Statement Number: S020961
Date Submitted: 2013-05-20
1. Water is used under Riparian Claim
Pre-1914 Claim
2. Year of first use 1903
3-4. Maximum Rate of Diversion for each Month and Amount of Water Diverted and Used
Month Rate of diversion
Amount directly diverted or
collected to storage
Amount beneficially used
January 0 0
February 0 0
March 0 0
April 2960 2960
May 13210 13210
June 12790 12790
July 6740 6740
August 2780 2780
September    2037 2037
October 1400 1400
November 0 0
December 0 0
Total 41917 41917
5. Water Diversion Measurement
a. Measurement Water directly diverted and/or diverted to storage was measured
b. Types of measuring devices used
  • Acoustic Meter
c. Additional technology used
  • Data Logger
  • Flow Totalizer
  • Telemetry
Description of additional technology used
d. Who installed your measuring device(s)
  • Licensed Civil or Agricultural Engineer
  • Representative using manufacturer's recommendations
e. Make, model number, and last calibration date of your measuring device(s)
f. Why direct measurement using a device listed in Section 1 is "not locally cost effective"
Explanation of why use of devices and technologies listed in Section 1 are "not locally cost effective"
g. Method(s) used as an alternative to direct measurement
Explanation of method(s) used as an alternative to direct measurement
6. Purpose of Use
Irrigation 6216 Acres
7. Changes in Method of Diversion
8. Conservation of Water
a. Are you now employing water conservation efforts? Yes
Describe any water conservation efforts you have initiated Implementation of USBR-approved conservation plan
b. Amount of water conserved Acre-Feet
I have data to support the above surface water use reductions due to conservation efforts.
9. Water Quality and Wastewater Reclamation
a. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial causes? No
b. Amount of reduced diversion
Type of substitute water supply
Amount of substitute water supply used
I have data to support the above surface water use reductions due to the use of a substitute water supply
10. Conjuctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater
a. Are you now using groundwater in lieu of surface water? No
b. Amount of groundwater used
I have data to support the above surface water use reductions due to the use of groundwater.
11a. Additional Remarks
Sec. 2: The year set forth is a "no later than year" as to appropriative rights. Riparian rights were first used no later than 1907. Sec.4c: The water diverted under the rights set forth in the Initial SWDU is used in conjunction with the permits and licenses listed in Part D of the SWDU. This use is concurrent with and as an inextricable part of the district's "Base Supply" under its Water Rights Settlement Contract with Reclamation. As set forth in that contract, however, the numerical values assigned to the Base Supply were made with a full reservation of rights to claim any and all water rights reflected in permits, licenses or otherwise provided for by law, and that would include the rights set forth in the Initial SWDU. Therefore, nothing in the Initial SWDU nor in this or subsequent Supplemental SWDUs should be construed in any way as a waiver of or limitation on any of the district's water rights in whatever form those rights are provided for. The monthly diversion amounts in Section 4c are provided as a convenience only, as an illustration of the typical diversion rates of the district. They are not intended to be, nor should they be construed as any expression of a limitation on the water rights referred to in the SWDUs. Sec. 6: The pre-1914 claim applies to 6,216 acres within the district's boundaries. The riparian claim applies to 586 acres within the district's boundaries.
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No Attachments
Contact Information of the Person Submitting the Form
First Name J Mark
Last Name Atlas
Relation to Water Right Agent
Has read the form and agrees the information in the report is true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief Yes