e-WRIMS Public Summary Page
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Application ID:   S013848 View Document  
Permit ID:  None
License ID:  None
Water Right Type:  Statement of Div and Use
Water Rights Status:  Claimed (10/16/1992)    

 Current Parties   Relationship   Effective Date   Last Modified Date 
TURLOCK IRRIGATION DISTRICT Primary Owner 1994-09-15 1994-09-15
MODESTO IRRIGATION DISTRICT Non-Primary Owner 1994-09-15 1994-09-15
Need to report a change of ownership or agent? Click Here

Historical Parties

 Record Summary
Application Acceptance Date 1992-10-16
Permit Issuance Date
License Issuance Date
Face Value Amount 0.0

 Name(s) of Sources of Water   County Location   Parcel Number   Diversion Site Name   Lat/Long Coordinates 
TUOLUMNE RIVER Stanislaus 37.67212112 ; -120.44436507

 Beneficial Uses   Acres   Direct Diversion Season   Collection to Storage Season 
Power 0.0 1/1   to 12/31
Irrigation 0.0 1/1   to 12/31 11/1
Municipal 0.0 1/1   to 12/31
Recreational 0.0 1/1   to 12/31

 Electronic Reports 
 Year   Revision   Report Type   Date Received   View Report PDF 
2023 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2024-02-01
2022 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2023-02-01
2021 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2022-04-01
2020 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2021-07-01
2019 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2020-07-01
2018 2 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2019-07-01
2018 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2019-07-01
2017 4 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2018-12-21
2017 3 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2018-06-29
2017 2 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2018-06-29
2017 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2018-06-29
2016 2 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2017-09-06
2016 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2017-06-30
2015 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2016-07-01
2014 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2016-07-01
2013 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2016-07-01
2012 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2013-06-28
2011 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2013-06-28
2010 1 Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion and Use 2013-06-28
*For reports submitted prior to 2009, please contact our records room.

 Water Rights Associated with Primary Owner 
 Application ID   Water Right Type   Water Right Status 
 A003139  Appropriative Licensed
 S013848  Statement of Div and Use Claimed
 S013849  Statement of Div and Use Claimed
 A033277  Appropriative Pending

 Associated Decisions/Orders 
 Decision/Order Number   Date   Description   View Document 

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