Primary Contact: Brian Mueller

Date Submitted: 2013-06-20

Application Number: A005645A
License Number: 011836

Source(s) of Water POD Parcel Number County

MAX Direct Diversion Rate: 32.5 CFS
MAX Collection to Storage: 14800.0 AC-FT
Face Value: 26403.5 AC-FT

Licensed Use(s) Acres Direct Diversion Season Storage Season
Domestic 0.0 11/01 to 04/14
06/16 to 06/30
11/01 to 06/30
Fish and Wildlife Protection and/or Enhancement 0.0 11/01 to 04/14
06/16 to 06/30
11/01 to 06/30
Incidental Power 0.0
Industrial 0.0 06/16 to 06/30
11/01 to 04/14
11/01 to 06/30
Irrigation 6300.0 06/16 to 06/30
11/01 to 04/14
11/01 to 06/30
Municipal 0.0 11/01 to 04/14
06/16 to 06/30
11/01 to 06/30
Recreational 0.0 11/01 to 04/14
06/16 to 06/30
11/01 to 06/30
1. Project Abandoned
The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of my water right license No
2. Compliance with License Terms and Conditions
I have currently reviewed my water right license and I am complying with all terms and conditions Yes
Description of noncompliance with terms and conditions
3. Changes to the Project
Intake location has been changed
Description of intake location changes
Type of use has changed
Description of type of use changes
Place of use has changed
Description of place of use changes
Other changes
Description of other changes
4. Purpose of Use
Stockwatering Unknown
Fish and Wildlife Protection and/or Enhancement Wildlife and aquatic habitat enhancement via minimum flow releases in Sly Park and Camp Creeks. Wildlife and aquatic habitat enhancement and aesthetic enhancement via Improvement District minimum flow releases in Clear Creek. Wildlife and aquatic habitat enhancement in Knolls Reservoir.
Other System operations uses; e.g. water treatment plant filter flushing
Domestic 118500
Fire Protection Jenkinson Lake
Irrigation 4100 Acres Mixed Crop Types
Industrial Light manufacturing
Municipal 5860
Recreational Hiking, camping, horseback riding, bicycling, boating, fishing, water contact sports, aesthetic appreciation
5. Amount of Water Diverted and Used
Month Amount directly diverted or
collected to storage
Amount used
January 883 883
February 466 466
March 4124 4124
April 5690 5690
May 1983 1983
June 856 856
July 430 430
August 317 317
September    291 291
October 354 354
November 788 788
December 5342 5342
Total 21524 21524
Comments The amount of water diverted and used shows total operations of the Sly Park facilities, including the exercise of pre-1914 water rights and the exercise of both direct diversion and storage rights under License Nos. 11835 and 11836. Daily data are available if further disaggregation is necessary.
6. Maximum Rate of Diversion for each Month
Month Maximum Rate of Diversion
January 32.5
February 32.5
March 32.5
April 32.5
May 32.5
June 32.5
July 32.5
August 32.5
September    32.5
October 32.5
November 32.5
December 32.5
7. Storage
Reservoir name Spilled this year Feet below spillway at maximum storage Completely emptied Feet below spillway at minimum storage Method used to measure water level
Jenkinson Lake Yes No 20.41 Pressure/level transducer
Conservation of Water
8. Are you now employing water conservation efforts? Yes
Description of water conservation efforts The District is currently implementing water conservation best management practices, including all urban measures reported in our Urban Water Management Plan 2010 Update. Reduction/substitution volumes are District-wide and not attributable solely to this right.
9. Amount of water conserved 2661 Acre-Feet
Water Quality and Wastewater Reclamation
10. During the period covered by this Report, did you use reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility, water from a desalination facility, or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects the water for other beneficial uses? Yes
11. Amount of reclaimed, desalinated, or polluted water used 2853 Acre-Feet
Conjuctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water
12. During the period covered by this Report, were you using groundwater in lieu of available surface water authorized under your license? No
13. Amounts of groundwater used
Additional Remarks
File Name Description Size
A002270 and A005645A - 2012 Attachment.pdf Sly Park Reservoir Operational Summary 58 KB
Attachment - Recycled Water.pdf Recycled Water Attachment 40 KB
Contact Information of the Person Submitting the Form
First Name Brian
Last Name Mueller
Relation to Water Right Agent
Has read the form and agrees the information in the report is true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief Yes