Application Number: A001763
License Number: 001110
Date Submitted: 2011-06-30
Compliance with License Terms and Conditions
The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of my water right license No
I have reviewed my water right license Yes
I am complying with all terms and conditions Yes
Description of noncompliance with terms and conditions
Intake location has been changed
Description of intake location changes
Type of use has changed
Description of type of use changes
Place of use has changed
Description of place of use changes
Purpose of Use
Irrigation 44191 Acres Mixed Crop Types
Month Amount directly diverted or
collected to storage
Amount used
January 0 0
February 0 0
March 0 0
April 0 0
May 184.5 184.5
June 178.5 178.5
July 184.5 184.5
August 184.5 184.5
September    0 0
October 0 0
November 0 0
December 0 0
Total 732 732
Month Maximum Rate of Diversion
Reservoir name Spilled this year Feet below spillway at maximum storage Completely emptied Feet below spillway at minimum storage Method used to measure water level
Conservation of Water
Are you now employing water conservation efforts? Yes
Description of water conservation efforts In 2010 Sutter Mutual Water Company delivered water to 44,191 acres of mixed crop types under Licenses 2817, 2818, 2819, 2820a, 2822, 552, 1110, 547, 657, 882, 2240, 2821, 2823, 4562, 8547a, and 8220. The Company's objective District is to maximize the beneficial use of water by implementing numerous water conservation efforts including, variable frequency drives at several pumping plants, installation and operation of a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) System, irrigation scheduling techniques and technologies, water conservation programs for landowners, weed management programs, canal lining, pipeline installation, and educational tools for Company staff and its landowners. The Company¿s landowners have implemented numerous water conservation efforts including, but not limited to land leveling, irrigation scheduling techniques and technologies, varietal changes, crop shifts, drainage improvements, reduced spill from rice fields, and minimum tillage techniques. In addition, the Company operates an extensive tail water recovery and recirculation system. The quantity water conserved through the actions taken by individual landowners and farmers has not been determined. The quantity of conserved water shown below is the total quantity of water re-circulated for redelivery within the places of use. Absent the Company¿s recirculation this additional quantity water would have been diverted to meet the demands within the Company. It is not possible to distinguish how much of the re-circulated water originated under the individual licenses; therefore this quantity of conserved water is identified under each of the Company¿s Licenses identified above.
Amount of water conserved 62316 Acre-Feet
Water Quality and Wastewater Reclamation
During the period covered by this Report, did you use reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, water from a desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects the water for other beneficial uses? No
Amount of reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water used
Conjuctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water
During the period covered by this Report, were you using groundwater in lieu of available surface water authorized under your license? No
Amounts of groundwater used
Additional Remarks
Purpose of Use: The acreage identified includes the total acreage irrigated in 2010 under Licenses 2817, 2818, 2819, 2820a, 2822, 552, 1110, 547, 657, 882, 2240, 2821, 2823, 4562, 8547a, and 8220. This acreage is also within the service area of Contract 14-06-200-815A-R-1 between Sutter Mutual Water Company and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
File Name Size
No Attachments
Contact Information of the Person Submitting the Form
First Name MBK Engineers
Last Name MBK Engineers
Relation to Water Right Other
Has read the form and agrees the information in the report is true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief Yes