ࡱ> LNIJK` _Ybjbj -O db hhhhl"ib 2 l lFPlPlPlnr$s $h(\3 vnnvv3 PlPlHzzzvX Pl Pl zv zz` Plk shTwX-\q ^0w hUtt^z7uLuyUtUtUt33zXUtUtUtvvvvb b b \hb b b hb b b  EPA Region IX and California Water Resources Control Board NPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Checklist Name and Location of Facility Inspected Rodeo Owner Corporation 9480 Dayton Way, Beverly Hills Entry Time/Date 3pm/ 9/28/05Permit Effective Date 11/5/03NPDES Permit Number CAG994004 Board Order Number R4-2003-0111 Major or Minor ? MinorExit Time/Date 4pm/ 9/28/05Permit Expiration Date 8/7/08Names of On-Site Representative(s), Title(s), Phone, and Fax Number(s) Wendy Bentkoski, General Manager 310-247-7040 fax 310-247-7070Notified of Inspection? (Y N)Yes When? TodayName and Address of Responsible Official, Title, Phone, and Fax Number Official Contacted? (Y N) YesInspectors(s) Primary and Back-up Lala Kabadaian, Jose Morales, Joyce Lee Presented Credentials (Y N) YesWeather Conditions at the Time of the Inspection Sunny, HotReceiving Water Name Ballona CreekWere Violations noted during the inspection? (Y N Pending Sample Results) NoWas this a Quality Assurance-Based Inspection? (Y-N) NoWere bioassay samples taken? (Y-N) No Table of Contents PERMIT....2 RECORDS/REPORTS..2 FACILITYSITE REVIEW....3 EFFLUENT/RECEIVING WATERS...4 FLOW MEASUREMENT....5 SAMPLING (SELF-MONITORING PROGRAM)..6 LABORATORY....6 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE..7 BIOSOLIDS/SOLID WASTE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL...7 COMPLIANCE SCHEDULES.....8 PRETREATMENT9 STORMWATER9 PHOTOLOG10 NARRATIVE...11 PERMIT: OVERALL RATING___S___1. Current copy of facility NPDES permit available on-site.S2. Correct name and mailing address of permittee identified on NPDES permit. S 3. Facility is as described in permit.S4. a. Notification given to RWQCB of process/production modifications, collection system expansions, etc. that impacted quality/quantity of discharge or changes to the facility or increased discharge. b. Permit modification received, if required, prior to changes. N N5. Recent permit modifications, amendments or compliance orders on file.N6. Number of discharge outfalls the same as listed in the permit. S7. Name of receiving waters listed correctly in the permit.S8. Permit status (i.e., current, expired, or extended) CurrentS9. Permit renewal application submitted to the RWQCB within 180 days of expiration date.N10. Other:Notes:  RECORDS/REPORTS OVERALL RATING__S___1. NPDES records maintained for the time period required (3 years):N2. a. Spills and bypasses reported and documented as required by the permit. b. Follow-up written documentation given as required by the permit (within 5 days in most cases).N3. Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) evaluation: The responsible person or designee signs and certifies the DMR. S The facility monitors more frequently than required by the permit. N All data collected are summarized on the DMR. S Data reported on DMR consistent w/ analytical results. S Coliform concentrations calculated as required by the permit (e.g., median, geometric mean). N Numerical values for minimum detection limits are reported on DMR when laboratory reports Not Detected or 0 (for example, MDL= 3, Report: <3 on DMR). U Less than values properly carried through loading calculations. N Flow measurement period used for loading calculations brackets the sampling period. N Influent and effluent loading rates properly calculated, if required. N Number Exceeding (N.E.) properly reported on all DMRs and annual reports. N M 4. Reports completed in time frame and frequency as required by the permit (not all reports required for all facilities): Discharge Monitoring Reports S Biosolids Monitoring Reports N Biosolids Management Reports N CSO/ I&I Reports N Compliance Schedule Reports N Pretreatment Reports N Other N S 5. Sampling and analytical records (for water and biosolids) include: Dates, times, and location of sampling S Names of individuals performing sampling S Analytical methods S Results of analyses S Dates of analyses S Time of analyses, as necessary to verify holding times S Analysts names or initials S Instantaneous flow at grab sample stations, if required NS6. Plant records include: Daily plant operational records or log book N Equipment maintenance records and schedules N CSO/lift station check records or log book N Records of auxiliary power checks N Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan N Pollution Prevention Plan (P3) N Influent and Effluent flow measurement records maintained for the past three years N Other NN7. All records and reports required by the permit appear to be organized and available for inspection. N8. Other:Notes: No maintenance records. If pump goes bad ( replace it.  