ࡱ> ;=:'` bjbj{P{P 82::%DDDDt t t 8 , $"***   $Gh6 6DD**K^DR**:,"0* ct ?j a0RSS0S0 LU6,*   66O^   p p DDDDDD  California Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast Region Interoffice Memorandum TO: John Short, File (Crescent City WWTF) FROM: Charles Reed DATE: 02/01/2010 SUBJECT: INSPECTION REPORT - CRESCENT CITY WWTF [January 12, 2010] CIWQS Inspection ID # 2057787 On January 12, 2010, I conducted a routine compliance inspection of the Crescent City Wastewater Treatment Facility. The inspection commenced at approximately 8:30 AM and concluded at about 10:45 AM. Weather during the inspection was rainy. In attendance during the inspection was Jim Dohrer, Chief Operator (Grade V). I also met with Sandy Li, laboratory director, during my review of the laboratory records. I took photographs during the inspection (Attached). No effluent or receiving water sampling was included in this inspection. Flow meter reading at 2.52 mgd at 8:50 AM RECENT SITE HISTORY I last inspected the facility on March 24, 2009. (CIWQS Inspection ID # 1647952) Since this last inspection, violations of effluent limitations for BOD have been recorded in 2009 for the months of February, May, June, September, and October. The discharge has been in noncompliance with the 6-month median effluent limitation for ammonia for effluent samples collected during the months of August, September, October, and November. The new MBR system, which is expected to go online in August 2010, should improve the overall performance of the biological treatment system and resolve the BOD and ammonia violations. The discharge was also out of compliance with the 6-month median limitation for copper for monthly samples collected September, October, and November. Mr. Dohrer and Ms. Li were aware of the violations and are investigating the issue. The Discharger is required to submit an application of a renewed if its NPDES permit in August 2010. The Discharger has indicated that it intends to beneficially reclaim treated wastewater in the Citys waterfront park. FIELD NOTES Headworks At the headworks, I observed the new grinder pump/screw pumps. Mr. Dohrer reported that the new units are performing exceptionally well and are 100% better than the previous setup. New influent lift pumps were installed 2 months ago. At the time of the inspection, two pumps were in service and pumping about 2 mgd. Anaerobic Digestion The secondary anaerobic digester is being currently used as primary during rehabilitation of the primary digester. Mr. Dohrer explained that the treatment plants anaerobic digestion process functions less well in this configuration. Digester gas is currently being burned off. Mr. Dohrer said that he expects the sludge quality to improve when both digesters online in the preferred configuration. Primary Treatment Mr. Dohrer explained that there was new equipment in primary treatment. New equipment includes new sludge pumps, new tilting trough for scum removal, new diffusers, and a new grit pump. Primary sludge is directed to the gravity thickener before transfer to the anaerobic digester. I detected mild odors in primary area. Secondary Treatment Membrane bioreactor (MBR) project is coming along. The MBR basins appear almost complete. Sludge from the MBR, along with other secondary sludge will be sent to the centrifuge in the future. Currently, secondary and primary sludges are sent to the gravity thickener. I did not inspect the rotating biological contactors (RBCs). Mr. Dohrer reports that there is currently more biomass on filters since the colder weather has arrived and the snail infestation is less pronounced. This and lower BOD loading of the RBCs has led to improved BOD and ammonia removal in the last two months. Mr. Dohrer said that new diffusers have been installed in the RBCs to combat filamentous bacteria (while thrive under low DO conditions). He reported that operations staff has noticed less odors from the RBCs since the diffusers were installed. Chlorination System I observed the effluent Cl2 analyzer (Siemens, W&T Micro 2600). Mr. Dohrer said the set point residual is 5 mg/L total chlorine. Sodium bisulfite is used for dechlorination. The set point for dechlorination is 2 mg/L sodium bisulfite residual. Records The generator log book indicated that the 1.2M KV Cummins generator is exercised weekly for one hour. This frequency was confirmed by Mr. Dohrer. Mr. Dohrer said that the City is working on contracting with the generator manufacturer for it to conduct quarterly inspections and annual servicing. I reviewed raw laboratory data sheets (May 2009 and September 2009) and check random effluent TSS, BOD and fecal coliform results to confirm accuracy of SMR reporting. All laboratory results reviewed were consistent with reported data. I did not review the operators log book. COMPLIANCE CONCERNS The performance of secondary treatment continues to suffer from underperformance of the RBCs. The plant upgrade should correct the performance problems. In the meantime, the Discharger will continue to have violation of the BOD and ammonia limits. Monitoring reports indicate an upward trend for effluent copper. This trend should be monitored. From my discussions during the inspection, I sense that there remains a lack of commitment to the Citys pretreatment program. Staff says that a pretreatment coordinator will be hired, but Ive yet to see this person or the results of his or her efforts. A number of tasks from the pretreatment Notice of Violation are due on February 1. A pretreatment inspection should be scheduled for later this year.     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