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   Facility At-A-Glance Report


Place ID 206730
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General Information
Region Place ID Place Name Place Type Place Address Place County
5S 206730 Thunder Valley Casino WWTP Wastewater Treatment Facility 1200 Athens Lincoln, CA, 95648-9328 Placer

Expand/Contract Related Parties
Related Parties
Party Party Type Party Name Role Classification Relationship Start Date Relationship End Date
520849 Person Jason Lawrence Is Onsite Manager For 05/05/2021
623492 Person Zachary Smith Is Onsite Manager For 04/22/2021
623492 Person Zachary Smith Is A Data Submitter For 04/14/2021 04/22/2021
597253 Person Christian S Miranda Is Onsite Manager For 03/05/2021
622109 Person Jared Zachariah Callahan Is Onsite Manager For 03/05/2021
597251 Person Margaret McPartland Is A Data Submitter For 11/25/2020 10/05/2023
598569 Person Philip Howard Is Onsite Manager For 07/30/2019
569188 Person Tobiro McMurtry Is A Data Submitter For 06/29/2019
597251 Person Margaret McPartland Is A Data Submitter For 04/29/2019 05/26/2020
597253 Person Christian S Miranda Is A Data Submitter For 04/29/2019 03/05/2021
596157 Person Andrew Paul Consiglio Is A Data Submitter For 03/27/2019 05/26/2020
594465 Person Christian Mark Elder Pending-is a data submitter for 02/01/2019 03/27/2019
594221 Person Michael Richard Plewe Is A Data Submitter For 01/24/2019 09/29/2021
579482 Person Stephen Lloyd Hudson Is A Data Submitter For 06/20/2018 06/29/2019
567805 Person Jack R Wanner Is Onsite Manager For 09/01/2017
566249 Person Marshal Ranger Is Onsite Manager For 07/31/2017
560667 Person Dawn Clayton Is Onsite Manager For 12/27/2016
561570 Person Ken E. Black Is Onsite Manager For 12/23/2016 09/01/2017
559351 Person Walter Greg Meinzer Is Onsite Manager For 09/21/2016 09/01/2017
559340 Person Bryan Jennings Davis Is A Data Submitter For 09/16/2016 10/14/2018
531877 Organization Aquality Water Management Operator Privately-Owned Business 06/05/2015
531875 Person Donald Richard Brown Is Onsite Manager For 02/15/2012 09/19/2016
531876 Person Joshua Alan Brown Is A Data Submitter For 02/15/2012 09/19/2016
108386 Person Jessica Tavares Contact 06/17/2005
485093 Organization United Auburn Indian Community Owner 08/11/2000
Total Related Parties: 25

Expand/Contract Regulatory Measures
Regulatory Measures
Reg Measure ID Reg Measure Type Region Program Order No. WDID Effective Date Expiration Date Status Amended?
171886 401 Certification 5S CERFILLEXC 5A31CR00033 Never Active N
442169 Enrollee - NPDES 5S NPDMUNIOTH R5-2023-0025 5A31NP00001 02/01/2021 10/01/2028 Active N
401600 NPDES Permit 5S NPDMUNIOTH R5-2015-0077 5A31NP00001 08/01/2015 07/31/2020 Historical N
373269 NPDES Permit 5S NPDMUNIOTH R5-2010-0005 5A31NP00001 03/19/2010 01/01/2015 Historical N
133346 NPDES Permit 5S NPDMUNIOTH R5-2005-0032 5A31NP00001 03/23/2005 03/23/2010 Historical Y
147985 NPDES Permit 5S NPDESWW 01-068 5A31NP00001 03/16/2001 03/01/2006 Historical N
Total Reg Measures: 6

