 Deg. C) 7-Day Average (Mean) limit is 60 mg/L and reported value was 64 mg/L at M-001. Additional effluent BOD samples were taken to closely monitor effluent BOD levels; all samples collected throughout the remainder of the month remained below daily, weekly and monthly BOD limits. Violation B eSMR
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 35 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
CAT1 = Category 1 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 1 Pollutant) CAT2 = Category 2 Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 2 Pollutant)
DMON = Deficient Monitoring OEV = Other Effluent Violation
Surface Water = Surface Water

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
457487 Expedited Payment Letter R3-2024-0048 06/27/2024 Active
400398 Admin Civil Liability R3-2015-0008 08/12/2015 Historical
400047 Notice of Violation null 03/06/2015 Historical
377301 Expedited Payment Letter R3-2011-0009 01/24/2011 Withdrawn
373609 Oral Communication 03/01/2010 Historical
340707 Oral Communication 08/08/2007 Historical
300201 Oral Communication 05/13/2005 Historical
222494 Clean-up and Abatement Order 90-050 02/08/1990 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 8

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
56125998 B Type compliance inspection Kathy Truong (Multiple) 05/14/2024 N 0 N/A
52449851 B Type compliance inspection Leah Lemoine 12/12/2022 N 0 N/A
44025004 B Type compliance inspection Katie DiSimone 05/07/2021 N 0 [Attachments]
1329412 B Type compliance inspection David LaCaro 03/11/2008 Y 0 N/A
1112238 B Type compliance inspection Allison Dominguez 06/22/2007 Y 0 N/A
458956 B Type compliance inspection Allison Dominguez 12/28/2005 Y 0 N/A
435330 A Type compliance inspection Matt Thompson 08/09/2005 Y 0 N/A
335693 B Type compliance inspection Matt Thompson 09/01/2004 Y 0 N/A
332741 B Type compliance inspection Matt Thompson 12/19/2003 Y 0 N/A
328356 B Type compliance inspection Scott Phillips 12/06/2002 Y 0 N/A
291991 B Type compliance inspection Scott Phillips 04/15/2002 Y 0 N/A
291957 B Type compliance inspection Scott Phillips 04/05/2002 Y 0 N/A
291960 A Type compliance inspection Ron Sherer 06/12/2001 Y 0 N/A
291959 B Type compliance inspection Lida Tan 04/18/2001 Y 0 N/A
291958 B Type compliance inspection John Robertson 04/25/2000 Y 0 N/A
291983 A Type compliance inspection Scott Phillips 03/11/1999 Y 0 N/A
291961 B Type compliance inspection Mike Higgins 06/12/1998 Y 0 N/A
291985 B Type compliance inspection Keith Haas 10/29/1997 Y 0 N/A
291987 B Type compliance inspection Keith Haas 06/19/1997 Y 0 N/A
291989 B Type compliance inspection Sorrel Marks 02/05/1997 Y 0 N/A
291990 B Type compliance inspection Sorrel Marks 01/24/1996 Y 0 N/A
291986 B Type compliance inspection Tom Kukol 11/30/1995 Y 0 N/A
291984 B Type compliance inspection Ron Sherer 01/25/1995 Y 0 N/A
291988 B Type compliance inspection Ron Sherer 08/09/1994 Y 0 N/A
Total Inspections: 24 Last Inspection: 05/14/2024
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/16/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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