Primary Owner: KITTY WILSON
Statement Number: S013174
Date Submitted: 06/30/2010
Water is used under
Riparian Claim
Year of first use 1975
Month Rate of diversion
Amount directly diverted or
collected to storage
Amount beneficially used
January 310 0.02854077 0.02854077
February 310 0.02854077 0.02854077
March 500 0.0460335 0.0460335
April 1833 0.1687895 0.1687895
May 3667 0.337579 0.337579
June 3667 0.337579 0.337579
July 4000 0.368268 0.368268
August 4000 0.368268 0.368268
September    3667 0.337579 0.337579
October 3667 0.30689 0.30689
November 310 0.02854077 0.02854077
December 310 0.02854077 0.02854077
Total 2.38514908 2.38514908
Purpose of Use
Domestic 2
Irrigation 2 Acres
Stockwatering 0
Changes in Method of Diversion
Conservation of Water
Are you now employing water conservation efforts? Yes
Describe any water conservation efforts you have initiated WATERING IN EVENING DRIP SYSTEM IN 2 AREAS
Reduction in Diversions
Reduction in consumptive use
I have data to support the above surface water use reductions due to conservation efforts.
Water Quality and Wastewater Reclamation
Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial causes? No
Amount of reduced diversion
type of substitute water supply
Amount of substitute water supply used
I have data to support the above surface water use reductions due to the use of a substitute water supply
Conjuctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater
Are you now using groundwater in lieu of surface water? No
amounts of groundwater used
I have data to support the above surface water use reductions due to the use of groundwater.
Contact Information of the Person Submitting the Form
First Name Kitty
Last Name Wilson
Has read the form and agrees the information in the report is true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief Yes