FACILITY SITE REVIEW: OVERALL RATING__S___1. All treatment units and supporting equipment are in service and mechanically functioning properly.S2. Hydraulic and organic loadings are consistent with the fact sheet and plant design criteria. a. Are there signs of overloading to the facility and collection system, including I&I and septage loading? N3. Peak flows remain within the established plant capacity. a. If flows have exceeded capacity, has the RWQCB been notified?N4. Lift stations are properly monitored, maintained, have a back-up power source and are not subject to chronic spills and/or overflows.N5. Odors are adequately controlled, resulting in limited complaints.N6. Residual chlorine monitoring is well documented and sampling/monitoring is representative of the discharge. a. If a UV system is used, the dosage intensity, tubes, and alarms are adequate, maintained and documented.N7. Housekeeping procedures are adequate to prevent release of pollutants to environment: Adequate dikes and secondary containment N Spill containment and clean-up N Signs of spillage to soil, groundwater, or surface water N Storm water and leachate management from storage piles N Leaking pipes, pumps, etc. see notes Drum and chemical storage areas N Minimization of pollutants entering storm water outfalls see notes Other open dumps or debris piles N Other NN 8. Signs of tank deterioration and/or settlement.N9. Safety concerns may interfere with proper operation, maintenance, and/or monitoring.N10. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for stored chemicals. N11. Equipment available for spill cleanup and containment.N12. Other:Notes: The discharger is currently investigating the possibility of leaking pipes from the drains below palm trees along sidewalk. Also, suggested that discharger sample other potential sources of pollutants entering sump through small pipe, which may also be connected to drains along walkways. EFFLUENT/RECEIVING WATERS: OVERALL RATING__M___1. Outfall number(s): Violations of discharge limits no discharge at time of inspection, however, discharger has effluent violations Spills/bypasses N Fish kills or other receiving water impacts N WET results are in accordance with the permit N If effluent limit violations have been identified, what actions has the facility taken to eliminate or reduce their reoccurrence? Working with consultant to identify source(s) of problemU2. DMR spot check conducted for the months of 4 Q 2004 Internal lab sheets and contract lab results properly transferred to DMRs S Monthly average, weekly, maximum, etc. values calculated per the permit and are correct N Influent and effluent loadings reported N DMR is accurate and complete for each outfall NS3. Appearance of effluent during inspection: The effluent(s) was viewed during the inspection. yes Excessive foam, scum, or sheens present: no Cloudy and/or color: no Excessive solids: no Other:  S4. Appearance of receiving water(s) during inspection: The receiving water(s) was viewed during the inspection N Distinctly visible foam or sheens on receiving water: N Biosolids accumulation or deposits of solids below discharge point(s): N Distinctly visible plume from discharge(s) to receiving water: N Discharge creates objectionable odor at or near receiving water: N Other:N Notes: Discharger has many violations of effluent limits.  FLOW MEASUREMENT: OVERALL RATING__S___Flow Measurement devices and methods: Influent Measurement Primary Device (e.g., Parshall flume, weir, etc.): N Secondary Device (e.g., transducer, float, strip gauge, etc.): N Effluent Measurement Primary Device: flow meter Secondary Device: Other method of estimating flow:_____________________________ S2. Flow measurement devices designed to meet permit requirements (continuous measured, continuous record, etc.).S3. Flow measurement location is representative of the actual discharge (considering return and bypass lines, etc.). S4. Flumes Approach channel straight for at least 10 times the maximum head height in flume. N Flow enters flume evenly distributed across the channel and free of turbulence, boils, or other disturbances. N The flume is clean and free of debris or deposits. N All flume dimensions appear accurate, level, and plumb. N Flume head being measured properly. N Flume is appropriately sized to measure the existing range of flows. N No obstructions downstream causing inaccurate flow measurement due to excessive submergence in flume. N Proper flow tables being used. NN5. Weirs Approach channel straight for at least 10 times the maximum head height. N Flow in the approach channel is evenly distributed and free of turbulence, boils, or other disturbances. N No solids accumulation in the bottom of the approach channel. N Weir crest is located at least two times the maximum head height off the floor of the flow channel. N The weir plate is level, plumb and without distortions. N Weir is beveled on downstream side if plate is >1/8 inch thick. N No leakage around the weir plate. N Measuring point