Expand/Contract Violations
Violation ID Occurred Date Violation Type (-) Violation Description Corrective Action Status Classification Source
1110847 11/23/2022 DMON The Discharger submitted the Q3 monitoring report late due to an oversight with regard to the characterization monitoring. Violation B Report
1110889 06/30/2022 DMON The Discharger failed to conduct characterization monitoring the Second Quarter 2022 due to an operational oversight. Characterization monitoring requirements were discussed with Central Valley Water Board staff and the Discharger is performing an additional round of characterization monitoring in the First Quarter 2023 to account for the missing characterization monitoring in the Second Quarter 2022. Violation B Report
1104708 03/04/2022 OEV pH Instantaneous Minimum limit is 6.5 SU and reported value was 6.4 SU at EFF-001. Violation B Report
1089165 01/31/2021 DMON UV Dose and transmittance data were not available for January 2021 due to a SCADA system crash Violation B Report
1070133 08/20/2019 LREP 2019 Q2 report was originally submitted 20 days late. Violation B Report
Report displays most recent five years of violations. Refer to the Interactive Violation Report for more data.
Total Violations: 5 Priority Violations: 0
*Click the "(+/-) Violation Description" link to expand and contract the violation description.
*As of 5/20/2010, the Water Board's Enforcement Policy requires that all violations be classified as 1, 2 or 3, with class 1 being the highest. Prior to this, violations were simply classified as Yes or No. If a 123 classification has been assigned to a violation that occurred before this date, that classification data will be displayed instead of the Yes/No data.

Violation Types
DMON = Deficient Monitoring LREP = Late Report
OEV = Other Effluent Violation

Expand/Contract Enforcement Actions
Enforcement Actions
Enf Id Enf Type Enf Order No. Effective Date Status
450400 Notice of Violation null 12/02/2022 Historical
448221 Notice of Violation null 06/01/2022 Historical
443084 Notice of Violation null 04/23/2021 Historical
436624 Notice of Violation null 01/31/2020 Historical
423555 Notice of Violation 08/14/2018 Historical
422400 Notice of Violation 06/18/2018 Historical
414898 Notice of Violation 07/21/2017 Historical
412675 Notice of Violation 04/04/2017 Historical
406070 Notice of Violation 04/26/2016 Historical
403186 Notice of Violation 10/02/2015 Historical
399217 Notice of Violation 12/16/2014 Historical
399190 Time Schedule Order R5-2014-0158 12/05/2014 Historical
397318 Notice of Violation 07/09/2014 Historical
396057 Notice of Violation 04/30/2014 Historical
392709 Notice of Violation 08/12/2013 Historical
392710 Notice of Violation 08/12/2013 Historical
386767 Notice of Violation 07/31/2012 Historical
386611 Notice of Violation 07/20/2012 Historical
385933 Notice of Violation 06/27/2012 Historical
385196 Notice of Violation 05/09/2012 Historical
383564 Notice of Violation 02/23/2012 Historical
383074 Notice of Violation 01/24/2012 Historical
382609 Notice of Violation 12/23/2011 Historical
381344 Notice of Violation 09/07/2011 Historical
378868 Notice of Violation 04/25/2011 Historical
373270 Time Schedule Order R5-2010-0006 01/28/2010 Historical
308419 Admin Civil Liability R5-2006-0502 03/07/2006 Historical
255804 Cease and Desist Order R5-2005-0033 03/17/2005 Historical
Total Enf Actions: 28

Expand/Contract Inspections
Inspection ID Inspection Type Lead Inspector Actual End Date Planned Violations Attachment
38703299 B Type compliance inspection Jon Rohrbough (Multiple) 11/26/2019 N 0 Download
21875371 B Type compliance inspection Mohammad Farhad 09/17/2015 N 0 [Attachments]
21450795 Prerequirement inspection James D Marshall (Multiple) 02/26/2015 N 0 Download
10638553 B Type compliance inspection Barry Hilton 12/11/2012 Y 0 N/A
4238559 B Type compliance inspection Spencer Joplin 11/30/2010 N 1 N/A
1644545 B Type compliance inspection Spencer Joplin 01/15/2009 N 0 N/A
1277122 A Type compliance inspection Spencer Joplin 12/05/2007 N 0 [Attachments]
Total Inspections: 7 Last Inspection: 11/26/2019
The current report was generated with data as of: 07/16/2024
Regional Boards are in the process of entering backlogged data.
As a result, data may be incomplete.
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