located at least 3 times the maximum head height behind (upstream of) the weir. N There is free-fall and access for air below the nappe of the weir (i.e., water doesnt cling to the weir plate). N Weir sized properly to measure the existing range of flows. N Proper flow tables being used for weir type and size. N N6. Secondary flow device properly installed and maintained, and operating without interference from foam, turbulence, webs, etc. N7. Date of last flow meter calibration:______________________Flow meter replaced May/June 2004 Performed by: ______________________________________N8. Calibration checks by plant personnel routinely performed.N9. Calibration records (external and internal checks) maintained. N10. Other:Notes: No calibration required digital flow measurement device.  SAMPLING (SELF-MONITORING PROGRAM): OVERALL RATING__S___1. Sampling locations, type, methods, and frequencies conform to the NPDES permit for all required samples (including influent, effluent, biosolids, receiving stream, etc.).S2. Sampling locations and methods provide representative samples. Grab samples are collected during peak flow conditions rather than low-stress conditions. Composite sampling procedures comply with the permit (time vs. flow weighted). N3. Automatic samplers and other sampling equipment are properly cleaned.N4. Samples are preserved using methods listed in 40 CFR, Part 136 (e.g., chilled, acidified, etc.).N5. Sample containers are as listed in 40 CFR, Part 136.N6. Chain-of-custody is maintained and documented.N7. Samples are collected using approved protocols: Coliform sample taken directly into sterilized container. N BOD samples are taken prior to disinfection or reseeded. N Oil and grease collected directly into a glass container. N Other:N8. Other:Notes:  LABORATORY: OVERALL RATING__S___1. On-site lab is certified? a. List parameters analyzed on-site that are used for DMR reporting: b. List additional parameters analyzed for internal monitoring and process control: N2. EPA-approved analytical procedures are used in the on-site laboratoryN3. Adequate equipment and procedures used for on-site analyses: BOD and CBOD N TSS N pH N Dissolved Oxygen N Residual Chlorine N Temperature N Other NN4. On-site laboratory records include: Calibration and maintenance of equipment Equipment operating instructions and manualsN5. Adequate spare parts and supplies for on-site analyses.N6. Results of latest external DMR QA study are available and are acceptable. Date of last review: ________________________N7. Satisfactory refrigeration in use.NNotes: 8. Certified contract laboratory being used: Laboratory name: Positive Lab Service Visited (circle yes or no) Address: 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles Phone: 213-745-5312 Parameters: 9. EPA-approved analytical procedures are identified on contract lab report.N10. Holding times being met by on-site and/or contract laboratory.N11. Other:Notes:  OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE: OVERALL RATING___N__1. Preliminary treatment units (bar screens, comminuters, grit channels, etc.) properly maintained with wastes properly disposed.N2. Adequate oxygen maintained in aerated treatment systems.N3. No operational problems caused by hydraulic short-circuiting in treatment units.N4. Biosolids wasting/return rates adequate to maintain system equilibrium. 5. O&M Manuals and supporting information organized and maintained for use: Plant O&M Manual Equipment manuals Plant engineering drawings Collection system drawings available or in development Maintenance records/costsN6. Routine and preventive maintenance items are scheduled and performed on time.N7. The amount of maintenance activities and parts in back-log is acceptable.N8. Operational problems contributing to plant upset, excessive odors, effluent violations, etc.N9. Level of operator certification as required by the permit and staffing level as specified in O&M Manual.N10. Auxiliary power available as required by the permit and operates the necessary treatment units.N11. Alarm systems for power and equipment failure.N12. Treatment control procedures are established for emergencies.N13. Hydraulic surges are handled without excessive solids wash-out or bypasses.N 14. Spare pumps and parts readily available.N15. Facility appears to be well operated and maintained.S16. Other:Notes:  BIOSOLIDS/SOLID WASTE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL: OVERALL RATING__N__1. Biosolids/solid waste disposal/reuse method (e.g., land application, landfill, etc.): N2. Biosolids/solid waste disposal/reuse location(s) (provide name or other identifier for disposal location): N3. The above processes are in accordance with the permit. N4. Storage at facility: Adequately sized for periods of inclement weather Controls leachate, runoff, and public access N5. Recent analytical results for metals (biosolids) are within permit limits. N6. Biosolids land application records include: Farm maps and land owner agreements Soil nutrient analyses done within the last year for active sites Records showing loading rate to each site Pathogen/Vector reduction records (pH or temp. logs, etc.)N7. Other:N COMPLIANCE SCHEDULES: OVERALL RATING__N___1. Facility is subject to a compliance schedule in either its permit or in an order.N2. Items in the compliance schedule, which are currently due, have been completed (includes both the permit and orders).N3. The permittee has a plan to comply with items in the compliance schedule coming due in the future (includes both the permit and orders).N4. Written notification to RWQCB of compliance with scheduled items as required by the permit. N5. Other:Notes:  PRETREATMENT: OVERALL RATING__N___1. The facility has/participates in an approved pretreatment program. POTW has approved pretreatment program? Name of POTW running industrial facilitys pretreatment program: POTW NAME_____________  N N2. The latest annual report is available for review.N3. Procedures are sufficient to ensure that all required industrial users are subject to POTW pretreatment permits. N4. Effluent toxicity has not been identified as a result of WET testing.N5. Environmental and/or operational problems caused by: Restaurant cooking grease discharged into system Commercial discharges (e.g., mobile detailers, carpet cleaners) Food processing waste Industrial toxics Other industrial discharges:__________________________NNotes:  STORM WATER: OVERALL RATING__N__1. a. Facility storm water discharges are covered under the facilitys individual NPDES permit or the California General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (NOI is available). b. If no, should the facility have submitted an NOI for coverage under the California General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (NPDES CAS000001).N N 2. The facility had a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) available for on-site review.N3. Pollutant sources (materials and practices) are adequately controlled (inside, undercover). N4. Appropriate BMPs deployed. N5. BMPs are being maintained (e.g., waddles and hay bales are intact). N6. Designated outfalls and sampling locations are identified.N7. Other:Notes:  CEI Photo Log Facility Name: Date of Inspection: Inspector: Photo #Description12345 Notes: Potential sources of NPDES exceedances: Palm trees on sidewalk adjacent to building may be draining into sump through leaky pipes Fountain draining may contribute to MBAS, residual chlorine exceedances Draining of fire risers during fire sprinkler testing may contribute to BOD exceedances I recommended to Wendy Bentkoski that each of these sources be investigated individually to check for levels of MBAS, residual chlorine and BOD and for potential contribution to the discharge. I also recommended to Wendy Bentkoski that the groundwater discharge pipe (big pipe) and from all other sources (small pipe) draining into sump be sampled individually. This will help identify if other sources are contributing to exceedances. Recommendation: The fountain draining (and other activities listed above), not part of the groundwater discharge, is not covered under the NPDES permit. The NDPES permit includes groundwater discharges only. Discharges from the small pipe are not mentioned in the permit nor are they mentioned in the fact sheet. Any discharges from these or other sources not specified in the permit are violations of the permit and should be terminated. I have discussed this with permitting staff (e-mail dated 10/31/05).     Regional Board CI File No: 7002 Form Last Updated 3/02/04 Reviewed by: (1)_____ (2)_____ (3)_____ PAGE   PAGE 1 Form Last Updated 3/02/04 S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable  PAGE 9 Form Last Updated 3/02/04  PAGE 11 CEI Photo Log: Donald C. Tillman Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1/21/04-1/22/04 s    ' 9 B U e q   ; < j k {hbHh, &5CJaJ hK>*hbHh, &5>*hwhwCJaJhKCJaJhwCJaJh, &h, &CJaJ h, &CJhwhK5CJaJhw5CJaJh, &h, &5CJaJh, &hK5CJaJ hK5CJ hKCJhK0;rs   $If dh$If  !dh$a$ W^Y  C r {rrrrrrr dh$Ifkd$$IfTlF #!y0    4 laT  < k {rlcrrr $Ifgdw $If dh$Ifkd$$IfTlF #!y0    4 laT  vh  !dh$If dh$Ifgd, & dh$IfskdX$$IfTl40#!04 laf4T     ) P Q h p s t u    ) + , [ a b d qg[hbHhbH5CJaJhbHhK5CJh".hK5>*CJaJh".h".5>*CJaJhbHhK5hbHh, &5CJaJhbHhKCJaJhbHhwCJaJhbHhKCJ hK>*CJhbHhK5>*h, &hKCJaJh, &h, &CJaJ hK>*hbHh, &5>* hKCJhK  ) Q R h t | $If dh$Ifskd$$IfTl40#!04 laf4Tt u | $If dh$Ifskd$$IfTl40#!04 laf4T  ) , a e dh$Ifukd,$$IfTl40!04 laf4Td e f  &'(efMN345#~xx hJ CJhwhwCJaJhwCJaJhKCJaJ hKCJ hwCJ hK5 hK5CJ hm7CJ hKCJ hK6CJ hKCJ hK56 hK>*CJhbHh, &5CJaJh, & hKCJhKhbHhK5>*CJaJ/e f g dh$Ifukd$$IfTl40!`04 laf4T C } $] }}}}}}}}}}}$a$dhukdw$$IfTl40! 04 laf4T ;l'(m8kd$$Ifx4~))*4 xaf4 $p&@#$/If4kd$$IfxA* +4 xa$:$p&@#$/If$a$ 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